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How can anyone possibly be happy when there is so much suffering in this world. Poverty, wars, hate, etc.....

2007-04-13 06:24:19 · 12 answers · asked by ? 6 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

12 answers

Well, if you are living in poverty or fighting a war then I feel sorry for you.

If someone hates you, why worry what they think. If you hate someone, change the way you think.

If you are none of the above, what have you got to be miserable about? If it bothers you so much, then go and do something to change it.

As for me, I am very happy most of the time - I am constantly fighting to pay all my bills, but I have a roof over my head, enough to eat, family and friends, the sun shines, the flowers smell wonderful - what's not to be happy about?


2007-04-13 06:32:27 · answer #1 · answered by the_lipsiot 7 · 1 0

True happiness is definitely attainable regardless of the state of the world around you.
The reason is true happiness comes from within and is not dependant on any external factor. If you are searching for happiness out side yourself in other things or from other people you will never find true happiness you will simple have short periods were you believe someone or something is "making" you happy.
True happiness springs from that part of you that is your true eternal self that which loves yourself and others unconditionally and sees the world as a place of true wonder and possibilities regardless of the circumstances of the moment.

2007-04-13 06:52:01 · answer #2 · answered by Fluffy Wisdom 5 · 2 0

If that's what you're fixated on, then of course it'll seem terrible. That's being realistic. Tell me, What truly matters if one isn't happy? Say you had all the riches, the best relationships, all the material, all the success, you even had spirituality, you had EVERYTHING you wanted except happiness. You weren't happy. Tell me what everything would you have be worth then? So maybe in that light, what's "realistic", maybe what is, isn't as important as one's own happiness, as one may have thought. That of which you're speaking is the affliction of the realistic. It's a very conformist Idea and it is very limiting. Perhaps one has had too many people that they respect telling them to be realistic, or maybe they once have had wonderful and amazing dreams that seemed to have failed them. Or perhaps logically one simply finds being "realistic" to be the most plausible way to be. But if nothing matters if we're not happy, then clearly, despite how plausible it may be, it is not the best way to be in that respect. inner happiness is the key to success. Anyone who ever was truly successful did what they did because they loved what they were doing on some level.

2007-04-13 08:00:37 · answer #3 · answered by Answerer 7 · 0 0

All the problems of the world are like a bottomless barrel , no one will ever be able to make all the changes that are required it is just impossible , now accepting that thought one has to resign to just contemplate the immediate surroundings of ones personal life , That said ,happiness is a state of mind that it is possible to live with joy in your own circle , you can not take the responsibility of worrying about the rest of the word , you will die of depression if you try , we can only make a change as a group but not alone , now alone just worry about your own circle and you can be happy if you work at it .

2007-04-13 06:42:40 · answer #4 · answered by young old man 4 · 1 0

We must not allow the burdens of the world to dictate our happiness. Sure it can be disturbing to know that bad things happen but we should also realize that no one person can resolve the troubles of the entire planet.

The best we can do is learn to accept the things we can not change and focus on those few things that we can and live by example with hopes that others around us will see how enlightened we have become and plant the seed of hope in them. and this alone can spread outward.

2007-04-13 06:44:21 · answer #5 · answered by Savage 7 · 1 0

It depends on how you chose to look at it.

You can see it as a bad thing or as a necessary aspect of spiritual growth.

It all starts with how you chose to see the less than positive things that have happened in your life.

Did you learn anything from them?

Did they make you a better person?

If so they all had value. No one else is an exception to this rule either.

Love and blessings Don

2007-04-13 07:04:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i hit upon it slightly frightening how many human beings quote faith of one form or yet another of their answer to this, yet while it makes them incredibly happy then it is high-quality. sure, i think of genuine happiness is accessible yet purely fleetingly because of the fact once you sense it you're actually not thinking of what could ensue next or what has occurred interior the previous. or consistent with probability i'm speaking approximately bliss. consistent with probability happiness is what you sense once you're content fabric with the existence around you and attentive to existence passing by using yet in a sturdy way.

2016-10-22 01:53:49 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

By having a firm belief in the Bible and Jesus teachings we can constantly be built up and have hope because in the book of Revelation it speaks of a time coming when there will be 'no more mourning nor outcry's or pain,for the former things have passed away'.It's not easy by any means but it is possible.

2007-04-13 06:52:38 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 1

Are you in poverty, and at war? Why are you suffering then? And don't tell me you care about other people more than yourself.

2007-04-13 07:24:41 · answer #9 · answered by Maus 7 · 0 1

Don't worry about the things you can't change. Anyway, if you're not the one suffering, why shouldn't you be happy?

2007-04-13 06:29:09 · answer #10 · answered by Elven 3 · 1 0

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