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britian is for britians to rule not muslims to take over

2007-04-13 07:07:25 · 36 answers · asked by billoxon 2 in Politics & Government Politics

mr a person it would be the british
it is for britians

2007-04-13 08:07:56 · update #1

36 answers

I'm not even British and I can tell you from the outside looking in that Britain needs the BNP.

2007-04-13 19:46:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 10

Lets look at your only answer in a rational manner ,1 No immigration sorry that means no E.E.C. 2.Repatriation cost approximation 5 trillion pounds ,we are bankrupt and now a third world country like Zimbabwe,3.Social apartheid the scots irish welsh are second class citizens in a land our fathers fought and died for ,remember even the impoverished english have to eat and drink,no beer for the skinheads the best breweries are guiness in Ireland ,brains in Wales andScottish and Newcastle,no vodka smirnoff is diageo a scots based multinational forget scotch ,forget oil there is none within 50 miles of the english border,forget the army mosst are non english, dream on you illiterate caveman.

2007-04-20 05:32:35 · answer #2 · answered by joseph m 4 · 0 2

Out of curiosity, I rang a number on one of the BNP's leaflets posted through my door. I spook to a young man. I asked him why the hatred for none whites in the country. He said everyone must go to their own countries. So I asked and how do you think this can happen?
Well, vote for us and if we win, you can be helped to go back to your country. Starting with the newly immigrants, then slowing within a period of 15 years everyone who is not white will be back in their own countries. What even those born here who have never known any other country as their own except Britain?
Yes, came the answer.
And oh how about those married to white English men or women?
Well, they will have to separate or he or she can join the repatriates.
Do you know how the NHS was built? Do you know who clean the toilets of majority of companies? Do you know who is employed to do all your dirty and low statues jobs like caring for the elderly? Would you do all these jobs?
Yes, we will find people. You know that the economy will simply collapse. Some of the best childcare provision are done by non whites and majority of the children who benefits these quality care are actually white children. I am one of the providers.
You sound like a nice woman and if you vote for us we will make sure that you will be given money to go back to your country in 15 years time.
Where will you get the money from? Was my next question. Well, just vote for us and you will see. Thank you,but, I don't think so. You don't know what you are talking about. Without people in this country it would be a nothing. I was supervising 50 people who were the cleaners behind an extremely major (maybe the biggest in the world) company. All of whom were immigrants. Now without these people the workers in their office can not work properly or in a clean environment.
Can you give me your name, number and address so that we can send you more information. You see, I am not white so how can I support you when you hate me for not being white at this I rang off.
So you see when people open their mouth and say all these racist or anit muslim or christianity or whatever religion, it shows that they are ignorant, have limited thinking capacity, are not in harmony with the rest of nature, are miserably, pityful, sad soles, jealous, lost, and hooligans. I am telling you what is happening is not a joke and yes there is racism on the increase. The west have been very cleaver when it invited people from all over the world to come and work here. Now the country has been built and they don't have a way to say leave any more because the reward has been extremely beneficial. Look at Asians how they work so hard, and indeep other non whites. Some of the Polish I have come across work so hard often refusing too many breaks that the English can't do without. The work is also above standard. Only angry low life people whether racist or not do not know this. You really have got to be on the receiving end to really know and experience the evilness of people who hate and blame others for no reason than lack of understanding and extreme anger. Remember that the way you treat people in the west they don't treat you like that when you are in their country. If everyone unites and really help their own and leave the west you will see how sad your ***** will look. Already companies moving abroad is putting some strain. And I know many people who have moved their businesses and family out of the country. Their services that they provided in the local community have been missed. No one has replaced these services. The neigbouring shop was bought by some middle eastern family who provided hot meals for the locals but they were being attacked by white yobs. The police did nothing. It was the first time I witnessed the anger of racist white youths. Watching someone drew a knife and actually cut and stabbed others with blood everywhere was so bad that I went in a shock for days if not years and ever since my views and romantic ideas have changed. The shop was forced to shut down. They have changed the face of the local area. Now who will provide these services? The place stood empty with just melancholy memories. So you, tell me, could BNP be the answer?

2007-04-14 14:03:45 · answer #3 · answered by mothergoose 2 · 6 4

I'm sure that if it wasn't the Muslims, BNP supporters would find someone else to pin all the blame on for the UK's ills...

1990s - Kosovans?
1980s - Afro-Carribeans?
1960s and 1970s - Indians?
1950s - Any former Commonwealth nation? The Soviet Union?
1940s - Germans? Jews?

Etc, etc, etc...because for some, there always has to be a scapegoat.

The BNP is an anchronistic one-trick pony party that harks back to a golden age of empire that never even really happened.

What does the Party propose to do in terms of economic policy, international trade, etc? You can't run a country on vacuous statements about anti-immigration and border closure alone, as you'll thankfully never find out.

So, come on then - what other concrete policies DOES the BNP have, apart from populist statements that seem to appeal to crypto-racists? How has it costed its alternative budget? Does it even have an alternative budget? How will it raise the necessary revenue? What taxation policies does it have prepared? How will it overcome the in-built moderating processes policy formulation, legislation and application? What is it going to do about the spiralling pensions deficit, the 110 billion pound social security bill, or the issue of considerably increased trade costs that will be incurred from being outside of the EU? How is it going to overcome over one thousand years' of common law in one fell swoop and a proactive judiciary?

Or has it failed to do any of these things because it doesn't have any answers?

Please - do enlighten me.

And while your at it, what do you even think "British" means?

2007-04-14 05:51:15 · answer #4 · answered by . 4 · 7 5

I know many people who would never have dreamt of voting for BNP a few years back but who would now do so without thinking twice. I certainly would if there was a BNP candidate in our constituency. If the main parties continue to turn a blind eye to the wishes of the majority of British people they will only have themselves to blame if parties such as the BNP gain ground. I have read the BNP manifesto and it seems totally logical to me.

2007-04-15 07:22:40 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 6 3

'The only answer'? You're starting to sound like the brainwashed fundamentalists you fear so much - not pathetic; I would say that this country has been mismanaged in many areas - immigration is only one - However, society isn't JUST about immigration is it? I wouldn't trust the BNP with a barge pole

2007-04-18 09:41:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

What a foolish little man you are, is it because you have no hair that you feel this way. It might be that you have more boot lace than sense.
I bet you are not even a member of the BNP silly boy!

2007-04-17 03:46:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

When will people realise that the BNP don't just want to curb this immigration surge. They have a lot more to say and surprise surprise... It's not all that bad! Why don't people read their policies before making remarks about them?

2007-04-16 04:12:37 · answer #8 · answered by claire 5 · 6 3

Spacephantom what have you been smoking? I have read the BNP manifesto etc. thoroughly but i still seem to miss the bit about invading Ireland or anything to do with it at all actually. As for dismantling the NHS, they want to do the total opposite. In fact nearly all of the things you just mentioned are completely made up!! That's why most people think the BNP are all Nazis because idiots who have no clue what they're on about lie so blatantly. The BNP are not Nazis not even in the same league and if you knew anything about the Nazis or the BNP you would know that.

2007-04-14 01:03:37 · answer #9 · answered by Martin 1 · 3 8

You are entitled to your opinions and to express them because in this free Country we allow freedom of speech. If the BNP were in control they would stifle our freedoms which have been hard won.

The BNP are Nazis and the majority of the voters do not want them.

This answer assumes that by BNP you mean the British Nationalist Party.

You have chosen muslims as your target for some reason. I think a lot of people could complete a list of others that the BNP would like to eradicate. We can all read our history books and we know where you are coming from.

2007-04-13 07:34:19 · answer #10 · answered by oldtimer 3 · 10 7

I cant condone fascism, but do feel that Muslim fundamentalism is a serious threat worldwide not just here.

the radical Muslims want to throw out our way of life and our religion and want a Muslim state and have religious police like
in saudi Arabia.
I accept it is a minority of Muslims that are radical fundamentalists but so was Hitler initially.

2007-04-13 12:25:01 · answer #11 · answered by phil 3 · 9 2

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