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Where is the racism ???....In your opinion.....

2007-04-13 04:40:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Other - News & Events

The Man- You are dating us......but I agree.

2007-04-13 05:47:55 · update #1

Eddie- You naughty anti-Christian.......lol......

2007-04-13 05:50:40 · update #2

soulflower- Next time, answer the question at hand if you want to be respected by the Yahoo Answers community. Emotion has corrupted you....or at least has been keeping you from being taken seriously by the masses.

2007-04-13 05:55:28 · update #3

20 answers

I thought the basketball team showed a great deal of class and dignity by accepting his apology; Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are hate mongers who only perpetuate racism.

2007-04-13 05:12:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

on 60 minutes the different day they replayed an interview from ten years in the past. The interviewer claimed that imus informed imus' producer (on an identical time as interior the vehicle) some thing concerning to n igger jokes. besides the undeniable fact that Imus denied that he reported the N be conscious. Then the interviewer ask the producer. the producer spoke back with, "sure i'm very specific you reported the N be conscious." Then imus spoke back with "nicely i might desire to have reported the N be conscious, yet that replaced into an off the record communique" Racism is an argument of the middle. you are able to ask for forgiveness all you opt for, besides the undeniable fact that it would not replace the certainty he's a racist. only like Cheater can ask for forgiveness, yet while they cheater on says sorry because of the fact they have been caught, nicely, i might slightly worried.

2016-10-22 01:42:25 · answer #2 · answered by archuletta 4 · 0 0

black activist...humm... so when jessie jackson made a comment about jews in 1984 it was because he is a black activist??? not a racist???? when jessie had a
"love" child with his mistress instead of his wife and took money from the PUSH COALITION to give here to keep quiet was because he is a reverend and a black activist.
al and jessie both wanted to hang the duke lacrosse players on the word of a dancer alone {not that dancers are any less of a person because of her job} instead of using the legal process was because they are fair and just men??
we are going to hear both of them apologize for a week straight like Don Imus did because of this right? i think not...
the two week suspension would have been enough, but NOOOOO they wanted blood.
i was always taught that the bible teaches forgiveness. if these were really two men of god that is what they would be preaching not the hate coming out of there mouths. both men have had affairs on there wives and done numerous other things that are "ungodly" i guess god and others are only supposed to forgive them screw the rest.
both of these men live in glass houses and need there stones taken away from them. they are antagonist they don't do things for the betterment of there people they do them so they can gain the spotlight and insight violence and hatetread to "there" people. if they were true "black activist" they would teach togetherness not seperation.
hey wasn't Daved Duke just a "white activist"??? it doesn't matter what color you are black, white, yellow or brown all three are in the same boat there shouldn't be a double standard but there is. if you target a certian race or religion there is only one word for you to be called and thats not "reverend" or "black activist" it's RACIST plain and simple.......

2007-04-13 05:39:45 · answer #3 · answered by stanyazfan 3 · 4 0

I didn't really think it was racist and I thought "ho" was just another word they called themselves. I guess I was wrong. These are educated women who compete in sports it seems to me that they wouldn't let something that Imus said ruin ther day and perhaps ruin his life. I think these so-called Reverends should rev their mouths in a different direction and start acting like Reverends instead of being loud mouth petty trouble causers. I remember Jesse Jackson's racial slurs that he said everyone misunderstood and took the wrong way.....yeah right!! Did they get their Reverend degrees/licenses off the internet?

2007-04-13 05:17:07 · answer #4 · answered by chatticathi52 4 · 2 0

Where where Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson when OJ beat up Nicole and then killed Nicole and Ron?(2 WHITE people)

Just because the world needs a drink and a laugh, see the link below...actually, its based on Al Sharpton and Jimmy Swaggart...If anyone knows like me where Jim Carrey and Damon Wayans got their start, here is where it is...In Living Color...

2007-04-13 06:13:15 · answer #5 · answered by Terry C. 7 · 1 0

The racism is two sided.

An ignorant white man makes an offensive comment about talented black female athletes and he is persecuted in the press, is fired, will remain the focus of a media frenzy for as long as they can possibly drag this out, and will be labeled as a racist pariah for the rest of his life. Oddly enough, I would never have heard what he said and would never have given anything that came out of his mouth one ounce of thought had it not been for the media blizzard that has since followed. I would guess as thinking person that anyone that with half a clue would have dismissed his comments as that of an imbecile. The fact that Don Imus made these statements about the Rutgers women does not make them true, nor does it cause me to think that these women are in fact "ho's" All it does is cause me to think that Don Imus is an idiot who should think before he speaks. I never have listened to him, and this is further fuel to keep my radio dial off his show.

Black rappers call women far more horrible things than Don Imus ever has in their song lyrics on a daily basis. Not only does no one care, but we actually go out and spend our money on their music, black and white alike. Nobody demands apologies, no one goes on Oprah, or holds press conferences on the news. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson remain silent, and the rappers make millions, life goes on, nobody notices.

A black woman accuses three young white men of rape. After it happens there are protests, the race card is thrown around - the young men are labeled out of control, partying priveledged, racists, who not only have committed a sexual hate crime against all woman, but specifically a black woman. They are charged with a felony, which could land them in jail for the good bulk of their lives, they are called rapists on the news, their identities are made public, their faces on display. They are suspended from college, and their lives are literally ruined. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson run to the rescue, they appear on all the news shows in the defense of this woman before all the facts come out. A year later, she is publically stated to be a liar. Her story changed as the wind blew, she actually went on record as saying that she could not remember if she had been penetrated by any of these three men! But yet she had no problem making a charge that could have destroyed each of these boys for the rest of their lives.

So, Don Imus makes an idiotic comment and the whole country goes nuts, and his life as he knows it is essentially ended. A black woman makes a false accusation that could potentially destroy three lives, have them charged and tried for a horrible crime, and in the aftermath...silence. No apology from the accuser - as of today her identity is protected, no statement from the likes of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson about their rush to judgement, certainly nothing close to the apology they demanded of Don Imus for doing something far less serious. Nothing. An apology from the prosecutor is all we will see. Any money the families spent hiring lawyers to protect the name an reputation of these boys is gone - no one will pay that back. The accuser gets to keep her job as a stripper, Al Sharpton and Jesse jackson are still gainfully employed and sponsored. These boys have to go a step further to get their arrest records exponged, and till they day they die they will always be three people that had a finger pointed at them...rapists!

At the end of the day, I would rather be called a ho then a rapist. I can ignore the guy that called me a ho. I can dismiss him as being a moron and choose not to listen to his radio show. I can tell everyone I know to boycott his show. I can take the high road and accept his apology, and move on with my life. But being called a rapist, being arrested for and charged as a rapist??! How does that ever go away? Where is the outrage for this situation?

2007-04-13 06:10:43 · answer #6 · answered by fortillfriday 3 · 2 0

You said it in your answer "stanya"
Referring to Sharpton and Jackson as Reverends is an insult to Reverends everywhere.

2007-04-18 16:43:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If we allow bigots like Al Sharpton to dictate who or what we accept,our country is headed down a road that has no return.

2007-04-20 16:16:39 · answer #8 · answered by deerslayer1616 1 · 0 0

Racism is everywhere. Why the question?

What do I think about it? Nothing. It doesn't matter what the reverends do. They need to get back to talking about worldwide floods, resurrection of dead people, and magic fruit.

2007-04-13 04:49:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Wow, soulflower needs her meds...

I agree completely with this column written by a black sports writer.


2007-04-13 06:15:57 · answer #10 · answered by reesrob25 3 · 2 0

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