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With the exeption of WWI and WWII, where the US came in after everybody was bleed to death, the US really hasn't won a thing. From Cuba to Vietnam, from Somalia to the Philipines, little Dictators like Hugo Chavez, 90 year old Fidle Castro's and Sickly old Terrorist like Osama wonder what the Penatogon does with 600 Billion Dollar each year.

2007-04-13 08:01:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

im sure the pentagon wonders what they do with all that money too, maybe they sit on those million dollar toilet seats and ponder exactly that.

2007-04-13 08:06:23 · answer #1 · answered by rand a 5 · 1 0

OK. Now I'm sure. You Americans are really with washed minds.

First or all - the most important. The citizen war. You know about it , I hope. You've become the biggest racist country in the world only because of the bad weather when the Confederation of the South states has been few kilometers from Washington. You're just a really ,REALLY lucky nation. And THAT'S THE TRUTH.

So ,the Second World War. You've joined the war in the same end. As you know (or you don't ,I'm not sure) , the landing in Normandia has had a success only because German forces have been sent to protect the East front from the Russians (who also have been really lucky not to lose the war...they've been on the edge :) ). Russia has had 20 MILLION victims (with the civil people). Only because of Russia allays have won against Germany. And only because of Adolf Hitler's stupidity Germany is not the greatest power (don't understand me wrong. I'm talking only the truth. Not feelings. I'm a Slav. I just not possible for me to love Germany). "The one who doesn't know the History is doomed to repeat it". As you know ,again Russia is the country that has stopped Napoleon Bonapart from conquering whole Europe. He's also been a fool. From what the History says ,the ones who mess with Russia always fail.

Now ,let's see. America "won" the second World War only because EUROPEAN scientist - betrayers in my opinion ,have invented the atomic bomb a few years earlier that the rest of the countries.
And if you think that America has to be proud with what has done in Hiroshima and Nagasaki !?!?... Well... killing civil people is not something that you should be proud with. About 100 000 people only from the first bomb...

Now ,the Vietnam war. For the guy who said that South Korea still present on the map. Well , I have a news for you ,my dear. North Korea is also on the map. AND ,it's one of the ..hmm... I think 10 countries ,that officially is known that HAS ATOMIC BOMB. So ,your help has been nothing more that losing soldiers. AND , South Korea has lost 1 million people ,North Korea (if I'm not in a mistake) - 1,2 million. American victims were 40 thousand. Well...for the ones who will say... 40 thousand have beaten 1,2 million. How could you be sure that you're the ones who have killed these 1,2 million ,not the 1 million South Koreans.

Now ,Somalia. I think that you all know for operation "Black Hawk Down" (sorry ,don't remember the official name ... ohhh... yes .. there's other name of the operation ;) ). Only your stupidity has caused this.

What else ... The Cold War. You think that you've won it. Haha. And who told you ? Did you know that five years after you've created the Atomic Bomb ,Russians have invented the Thermo-Atomic Bomb (or the other name - Hydrogenium bomb). The 50 megatones one (the first decision has been to drop 100 megatones one )have been 2 500 times more powerful than the one ,dropped over Hiroshima. Niceee ,eh. The shock wave has rounded around the Earth 3 times ,and the "mushroom" created by the bomb has been 65 kilometers high. The temperature has been 1 000 times bigger that the temperature in the middle of the Sun. Oh ,and it kills everything in radius of 250km on the second ;)
I think this is better that your bomb :-D...

What else... Someone said the First World War.... Ehh... America and the WW1. Where !?!?!.

Did you know that you've bought Louisiana from France. And Alaska from Russia. Imagine that Russian hadn't sold you Alaska !?. It wouldn't be very nice.

And in fact , most of your operations are just a luck.
What I see in Iraq proves this. You just can't fight even with such a small and defend-less country.

Well... If I have to be honest ,Russia has had the same problem with Afganistan. These countries are really old. Their people are proud. These countries have never been conquered since Alexander the Macedonian.

There we are ,again ... "The one who doesn't know the History is doomed to repeat it" .

Nomina stultorum scribuntur ubique locorum. In your case it's to mess in everything :)

PS: I'm don't like neither America or Russia. I just told what I know. If someone thinks that I'm not correct or impartial ,then vote :).

2007-04-13 17:01:02 · answer #2 · answered by George 2 · 1 1

I don't know how you get 186 conflicts, but I'm guessing a lot of that was durring the Cold War, when conflicts were largely proxy battles, and participation by the principles was very, very limitted. However many conflicts the US may have lost durring the Cold War, it ultimately 'won' the War - in the sense that the Soviets collapsed first.

The Pentagon pays a lot of Americans with 600 billion dollars. Americans are damned expensive. There's a good deal of graft and corruption, too - earmarks and add-ons to benefit specific constituencies and special interests in order to get funding bill passed.

2007-04-13 15:08:40 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 0

The US doesn't enter wars to win.
They are there to simply use up their old weapons, charge the country of conflict for using them
then buy new ones for the next war!
Research and Development of course increases.
Jobs are created. New infrastructure for the destroyed country.
War is like an accounting adjustment.
USA has a defecit every year. But when it comes to war, money finally flows back into America.
I suppose this is why most other allies to America do not join forces in Iraq. Because AMerica failed to compromise the rebuilding of Iraq to other countries
ie/ canada; Canada the first time in Kuwait were guaranteed most of the rebuilding. This time...canada was offered the chance to BID for the rebuilding of iraq. THe liberal party said. "no way"
They want nothing to do with this "imperialist" attitude and never sent troups there.
so to answer your question.
Why USA never wins wars?
They never need to. they just need to be involved.

2007-04-13 15:10:19 · answer #4 · answered by movngfwd 6 · 0 0

Lets see...We defeated the British to gain our independence, then 36 years later held them off again. Thats 2 right there. Don't forget the Spanish-American war near the turn of the century. Also WWII, Germany was winning the war in 1942, and we were really only ones fighting Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were pretty strong statements. Desert Strom was a success, we did liberate Kuwait. There was the entire cold war. These are only wars I mentioned here.

2007-04-13 15:15:13 · answer #5 · answered by Angelus2007 4 · 1 1

You are talking out of your rear. I will appologize only if you show me irrefutable proof that we've lost 185 conflicts.

Had we lost the American Revolution, followed by the War of 1812, we would be a part of the UK, silly.

Had we lost the Mexican-American War, we would not have the South Western States.

Had we lost the Spanish-American War, Cuba, the Phillipines, Puerto Rico, and Guam would all be Spanish possessions, still.

Shall I continue? I really don't want to make you look like an utter ignoramus. I'd like to think you just made a brash comment out of frustration over something.

2007-04-13 15:08:32 · answer #6 · answered by sjsosullivan 5 · 0 1

Perhaps you missed the Spanish American War, the Gulf War, Korea, the Berlin airlift, the Cuban Missle Crisis, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and participation in peace-keeping forces all around the world.
By the way, how do you get 186 conflicts? Some kind of new math?

2007-04-13 15:08:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

So you disregard the two largest global conflicts the earth has ever seen simply because they don't fit your opinion. Then you forget about the 1st gulf war vs Iraq where we won easily and quickly. Vietnam and Korea were misguided and I would call them defeats. The rest of the crap you are talking about are not wars. They are limited military actions involving small numbers of troops sent on peace keeping missions. Failing to keep peace between two warring factions is not military defeat. If two people want to kill eachother you won't be able to stop them.

2007-04-13 15:10:43 · answer #8 · answered by Louis G 6 · 0 0

I think a lot of it is that we keep getting into wars for the wrong reasons and there isn't the same kind of psychological backing from the general public like there was in WW2 when we had clear objectives. Iraq is a morass where no one really knows why we are there or exactly what we are supposed to achieve.

2007-04-13 15:08:05 · answer #9 · answered by Nick F 6 · 0 0

Way off on WWII.

But how about the gulf war.

The korean war (you do realize right that it was north korea that invaded south korea, and guess what? South Korea is still there)


The Cold War.

I could go on, but it's been established that you're ignorant in this subject.

2007-04-13 15:06:56 · answer #10 · answered by Labtec600 3 · 2 0

Gee I guess the Cold War was all a bad dream.

By the way, the INS called. Your visa application has been denied.

2007-04-13 15:07:11 · answer #11 · answered by MoltarRocks 7 · 1 0

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