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Why are alot of black people always living in the past saying how bad they had it they were slaves don't they know there were white slaves to and why whenever they don't get what the wnt and a white person is serving them they say its cause there black what is up with that they need to get over it ~!!
What are your opinions?

2007-04-13 03:47:57 · 27 answers · asked by Springsteen 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

To doc,
we don't really have it easier and it our county even if we did(which we don't) we should usa is our africa is theres not saying they shouldn't be here but in some colleges if they take the same test everyone else takes and they don't get it right some colleges will give them the easier testand some jobs and they also get well fair easier and they abuse there privallges not saying ALL blacks are like that I have black friends just unfortunalty most!

2007-04-13 06:09:31 · update #1

And everyone I am not saying blacks DIDN"T have it bad but everyones past has something horrible in it life isn't perfect But what I am saying is I don't walk around telling everyone that my great grandfather was killed by hitlers klan!! I don't glare at people and spit on there windows if a black person served my food at mc donalds and the fries were cold! And I know some white people do complain about there ancestors being slaves and I don't have anything against blacks I am a very fogiving person I was just wondering why they act that way. The other day I held the door for a black, because I believe to do whats right even if you do it alone, to try to be the one person trying to mend racisium but she didn't say thank u well I didn't go home and call my friend paris (black and say we weren't friends because a woman of her race was rude! I am just trying to help mend race problems! :)
And thanks for all the answers!

2007-04-13 14:45:05 · update #2

27 answers

I totally agree. The whole "reparations" for blacks thing has went too far. I guess living off of taxpayer money in section 8 housing, with foodstamps, and welfare, and all that mess isn't good enough for them. Although I am white, and I think you wanted black people to answer this question, I still needed to say that.

2007-04-13 03:52:32 · answer #1 · answered by MGrnl 2 · 2 2

Most of the white slaves receive their freedom
and you can not work them as hard as you could the black slave they could not last as long the black could take the heat better
and make wonderful field worker as the white slave they may last a year or less then that.
LOL I am going off the subject because black in away got there freedom in 1968 after MLK and have a long way to go it a little hard but some are doing it going to college and working two or more jobs if you go to the welfare office you will see more mexican sorry mexican but it true there then black women and a little more white women their still some black there but it just not a many. Who want to live on this system no money you make more working I know I do
amazing right how we can type to each other like this

2007-04-13 03:54:10 · answer #2 · answered by Linda 7 · 2 0

because a lot of times we don't get stuff because we are black. especially where i live in the south. My local news station that is an affiliate of CNN, did an investigating becasue i gues people like you had asked a similar question. They found that overall blacks with the same credit still payed more. Here is an excerpt from a white person in a pittsburg paper.

"On average, blacks in this county pay a local income tax rate that is 49 percent higher than what whites pay, a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette computer analysis has found. Put another way, the typical black person with a $40,000 salary would pay $908 to the school district and municipality, while a white person with the same salary would pay just $604.

2007-04-13 04:41:55 · answer #3 · answered by kaluah96 3 · 0 0

My opinion is that we all as Americans are affected by "the past". Do you realized that blacks by those who drafted the Constitution, the 'Great Fore-Fathers" considered blacks to be 3/5th of a human. Whites were slaves too but they were still afforded more rights and could change their condition.

Are you aware that the state of Virginia passed a law that said that the children of slaves were slaves. That way they would have a continuous supply of slaves.

Are you aware that the State of Texas still kept their slaves as slaves for more than a year after the federal government set them free.

And finally, still in 2007 even those I am college educated, a responsible citizen, I would get beat down for just 'being' in certain neighborhoods after sundown.

So...there are a lot of people who are not 'Over It'.

However thanks for the question.

2007-04-13 04:09:47 · answer #4 · answered by Ronatnyu 7 · 1 0

How is it living in the past just to recognize how blacks had it way back when? I mean, it's true. The truth hurts and can be ugly sometimes. Does that mean that it should never be said?

I'm a black woman. I've never used the race card to get anything- ever. I've never been a slave.. I've never even been called a ******r. My parents have tho. So I know that there are some white people who view black people as ******rs. My parents weren't born 100yrs ago- only 50yrs ago. 50yrs is not enough time to for me to think the white people who viewed my parents as ******rs, will view me any different. I'm well aware that with each generation, more tolerance and acceptance develops in people, but it would be foolish to assume that racist mentalities no longer exist. Of course, people use the racial divide as a crutch to justify their laziness and laxed attitude. I have a friend of a friend who told me that he didn't want to get a job because he didn't want to have to work with or around white people. That is an example of using racism as a crutch. That is not the majority of black people but that's the general picture that gets painted of black people.

It's unfortunate that your forefathers put you in such a rough position. You've probably never done anything knowingly racially separating in your life. Why should blacks have to get over what happened in the past, when you don't want to ever think about how black people were affected by the past, in the present or the future?

So that you know, I'm not one of those black people who blame white people for anything that goes wrong in my or my family's life. I'm from the generation of blacks who haven't felt any ill by the hands of white person and where we accept each other. I take responsibility for my future. However, I can understand how some black people can feel a little sensitive about racial issues. Most black people I know, have gotten over it. But if by getting over it, you mean to never mention it again, that will never happen.

When you've been hurt, you sometimes go on and on about your pain to people that don't want to hear it. How many times have you seen a situation where someone getting out of a bad relationship, will take that negative energy to the next relationship? I don't think it's up to a person on the outside to determine how soon someone should get over something.

2007-04-13 04:27:02 · answer #5 · answered by Honey 6 · 2 0

racism still exists it's just quieter now, perhaps we can close our eyes and it will go away but somehow i don't think so. It's not weaker it's just done in secret with the people you trust. Slavery is over but there are issues to deal with today, these issues don't involve everyone, they involve those who continue agendas behind closed doors. And i'm not sure how to fight such a secret war.

Ignoring the problem is dangerous, you really don't know what's happening. There are very powerful people who are very racist and they are very good at hiding it, they are not stupid. It's a little scary when you can see. Support for the war was often based on muslim hatred, these same people hate blacks, latinos and anyone not white. I don;t want to stir the pot but it's hard to ignore. We don't need more division we need cooperation.

2007-04-13 04:05:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am over 50 and I have seen a few things. I would not touch that question with a 10 foot pole. It is more complicated than you think or persons of Color born in the 80's maybe the 70's can comprehend or believe.

Only with a crucifixion of the nature we were born with and a new nature to take its place will you have hope.

But this old world is doomed. There is no hope for it.

2007-04-13 03:56:57 · answer #7 · answered by 1saintofGod 6 · 1 0

hey not just blacks but the Germans are like that 2, the war and everything
the col our of hair
the height u r
the weight u r
u go into a Indian mans shop,,, there rude, they talk on the phone in Indian while serving u, they do hear anyhow, they look at you as though u r gonna steel something, they send there kids to school and complain they cant wear there veils, well this is the UK,,,, you live hear you follow the dress code, every country is the same no matter where u go. i am not racist, but i also have respect for peoples cultures, so they should respect mine

2007-04-13 03:55:15 · answer #8 · answered by versace_girl_2002 3 · 2 0

I wish that some of the mouthy blacks would take a look at the history of the Irish in America during the Civil war.
and then just check out why the Irish were comming over to America and Oz in the first place.
Can you say Bounty

2007-04-13 03:54:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Um, what the hell are you talking about?

I speak out about slavery when I hear things like: "What was so bad about it." Or "after 1865 everthing was equal" and my favorite "Africans owned slaves too"...thats simply correcting someones misinformed history. I also mention Japenese in concentration camps when Germans were running free.

Anyway...I don't know. I don't know every black person on earth so I really can't speak for them...only myself.

You know, the US has such a racial problem. Its such a huge joke. Either you're crying or you're cowering to the criers. I say chuck it all and move to Canada...

2007-04-13 03:55:06 · answer #10 · answered by Lotus Phoenix 6 · 4 0

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