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I am curious to see if any of you have an opinion of what really happened that day and why.

I am no physicist. I only believe that the Bush administration knew about this attack and did nothing to stop it. Whether or not they had a hand in the actual event, I have no idea. However, I know for a fact that they had a reason to orchestrate it or lie about it and that many have benefited off of it (i.e. the war in Iraq, Larry Silverstein). Also, I am an expert in people and Bush isn't a very good liar. He said that he saw the first plane hit when no one did on tv. He also acted so strangely the day it happened. In addition, find it funny that they rushed all of the evidence out of there so quickly. No intense investigation or anything. What do you think? I am very curious.

Note: If you're going to say that conspiracy theorists are stupid don't even bother to answer. Get 2 points somewhere else, ok?

2007-04-13 06:48:05 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

True patriot: Sounds like you got a conspiracy of your own.... one that make a lot less sense than mine. HaHaHa. Smoking crack is bad for you, you know that right?

2007-04-13 06:56:54 · update #1

Gemini: I'm looking for the proof. That's all. I'm pretty certain they had something to do with it (it's obvious!!!), but I need evidence to prove it to the brainwashed neo-cons!!!

2007-04-13 06:59:25 · update #2

Raretofind: I'm glad to see more of us out there. Way to go!

2007-04-13 07:01:19 · update #3

Mike: I have a Sociology degree AND I was raised by my father whom you couldn't lie to if your life depended on it. Trust me. You CAN'T lie to me. I can tell.

2007-04-13 07:03:29 · update #4

Kate: Bush said he was watching tv in the hallway at the school and saw the first plane hit. Look it up. I might not technically be n "expert" in people, but I can tell you have no idea what you are talking about even though you still claim to!!! I, on the other hand, acknowledge that I do not have all the answers.

2007-04-13 07:07:46 · update #5

Lori: You're awesome!!!

2007-04-13 07:09:59 · update #6

Stephanie: Good point.

2007-04-13 07:27:16 · update #7

27 answers

9/11 could very well be a CONSPIRACY; one orchestrated by members of our own government and military: What actually happened, is NOT as Pres. Bush coined, an "Outrageous Conspiracy Theory".

Like most, I once thought it was an Al Qaeda attack. I never would have expected that some "elected" government officials and their appointees would conspire with some military personnel to attack the U.S., in a false flag operation. Although, I did suspect the towers imploded a bit too evenly for them to have been caused by structural failure alone.

When I discovered, through the Internet, that a third building (WTC7) also fell that day and in the same fashion and for no particular reason, I started to do my own research. What I found convinced me this was not an Al Qaeda attack, but rather could only have been perpetrated, by people who had access to the WTC Buildings.

I'm no kook, just someone who tries to get to the truth, no matter how much it might hurt. This time, it really hurt, but it helps to know it was not all members of our government, just a few Neocons placed in very powerful and strategic positions.

The following is some of the evidence I was able to dig up that support my findings:


Most all the evidence that is available to us, show that the WTC buildings were rigged with explosives. Our own government had motive as was well as an opportunity to do this crime. Here is the evidence, presented for your scrutiny.

The official government story is that the 9/11 attack was orchestrated by Al Qaeda, which is lead by Osama bin Laden. The proof our government provided was a video with Osama confessing to the crime. The problem with the video is that the person in the video does not look like Osama bin Laden: See picture.

There are many other factors that do not fit the official story. They include, secondary explosions that were seen, heard, reported, and recorded by firefighters, in and around the WTC buildings.

Here are some video clip showing a trail of explosive squibs just before the destruction wave.

Molten, beyond red hot, "steel" was video recorded coming out of the South Tower just before it collapsed. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to turn steel to liquid. Melted red hot steel was also found in "ground zero" of all three WTC buildings, including WTC7; the one no jet ever hit.

A chemical analysis of the solidified molten iron,conducted by independent firms, yielded an explosive, called Thermite. Also found was a WTC core beam; most probably cut using the demolition cutting charge (Thermate). No core beams were left standing beyond a few feet high, for it to have been cut by an Iron Workers torch.

We also have a video recording, where owner Larry Silverstein, admits to demolishing WTC7.

The New Conservatives (Neocons), started planning the invasion of Iraq, even before Pres. Bush took office. Apparently, the plan would include the attack of the WTC buildings. It did this to get the support of congress and the nation, to attack Iraq. Read it from their own PNAC document. Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" page 50 and the top of page 51, where it states we need a new Pearl Harbor attack to get the ball rolling.

Witnesses saw a work crew going into the WTC buildings with rolls of wire, supposedly for internet upgrades. Tenants were moved around while crews "upgraded" the cable systems. The Port Authority cut power to the building for a whole weekend, just prior to the attack; shutting down the entire security systems. Witnesses also heard crews operating heavy hammering equipment that left a gray cement like dust, in the building. This activity took place just weeks before the 911 attack: The Port Authority had released control of the buildings to Larry Silverstein, six weeks prior to the attack: He made upwards of $5 billion off of the attack.
See "9/11 Mysteries" video: Time = 1:03:55 through 1:07:00 and 1:19:55 through 1:24:09


There is also strong evidence to support a Douglas A-3 Skywarrior armed with a missile hit the Pentagon. One thing we can be certain about; it was not a Boeing 757, as our government claims. Listen to this retired General, He says, "The Plane does not fit the hole; so what did hit the Pentagon...?"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2VoUN-7RVU&eurl= (removed)

One might expect to see three holes in the pentagon, one for the main body and two more for each engine. The engine and engine parts were found outside of the building, they never penetrated the building thus no hole was created by them. The deep 18 foot hole was most probably made by an on board missile and not the aircraft itself. A radiation expert claims high-radiation readings near the Pentagon indicates depleted uranium (DU) munitions may have been used.

Witnesses say, the U.S. military secretly had Raytheon Co. refit an A-3 Skywarrior with new jet engines, a missile, and a Global Hawk guidance system, just prior to 9/11. Coincidentally, five key executives of Raytheon Co. went missing on 9/11. The official word is they died in the hijacked planes on 9/11.

The Jet engine(s) found may be key to identifying what type of aircraft hit the Pentagon: At the very least, they help determine a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon. Both the jet engine housing as well as a "front end rotor head" have been identified as belonging to a Pratt & Whitney JT8D jet engine. The P&W JT8D engine has been used on the smaller Boeing 727 as well as a retrofit for the A-3 Skywarior. Two P&W JT8D's do not provide enough thrust to get a Boeing 757 off the ground much less sufficient power to perform the military precision maneuvers the aircraft in question did.

A photograph of a cracked windshield found at the crash site strongly resembles the top canopy glass found on the Skywarrior: No windows of this shape are found on a Boeing 757.

The landing gear is one part found in the crash site that may be linked to a Boeing 757. It could also be a part that was retrofitted on an A-3 Skywarrior, since the wheels would most likely need to be replaced with something still available.

A geometric analysis can show the aircraft that hit the Pentagon is under 85 feet long and therefore too small to be a Boeing 757, which is over 155 feet long. An A-3 Skywarrior is 76 feet 4 inches long. See geometric analysis: also see revision note under comments.

2007-04-14 05:55:41 · answer #1 · answered by Joe_Pardy 5 · 4 1

Here is what I believe. First I would like to point out that I have never seen all of Loose Change nor will I ever. I do not believe it was a controlled demolition and I dont believe a missile got the Pentagon.

I truly believe that young muslim men hijacked airplanes and crashed them into the towers, pentagon and a field outside of PA.

The conspiracy part of it that I believe is that it was secretly funded by our government in an effort to get approval for the Iraqi war. At one point our government funded Osama Bin Laden in the Afghan/Russian war, so this really isnt too far of a stretch. They DO have a relationship.

2007-04-13 07:13:34 · answer #2 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 3 1

"I know for a fact that they had a reason to orchestrate it or lie about it and that many have benefited off of it."

I think that's about as close as it comes to a conspiracy. American politicians were cynically oportunistic enough to seek power for thier respective parties in response to 9/11, rather than respond in a more rational (or even genuinely patriotic) way.

The party on top at the time grabbed power via the 'Patriot Act,' and tried to maintain it through fear mongering. The opposition party at the time did everything in its power to capitalize on any failures along the way.

The Democratic strategy is proving the more effective in the long run - it requires an American defeat, just as the Republican party's strategy required an every-widening war, but I suppose they figure it's better to rule a defeated nation than watch thier rivals rule.

2007-04-13 07:01:00 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 2 2

As for the people saying fire does not melt steel, congrats, you've discovered the obvious. However, JET FUEL burns at a temperature well above what is needed to significantly weaken steel, which is what happened. The towers did not melt, they fell when all their support bent and buckled.

You are "an expert in people". You'll have to define that, because from here it reeks of self important bull____. Bush did not claim to see the first plane hit. He was not even there. He was, in fact, in a class room reading a book with children. Perhaps you heard a statement he made concerning seeing the film of it happening.

As for rushing the evidence....look at it. People were burning and being crushed, lost in the debri. They HAD to work fast at it. And afterwards, what would you expect, them to leave the destruction there? An investigation was done, and it was thorough. However, it was done fast and easily because information was readily available. They knew who had taken the planes, when, why and exactly what had happened. It was, frankly, cleared up in a few weeks.

Now, they did indeed benefit from having the mess stirred up; otherwise, they most likely couldn't have gotten away with starting a fake war knowing there were no WMD's in Iraq. But orchestrating it is ludicrous, and the cons far outweigh the pros for everyone involved.

2007-04-13 06:59:34 · answer #4 · answered by Kat Hopkins 3 · 2 5

I have inside information from CIA and NSA sources that the Israelis orchestrated the 9-11 Tower attacks. They high-jacked British airliners, painted on Amercan markings, transported all the passengers to Eastern Europe (where they are being held prisoner to this day), then sat drugged Islamics in the pilots seat with their hands duct taped to the controls. They programmed the autopilots to circumvent the auto-collision features and programmed them to hit the towers. To make sure the job got done they had stealth cruise missiles stolen from The Vatican follow the airliners. To make doubly sure they bribed a CIA splinter group to fill several elevator shafts in both buildings with untraceable bat guano explosive….. and there you have it…the real truth, the REST of the Story…. Trust me…

2016-05-19 17:10:22 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I completely agree with you. In addition why was the military doing war games on that very same day the exact same moment? Fishy ain't it? I truly believe that history will come out with this scandalous administration and declare Mr. Bush (cause he is not my president) to be the worst president in history.

If anyone wants to research any more on this they should watch Bowling for Columbine (yes, it has to do with 911 or leading up to because of FEAR), Fahrenheit 911, Why We Fight, more and more documentaries out there. So much more on the Internet as well. Air America or 640am for radio. We should all seriously do our own research.

I am only thankful that you have brought this up and had the guts to write about it. I wish more people would ask questions about this atrocity as you have. We will all know the truth soon. Maybe not all of it but we will know.

Thank you!

2007-04-13 07:03:26 · answer #6 · answered by LAT 2 · 6 3

Look Im not going to badmouth you but...

If you look hard enough you can make a conspiracy theory about everything in the world.

for instance: Did you know that bears who die naturally in the wild are never found. That is to say, there has never been a bear corpse found that died of natural causes.

Why is that? George bush takes the bear carcasses and makes a mind control formula out of it and puts it into key diplomats alcohol. Bear Carcasses have special fluid in them that can be made into mind control chemicals..... or maybe the bears kin drags the corpses away?

If you have a good imagination anything is possible.

2007-04-13 06:57:07 · answer #7 · answered by Count F 2 · 3 4

i actually believe that Bush did have a hand in this, they practically housed and nourished al-qaida in the United States, i mean power hungry maniacs like Bush and many other leaders in this world only care about controlling the people, so you know what they did they killed thousands of innocent men women and children so they can support THEIR OWN WAR and fund their own war also, by putting fear into people and telling them there are dangerous people out in this world and that there lives are in danger makes them want to react by supporting the military to disarm and take over other countries. AND by the way in 1993 when that car exploded by the trade center the FBI actually admitted on tape that they planned and executed that so they can make the people realize that we are living in danger.

2007-04-13 06:57:44 · answer #8 · answered by sc 2 · 6 3

I agree with you. but there is one thing I have been unable to find, a picture of the Pentagon with a plane sticking out of it. I've found pictures taken within an hour of that attack but there is no plane and there is no 2 story high hole as an entry wound. Even the fire chief that responded stated that there wasn't any major pieces of aircraft visible. considering the plane was over 150 long and the damage was only 75+/- feet deep you'd expect to see something.
I doubt a secret like that could be kept but then it was pointed out to me that if you wanted someone to disappear there's always Gitmo. No names, no visitors, no red cross access, just numbers.
AS for fire not melting steel, it doesn't have to. all it has to do is weaken it and it does that very well. once the steel lost enough of it's strength it yielded and allowed 20 stories worth of building to impact the floor below. the building wasn't designed for that so that floor failed and dumped a collapsed floor plus a 20 story building on the level below that and so on. some question the speed of the fall but all that data is based upon a controlled demolition not this kind of impact loading.

2007-04-13 06:55:35 · answer #9 · answered by Alan S 7 · 4 6

Why go to war with Afganistan if he wanted to attack Iraq?
I don't see anything here in your statement that suggests any proof that Bush or anyone in the administration knew anything in advance. No memo, no cash flow, no motive.

By the way; I worked in a steel mill my first summer out of high school; they use fire to melt steel.

Sorry. It just doesn't hold water.

2007-04-13 06:52:40 · answer #10 · answered by wizjp 7 · 8 3

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