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Imus insulted some women, has apologized, and is now getting canned for it.

Granted, an over-the-top insult. But scarring for life to the insulted? Probably not.

Now go to another part of the country, where charges against three Duke Lacrosse players have not only been dropped, but the players have been totally exonerated.

When the charges were brought forth, the school disbanded the Lacrosse team, fired the coach; deemed the players personna-non-grata.

Nifong, after mountains and mountains of contrary evidence, nonetheless continued his prosecution of the players for what can only be considered as political gain; putting the players and their families in a constant state of distress (and probably bankruptcy) for over a year.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get on their fool pedestals and label the players racists, and besmirch their character.

Question: Who did more damage to whom? Was it Imus, whose one time over-the-top comment insulted a team of basketball players?

Or was it the faculty at Duke, Nifong, and the Society of the Professionally Offended (Jackson & Sharpton)?

Question 2: Where are the apologies; where are the consequences for the latter ship of fools?

Where are the rolling heads?

2007-04-13 04:39:42 · 17 answers · asked by Whootziedude 4 in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

Oh they would have wanted the stripper's head on a stick or have her drawn and quartered if not thrown in jail for "besmirching the FINE character of dem black players" if the scenario was as such. They would be leading marches to the footsteps of the University and the DA office wanting his blood as well.

Answer 1
To me Sharpton and Jackson et al did more damage than Imus ever hoped to do. These two hypocrites helped to stir the pot and helped inflame the racial tensions in Durham even more than Nifong.
Answer 2
Nifong did a poor excuse of an apology. The other two will never apologize.
I want to know that too. Nifong's head might roll but the other two, does not seem to be happening and it should. They should lose their radio programs for the crap they have done the same way they contributed to Imus' firing.

2007-04-13 04:45:28 · answer #1 · answered by thequeenreigns 7 · 6 3

Those 2 should be held responsible financially by the players, families, and Duke University. Lives have been ruined because of false allegations by a black female.

My friends and I have been monitoring the news for a press conference with Sharkton and Jackson apologizing and offer financial support to the true victims in this case, but the true victims hapeen to be white.

Sharkton and Jackson are the ones promoting racism here

2007-04-13 04:55:13 · answer #2 · answered by rp 4 · 2 0

Sharpton would being saying that that "straight-haired ho" is trying to exploit the Blacks.

TD: Why is that everytime I see a black group calling for justice, they want revenge against some one who has been found not gulity by the courts. The courts are the justice system. Sharpton, Jackson and Quanelle X do not want justice; they want old fashioned vengeance.

Part of the problem is that Sharpton and Jackson are not answerable to anyone. Nifong can be disbarred. Imus can be fired, but those two are renegades with no responsibilites except to their own egos.

2007-04-13 04:51:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Several of the panelists on ABC's program The View have stated on-air that the Duke lacrosse team members who were just exonerated of rape were "probably guilty of something". These female media personalities justified their statements by observing that these were white frat-boys and privileged jocks.

Let me see if I understand correctly... ABC-TV on-air personalities are publicly implying that some young athletes are of low moral character, based on their skin color?

I have the strongest sense of deja-vu here. Something else in the news recently, perhaps? Maybe someone at MSNBC or CBS can remind me.

2007-04-13 09:04:14 · answer #4 · answered by CaptainObvious 7 · 1 0

You think Imus is that stupid, to just blurt that out, no the Lacrosse issue out in the light and now it will be forgotten, he knew what can of worms he was opening.

2007-04-13 04:44:54 · answer #5 · answered by man of ape 6 · 2 0

If Obama had a son he would look just like those 3. And since Obama was a drug dealer according to his own writings, he probably would have attacked the white kid who turned him in too.

2016-05-19 16:38:47 · answer #6 · answered by renetta 3 · 0 0

If you'd like to believe those kids are absolutely and completely innocent, I'd advise just letting the matter drop. If you look too closely, you may not like what you find. Besides, there are enough actual problems in the world that we don't need to make up hypothetical new ones about "What Al Sharpton would have said if..." Imus got what he had coming to him, and he knows it.

2007-04-13 04:50:11 · answer #7 · answered by Beardog 7 · 2 3

Ok, so now that the Duke Lacrosse players have been cleared and it is clear That the “Exotic Dancer” lied, will the good Reverend Jessie Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton go into the streets of Durham tomorrow and protest? Will they DEMAND justice for these boys and hold the city hostage with threats of violence until that woman is brought up on serious charges? Will the Rev. Jessie “Hymie Town” Jackson and the Rev. Al “I got Jewed out of my numbers” Sharpton reveal that they are really just poverty pimps sucking the money out of their own people? Will they admit that they are just using the “race card” to line their own pockets and to keep the black community down for their own benefit?

And for you to young to remember those racial quotes and many, many more by these two “Reverends”, just know that they need to keep racial tension alive to keep their bank accounts full!

2007-04-13 04:43:45 · answer #8 · answered by Dog Lover 7 · 11 3

uh, nowhere.

Send a letter to Imus's ex-bosses and tell them that you don't like that they fired him and that you will no longer listen to their radio stations. State that you will also no longer buy their sponsors products. And then cc their sponsors.

But you're not gonna take the time to do that are you? I'm too lazy to as well.

2007-04-13 04:44:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Both Jackson and Sharpton would demand that the Duke players be compensated for being "wrongfully accused" because the color of there skin (if the players were black).

2007-04-13 04:44:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

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