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I met this man he seems like a nice gentlemen but he seem's to good to be true.Is capricorn and a virgo compatiable

2007-04-13 07:37:52 · 23 answers · asked by diamondX 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

23 answers

Those governed by Virgo prefer partners who are neat, clean, punctual, trustworthy, hard-working and as near perfect as possible. This may be something of a tall order, but Virgo would not normally ask for one iota more that he or she is willing to try to give or do for a mate. These are souls who find it virtually impossible to either understand or tolerate anything...or anybody...who fails to live up to personal potential, or at least strives very hard to do so. Virgo natives are willing to lend assistance, but a partner must be open to following suggestions and teachings...even if such advice may sound more like criticism rather than loving and constructive guidance. Those ruled by this Sign are quite pleased to hear favorable comments directed toward them, but must be certain that such compliments are not falsely given, otherwise the relationship is sure to suffer, creating more harm than good. Despite the tendency of Virgo to deliver criticism, its natives are generally unable to accept the same. This may seem unfair, but it should be remembered that those born under this Sign believe themselves to be seriously lacking in the area of perfection. Indeed, they are inclined to be so totally aware of their faults that they can stand very little criticism from others and still maintain any satisfactory degree of self-respect. A potential mate should allow the Virgo individual to be of service in order to avoid feelings of disappointment on Virgo's part. Subjects of this Sign like to work and serve others in a constructive and meaningful way. Any person who would aspire to a long lasting union with a Virgo native should take great care not to allow him or her to feel unneeded or unnecessary, for this will certainly result in disaster and an end to the relationship.

When it comes to long term commitments, life with a Virgo individual must be orderly for the relationship to flourish. Some Virgo natives may live in a messy house with overflowing laundry and unorganized shelves but deep within, there will always be a sense of strict control that is directed into some facet of life. These individuals are caretakers and need to feel comfortable enough to slip into that role. They are prone to nag and criticize, but usually have their mate's best interests at heart. Virgo is not adverse to taking on more than his or her share of work and once committed, will stay committed. Natives of this Sign are time-oriented and crave schedules. They are unable to tolerate a partner who is constantly late or one that has a scattered life energy.

The Virgo male is is orderly and methodical in his thinking, but not always in his dress. Typically a generous and loyal soul, he may not be overly sympathetic in romantic affairs although he constantly harbors a desire to assist those in need. This man usually proves to be a true mate..once he makes up his mind..and will be very affectionate and devoted to his family. At times, Virgo males may be extremely demanding, requiring that any partners prove themselves over and over again. They will also expect sacrifices to be made if necessary. Anyone seeking a "sugar daddy" or a man who will take infinite care of his mate had best seek elsewhere. This individual can be depended upon, but he is nobody's fool. The key word here is integrity and above all else, the Virgo male needs to feel that he is worthy. This is a man with a quick mind and one who is practical and honest. However, he is basically shy in terms of sharing his feelings. Any partner must help the Virgo male to build his confidence and it would be foolish to expect him to be outgoing. This is a far from happy-go-lucky soul. In order to fully understand him, it is necessary to learn how to "read between the lines." Males governed by Virgo need mates who have faith in them and can appreciate depth of feeling. Patience will also be a factor when it comes to achieving goals. To be truly happy with a Virgo man, any prospective partner must appeal to his intellect rather than his emotions. He is inherently critical and discriminating, and does not admire anyone who is weak or whimpering. Males governed by Virgo prefer strong individuals who can hold their own in any given situation. By nature, men of this Sign are very practical and will not waste a great deal of time on those who cannot command their respect. If this male ever appears harsh and arbitrary, then it is probably because he expects much more from a partner than that person has been able to provide. In marriage, he will be self-sufficient, dutiful and faithful. Though dependable souls and good providers, Virgo males are not necessarily exciting or adventurous when it comes to romance. Thus, many partners of these men often seek clandestine affairs. It will be important for any mate to realize that no amount of love, attention and/or devotion will ever transform this man into a Don Juan. When it comes to the ability to change, he will inevitably be somewhat stuck in his ways. His staid attitude is frequently well-hidden in the early stages of a love affair. Indeed, he may initially come across as flirtatious, seductive and a veritable tease. This can lead to problems and much confusion further down the road when the true Virgo nature emerges in full force since once a comittment has been made, he will undoubtedly seem to have lost his love for the chase, preferring to "cozy up" with a good book instead of his partner.

Natives of Virgo are probably most in tune with those governed by Capricorn, making for a successful union courtesy of the fact that it would be a rather tranquil relationship...something needed by subjects of both these Signs. Capricorn possesses the hardworking capabilities that a Virgo partner admires, as well as the same views on life and long term commitments in particular. The Virgo male will be irresistibly drawn to a native of Capricorn...as much for personality as for appearance. Here, there is mutual admiration for each other's style and overall outlook. Virgo's approach to life is the same as that of Capricorn and there are many similarities in terms of social activities and how spare time is spent. Those governed by Capricorn possess an inner intensity that inspires the Virgo male to become more passionate. Indeed, subjects of Capricorn tend to unearth a deep-feeling and romantic side of the Virgo man that most individuals never get to see. The chemistry is excellent and a native of Capricorn will most certainly feel secure and cared for in a relationship with the Virgo male, who will simply adore his Capricorn mate and perceive a potential in his partner that sometimes even the Capricorn native fails to recognize. The Virgo man will encourage his Capricorn sweetheart to aim higher and both individuals recognize the importance of hard work. This male will never resent the Capricorn partner for wanting to spend a quiet evening on self-improvement studies rather than a night on the town.

2007-04-13 07:43:20 · answer #1 · answered by Silver_Stars 6 · 3 0

I not only dated, but have been very happily married to one for the past five years (and together for a total of seven). Granted I'm a Virgo myself, but I can say from experience, and from having dated A LOT before finally finding my hubby, there are many wonderful traits and characteristics of a Virgo male that you simply won't find anywhere else.

You need to take a lot of the advice given here with a grain of salt. There are many things that affect the character of a person that are beyond their "sign". Yes, knowing their sign can tell you a lot about them. But reading the answers given by posters here, there are alot of very biased people who have had a bad experience with one or two Virgos and who believe they are all that way. My hubby is kind, generous, supports me, respects women (VERY hard to find a man that truly does this!), loves and respects his mother (a/k/a a good man!), loves his children, is totally devoted to me and our marriage, not selfish, not critical of me, doesn't expect me to look "proper" all the time (in fact, he jokes with me that I spend TOO much time getting myself together everyday), has integrity, etc. He is also more spontaneous than I am at doing things romantic or fun, outgoing, friendly and has a great sense of humor, and works in an entire office of females and yet gives me no reason to worry in the least. And as far as pleasing you physically, a Virgo man will work harder to do this than any other man you've ever met, because he really cares about you and wants the experience to be enjoyable for you both.

If he sounds to good to be true, well, maybe there really are some prince charmings out there looking for their princesses. I guess what I'm saying is that, if I were you, and speaking from my own personal experience, if this guy seems really great just give him a chance. Not every guy on this earth is a jerk; there are some really fantastic ones out there too that have probably had just as many bad relationships and experiences and are looking for just the right woman. If you listen to your intuition and your heart, you'll know if this guy is for real. Best of luck to you, girl!

2007-04-13 09:02:56 · answer #2 · answered by TNTMA 4 · 1 0

omg iam capricorn and by hubby is virgo,, we first got together when he was 12 i was 14 ,, his mum didnt like me so we run away 2gether lol lasted 2 wks till the police found us ,, he was takin home i was put into a childrens home ,, i was preagant and he didnt no, 5 years later i txted him, we meet up, showed him his daughter, which he had an idea was his, 2 years on we got married, hav 2 more kids ,, hes the love of my life, does everything 4 me and is a perf father so i say def,, o and his mum likes me na lol hope this helps xxxx

2007-04-14 07:45:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i dated a Virgo man and i am a Leo, he was lovely a real charmer very good in bed but very jealous and possessive and very paranoid I'm a very loud and complicated person where as he was more quiet and calm, he could never stay faithful so we split but we have remained good friends and as a mate he is wonderful. but i don't think star sign has much to do with it as my new man is a Virgo too and would never cheat he is still quiet and calm but not possessive or jealous and treats me like a princess

2007-04-14 08:08:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Actually I've dated several. The ones I've dated, however, were charmers. Luckily enough I was and still am aware of that. The first one showered me with gifts and dinners and whatnot. The second one was honest enough to tell me where i stood after a day or two - and I was okay with it :p

Most virgos will shower you with gifts or attention tho, and they're definitely no bad catch.

2007-04-13 09:40:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The simple answer is, every man wants sex. Astrological signs have little to do with it and if your looking for long term, you might want to consider speaking up about it. If your worried that he just wants to use you to meet his immediate needs then address it. Of course, be tactful in the way you bring up the subject of a relationship, or anything of the like for that matter. You don't want to give him the wrong idea, and no one likes a clingy partner.

2016-05-19 17:21:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dated two and it seemed like a match made in heaven - at first. Both of my Virgos fell prey to the Virgoan trait of sexual repression. Enjoyed sex but had issues.

2007-04-13 12:49:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Capricorn and Virgo are a match made in heaven.

2007-04-13 07:45:51 · answer #8 · answered by Tonya W 6 · 3 0

my brother is a virgo and he is extremely picky in everything, including grls. he will notice everything about a girl & gets turned off very quickly when he sees something that he does not like. Virgos like to over analyze EVERYTHING. they like women who are well-groomed and appear "proper". they dont like that whole slutty appearance thing. they give a lot of attention to detail and they strive for perfection. they are very critical, not only to others but themselves as well. they do have a tendency to become over-protective, especially of their mates. they offer security, extreme faithfulness, and reliability. oh and the grl above me is right..They do like to correct u all the time. But u have to be something very special for a virgo to actually consider dating u since they are oh -so picky! Well yah thats about it good luck!

2007-04-13 08:09:14 · answer #9 · answered by Milena 1 · 1 1

I married one, then divorced him. He had a BIG ego, never wanted to be wrong, always wanted his own way. He did buy me gifts and flowers, when he felt like it.! He was the worlds biggest flirt and it really got on my nerves. He also told me there was nothing in it, Not till he finally went off with someone else.
Maybe your's will be differant, but i would never trust another male Virgo.
Yes and like Fireball says, they make Lousy lovers.

2007-04-13 07:53:37 · answer #10 · answered by Jeanette 7 · 1 3

im married to avirgo and im aries-not compatible and we're together 11 yrs married 6 in june,they are loyal hard working honest and very direct,and they are great lovers,i have 3 beautiful kids to show 4 it!'

2007-04-13 11:37:51 · answer #11 · answered by lees 5 · 1 0

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