i have 14 piercings & luv them!!! i could care less whether it`s accepted or not, i think it`s beautiful!!!
2007-04-13 08:12:16
answer #1
answered by *atomickitty* 7
A tattoo or piercing save is a secure wager. seek for a job in the city/metro as human beings tend to be fairly much less judgmental reason they have seen a lot of piercings previously. stay far off from the country factors.
2016-12-29 07:39:15
answer #2
answered by hulbert 4
With a percing i think i depends on whear yoiu get it and who your hanging out with . Some peopel take affence to wear you get the percieng because they see it as unruly adn desucting. My Percing Like the nose depend on the tone of your skin and the culture , the bellybutton depends Because my 16 year old sister got hers pered a couple of weeks before we whent on spring brke this weeks dn ti look cool but with that you have to have a fit body because it only looks good if your tone and skinny
SO I guess in some situation its more exceptable then others
2007-04-13 08:16:02
answer #3
answered by basketballbaby2223232 1
I had my lip peirced until I got a job where I had to take it out. I love how certian peircings look. Some do it becuase they like the way it feels getting it done and others do it for higher purposes. I think it is more exeptable in highschool and college but not for a serious career unless that serious career consists of peircing.
2007-04-13 08:14:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
there is always people who will hate on people with piercings or tattoos. i personally don't have piercings.... i don't find anything wrong with them either. and yes you are right i also thinks it adds personality. and in my opinion some people do it to look "cool" others just like the look. i 've always wanted one since i was really young but i never got around to do it! they are ok but let's admit that some people over do it sometimes too. they have way too many! but if its a couple i love that look on a guy also guys with lots of tattoos that melts me!!
2007-04-13 08:15:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes I think they are more accepted but other than my ears I would not have any on my face or tongue because of jobs. It looks trashy and low class. I have my bellybutton pierced but at work now one can see it.
2007-04-13 08:13:05
answer #6
answered by gizmo0013 4
I am the manager of a department for a Fortune 100 company. If any applicant showed up with anything stuck in their tongue or on their face, their chance of getting a position in my department immediately goes to "0".
2007-04-13 08:19:38
answer #7
answered by Martini61 2
No I don't think it's anymore accepted! What does piercing have to do with self control? You don't even know how to spell personality. To me it means you have to follow the crowd to be accepted and you have low self esteem!
2007-04-13 08:14:18
answer #8
answered by wish I were 6
some ppl are but some ppl hat them even more i no i hate them i only like peircings on the ear lol
2007-04-13 09:14:36
answer #9
answered by Ahmad B 4
I think that piercings are cool but it depends where you get them :)
2007-04-13 08:12:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous