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After all...Bushie is crying that we can't ever
never leave Iraq...doesn't it make sense to
start the draft because many of our troops are
seriously injured...or dead...don't we need to
force the college Chickenhawk Republicans
to be drafted now?

*And if the yahoo Republican chickenhawks
all write but we have the volunteer services
shouldn't THEY be 1st in line to volunteer for Bush's
never ending war? Or will they come up with their famous
chickenhawk excuses? (Again)


2007-04-13 06:29:20 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

21 answers

I want to start off by saying that I'm a vet. I don't agree with the war in Iraq. Personally I believe in the draft system. I think that every young man and or woman should serve their country. I don't agree with war, but unfortunately I spent some time in that arena. To serve your country is an honor. But to go to war for the wrong reasons is a disgrace. Not upon the the brave soldiers that are doing their duty but for those who have put them in harms way. The military by virtue of their actions protect and preserve the very rights and freedoms that you enjoy. I don't know, I think that a draft might be right around the corner.But over all I think that a draft would be appropriate at this time. Oh by the way, the volunteer services did go first, who do you think is over there in Iraq? If any of you service men and women over there in Iraq read this, I want you to know that I'am proud of you and I wish you Gods' speed on your return home.

2007-04-13 06:47:46 · answer #1 · answered by george h 2 · 2 2

As badly as Bush has done, he hasn't yet screwed up so badly as to get us into a real war, against an enemy capable of fielding, say, an actual army of some kind, one worthy of the name anyway.

The current exercise, besides being a colossal waste of money, is essentially serving the purpose of a nationwide high school football tournament.

It's a big morale booster, for the cornballs to send their kids into (especially in cases where there's not really any decent jobs out here for them anyway).

The old flag waving fuks can suck beer in front of the tv and imagine they're rooting for their home team.

The young fools can try their oats in a "gosh darn fer real type war thing" with no more protection than the most powerful and expensive war machine ever created on the face of the earth can provide them.

They can seek to blow the guts out of a few locals, confiscate their second hand russian small arms, rape a few daughters, steal a goat or two. Whatevers going, as long as the taxpayers are picking up the tab.

And if they're really extra lucky they can maybe pick up a wound or two, something to show the folks back home. As long as its nothing serious, that might keep them out the big game, ya know?

This is the level of America's "struggle" at the moment.

No, I don't believe there's any need to worry about a draft at the moment.

That may come later, if the nation succeeds in maxing out its collective credit card with this BS, facing a world rather fed up with it all, and somewhat better rested and financed that us at that point.

There's no Honor in a war fought without cause, by mistake, without hope of fair resolution, which is what Iraq is. There's only pretense. And a few decades of material for the morons in Hollywood.

2007-04-13 13:52:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The draft won't occur while Bush is in office. If anything, he'll keep his promise not to have a draft. However, if things heat up further in the Middle East as in Iran developing nukes and
using them, we may have to have a draft to replace those who died because Iran's willingness to use nukes.

By the way, the majority of those already serving in the Middle East ARE republicans or at least they voted republican in the last 2 elections.

I am a republican and a Vietnam vet. I did not need a draft to enlist after college graduation in Presidents Kennedy/Johnson's war(draft enacted in 1965). 58,000 killed in that war (1963-73). What was Kennedy's rationale for getting us involved in what really was a civil war between North and South Vietnam? Something about the "Domino theory" and communism. And since then we have named an airport and convention center after him. Bush is getting shortchanged, wouldn't you say? And you libs are bitching about the 3,250 killed in Iraq over a 4 year period.

2007-04-13 14:01:34 · answer #3 · answered by John W 5 · 0 2

The only draft we'll see while the Bushmeister is in the white house will be from a Pub

He doesn't have the guts to make the children of the rich right wing cons go into harms way

2007-04-13 13:35:24 · answer #4 · answered by mark 7 · 2 1

Big tough talker. But that bring up an interesting question. What if we did have a draft and you had no choice but to serve.... How cowardly would you be? Would you skip across the Mexican border?

I think we need a mandatory military service of two years. It would teach some people what its like to support your country.

2007-04-13 13:37:17 · answer #5 · answered by Barack O Bankrupt 4 · 2 1

Why are the libs so dense?Charlie Rangel(look it up if u r clueless) promised the draft about8 mos ago.It will happen if the libs win the white house in 08.I can hardly wait to get your sorry a*s into basic training at Ft.Knox.Who knows maybe the libs can grow a spine?????????

2007-04-13 17:19:16 · answer #6 · answered by dumbuster 3 · 0 1

Why do we need a draft when we can just keep sending the same troops over and over again? Makes for a really nice family life for the soldiers promised to be home in a year.

2007-04-13 13:47:21 · answer #7 · answered by katydid 7 · 2 2

I don't see a draft coming, it would be too unpopular.

Of course, that makes bringing up the possible 'need' for a draft an effective rhetorical tool for the anti-war crowd.

2007-04-13 13:39:53 · answer #8 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 2 2

dems are the only ones to bring up the draft in the last 10 years. you can't force people to volunteer. maybe we could all be hero's like you and do 4 years in the air force scraping crap off a runway in Guam. real hero stuff. meanwhile, you bring disgrace to your family and country by spewing hate speech instead of valid or coherent arguments. yay for free speech!

2007-04-13 13:37:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Republican college kiddies are mostly anti-bush anyway. Only the die-hard neocons and moronic bigots are still pro-bushie.

2007-04-13 13:36:17 · answer #10 · answered by truthspeaker10 4 · 3 2

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