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over the years there has been overwhelming proof and news stories but everybody is so hell bent on losing and running that they must remain ignorant.

My sources:

Uranium -

- yes it does state low grade- but to learn how to make high grade you have to make low grade first and low grade can be easily used to make dirty bombs.

Nerve gas & Mustard Gas

2007-04-13 05:35:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

people said real news organizations, i apologise but i will not quote conspiracy theory websites & Liberals like Fonews back in 04. hmmm stayed tuned I'll find more sources. Cause they are everywhere.

2007-04-13 05:53:31 · update #1

Here are some more sources:





2007-04-13 05:59:55 · update #2

Charro - yes shelf lif of deadly gas is less than 6 months- but if you research the weapons you will find that there is a containment method called"binary " containment- which means the stuff lasts forever- chemicals are mixed only when the weapon is armed and then it becomes the deadly stuff.

2007-04-13 06:01:49 · update #3

map- they both said that the quantities that there were suppose to be have not been found yet. they will- maybe look in Iran- It funny how their Nuclear Capabilities really increased after we invaded Iraq.

2007-04-13 06:04:42 · update #4

steve- try reading the enitire article as a whole instead of finding a sentence which when it stands by itself doesn't sound right.

2007-04-13 06:06:23 · update #5

17 answers

Look I dont blame these people, tehy have heard the big lie repeated so many times that it does seem like the consensus, albeit not true. We found WMD's in 91 in Kuwait which sadam had put there, he then used WMD biological weapons to kill his OWN people more recently, and then he wouldnt allow the UN or anyone else to come in and inspect to see if he still had them, he stalle dlong enough and moved MOST of them to Syria. We did find some although they were small and also some cartridges which had nothing in them but its obviouse what they were used for.

People also think WMD's means nuclear weapons, this si not true. Also, when the plan for war was given to congresss (Which they almost unanymousely approved, even dems) WMD's were only 2 of about 30 reasons listed, among them were 17 UN violations, and all types of other things.

Edit: @ Barefoot. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, as well as others have referenced the fact that WMD's were found. Its out there and im not going to post the links because its beeen done on Y!A a million times already.

2007-04-13 05:41:11 · answer #1 · answered by libh8r13f 2 · 4 2

Thank You Map!!!!!

Because Bush and Blair announced "true"-- none were found and the intelligence information was faulty. (How can you deny what both governments declare?)

That kind of announcement tends to stick the minds of most the USA and British citizens, don't you think?

Why are you still trying to justify this war? It happened ... we won ... it can't be undone ... we are now an occupying force ... we need a support plan and an exit strategy.

We now have a Democratic Congress. Your links aren't going to make anyone vote for a Republican President. Why not focus on the issues that might actually help your party of choice? Like maybe pointing out one of the main reasons Bill Clinton did So Well with his budget is because the Republican Congress would barely approve a dime of his budget spending?

You know, the Republican Party is not completely devoid of good strageties.

2007-04-13 13:03:54 · answer #2 · answered by ... 7 · 0 1

Shelf life of any deadly gas six month, therefore, WMD death, any other weapon was destroyed by the UN inspectors , Bush had admitted we made mistakes but these is besides the point , cause we are in Iraq for oil for all our out sourcing companies residing in foreign nations, so the question did Iraq had or not had WMD's is irrelevant to the true reason for which genocide is committed against the Iraqis ,oil,oil,oil.power and profit is evil,just look at the trade center,911 job, the excuse the oil companies created along with Cheney and bush and did to get into Iraq horrible killing more then 3000 civilians just to get into Iraq.

2007-04-13 12:49:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There are none.

The US captured Saadam and most of his high command. They captured all the papers. That leads to nothing about WMD. If there where WMD at least one person would have confessed, which would lead to other confessions, which would lead to the truth. I think GWB would have even offered Saadam amnesty and exile if he confessed to WMD. The only 'confession' I've ever heard of is an ex-weapons scientist who hid some centrifuge parts, on his own initiative 10 years before the war. WMD don't make themselves, hundreds if not thousands of people have to be involved. The lack of confessions is most telling. Wouldn't you like to hear what deals Baathist and Iraqi military leaders where offered to confess to a hidden WMD prorgram? You know the CIA and military intel asked and probably even tortured to get information that never checked out or couldn't be confirmed.

When you have all the players and all the paper trail, and you still have nothing, what should that mean to you? Still claiming Iraq WMD makes you worse than even the 9/11 truth people.

Believing WMD without evidence is like believing in god without evidence. Oh you can point to this and that, but nothing ties together. None of the individal evidence fits in any reality that Iraq WMD programs where active or even in a mothballed stage. Actually, the fact that the only scattered old WMD found where pre-Desert Storm and unmaintained, only strengthens the evidence Saadam had no hidden ACTIVE WMD effort -- as he was accused of by the US government and the pretense for preemptive war.

2007-04-13 12:44:37 · answer #4 · answered by d c 3 · 2 3

I've known about both the shells and the radioactive material for a long time and no, they aren't the WMD's the president and the pentagon said we were going after. If you don't believe me look up comments from the pentagon on both issues.
About every 6 months someone on the right brings this up as "proof" that Iraq had WMD's. There's no there, there.

2007-04-13 12:47:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

any nation that has a nuclear power plant has low grade radioactive material. the gases are just leftovers from Saddam's Kurd killing days. Besides the tale GWB told was that Saddam was providing materials and training to terrorists when our own intelligence said the opposite.
Now, how did we go from stop terrorism to invade Iraq?

2007-04-13 13:12:25 · answer #6 · answered by Alan S 7 · 2 1

Considering the fact that the WMD's were mobile and we have satelitte evidence demonstrating that, as well as 600 canisters of sarin gas found in april 06, there is only 1 answer that makes sense; the liberal media. They shape much of the news and try to craft it as "the only sane point of view." And there point of view is that Bush is a liar and wanted us to go to war in order for the companies hes invested in to make more money.

Why is it that the easiest person to lie to is not someone who is gullible, but yourself? Humans have an uncanny ability to convince themselves of lies and even act on them.

Wonders never cease and my only regret is that Bush cant run for another 4 years to be a thron in the sides of those who mindlessly hate him.

2007-04-13 12:51:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The lieberals love to create a long term disassociation with the existing government and they will lie about anything to keep the truth out of it. On these boards they are called trolls and their main purpose is to lie and confuse you about the truth. The WMDs have been found in Iraq and it's been documented several times on several news companies.

2007-04-13 12:45:30 · answer #8 · answered by Kevin A 6 · 2 2

A wise man once wrote: a matter only seems true until the other side is heard. The libs don't want to hear the other side. The fact that Saddam used them on the Kurds and over 500 have been found since 2003 still seems to elude them.

2007-04-13 12:42:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Their 8,600 liters of anthrax would, if weaponized, fit into three suitcases. Now, I ask you, in a country more or less the size and population of California, how're ya gonna find those three suitcases? Answer: you're NOT gonna find 'em!

2007-04-13 12:44:59 · answer #10 · answered by Fast Eddie B 6 · 3 1

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