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28 answers

Abuse is abuse in any form. Speaking from experience, it starts with verbal abuse, and it WILL excell. It's a crontrol issue. They can't get you to do what they want you to do. The abuse is them having a temper tantrum out of frustration of not being able to control you. The one who abused me started out by always asking me "What are you thinking about?". For the life of me I could not figure out why he kept asking me that. Then, when I wanted to go right and he wanted to go left, I found out why he was asking. He wanted to control my thoughts. When he found he couldn't (his thing was "how dare you have a brain" I became all kinds of "fat hoes" and "stank azz bit**es" and whatever else he saw fit for me, and anyone else who was around to listen, to be. When I began ignoring that (although it did hurt my feelings) he began the hitting and punching. BELIEVE THE LIFETIME MOVIES AND THE AFTER SCHOOL SPECIALS!!! (You will feel like you are in one too!) What they have is a disease, and a progressive one. And the recipe consists of control and frustration, a deadly combination.

If you see signs of abuse, RUN!! Run as far and as fast as you can!! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200! And KEEP it moving. Do not look back. People like that are hard to lose. What you feel for this person are for who this person used to be, not who they have become. Don't play yourself and try to dismiss this behavior as something else. And don't think you can change them because you can't.

Remember: When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

2007-04-13 03:48:19 · answer #1 · answered by swilson_lewis 3 · 0 0

Abuse is abuse no matter the form - physical is just the most recognizable. The one causing the abuse will continue to do so unless the one being abused takes control of the situation. This is easier said then done, but there is help out there. Verbal abuse is common and no-one in the world - especially your partner - has the right to speak to you in manner the demeans you. It WILL get worse. Counseling will only work if both people agree to go and participate. I recomend that if you can, get away and try and work on things from a separated point. If you think your partner is doing this unknowingly (it could be that they are usto a demeaning surrounding) talk to them and explain that the things being said hurt you and that you cannot continue to feel this way. There is a very small minority of people who say things without thinking simply because that is how they grew up & they do not realize how it affects other people - an even amller minority of these people will love so dearly they will stop and/or get help. I pray that your partner is one of them. If not - protect yourself anyway you can & always remember that nothing being said against you is true!

2007-04-13 03:42:07 · answer #2 · answered by martiek7 3 · 0 0

You teach people how to treat you. If you keep putting up with it and stay then they will always abuse you. Never settle for an abuser of any kind. you deserve much better then that. The verbal abuse tears down your self worth and you eventually learn to lose your own identity. You can choose to stay but I am telling you from experience honey that the abuser has no interst in working it out, the interest is in completely controlling you. You need to find some help and a way out of this situation before you start to believe the abusers lies. Get some counseling girl, grow a back bone and dont put up with it any more

2007-04-13 03:45:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

definitely stay, let your self respect be shattered, your moral well being gone, your confidence gone, your spirit broken, yea stay with a guy who's next step is to lay his hands on you and not in a loving way. So if you can look at yourself and say I don't deserve this, I am better than this, I want to Live and be free, then and only then will you ever be able to really find a great person who will not abuse you in any manner. VERBAL ABUSE IS AS BAD AS PHYSICAL ABUSE- you just can't see the bruises.

2007-04-13 06:16:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My soon to be ex husband startd out with emotional/ mental abuse. Ignoring me, putting me down, treating me like a child(belittling) etc....threatened to hit me once to knock some sense into me.. Years later physically abused me by grabbing me between the legs until my leg was purple and continually forced kisses and more grabs... Because he has NEVER hit me he does not believe he is an ABUSER. Blames it all on me.... Don't say it is JUST verbal abuse..... It hurts and destroys your self esteem just as much as being beaten but the difference is the pain is on the inside and no one can see it.. It is still very REAL and is NOT love. I agree with another post if he only agrees to couples not individual therapy he will not change because he won't admit he has a problem. He tells me I am crazy and/or have serious mental problems. I am exaggerating everything.....Almost 6 yrs dating and over 9 yrs marriage to such an arrogant self centered person I have realized it's not what I deserve and left.....Never say JUST......Abuse is always bad..either he gets help or leave... It SLOWLY destroys you which is what they want so they can be in control. His thinking, I must be crazy because I left "perfect wonderful him" he even told me other men are jerks but he is not...Hmmmm Good luck!

2007-04-16 14:30:30 · answer #5 · answered by JustWant2B 5 · 0 0

Nope, nope and nope. Verbal abuse is not any better than physical abuse. I wouldn't stay to work things out, only because people don't change. You deserve to be with someone who's nice and decent, not someone who's nasty,and puts you down etc...who wants that all of the time? If you choose to stay with the person, then honestly, you're getting what you deserve. You can't fix stupid, but you can fix ignorance. Best wishes!

2007-04-13 03:44:17 · answer #6 · answered by suzlaa1971 5 · 0 0

I have had a problem with verbal abuse against my GF I am now getting counseling and we are working it out I also went to my doctor and got on anti-depressants it is wrong to verbally abuse someone you can work through it but you're BF should get some counseling.

2007-04-13 03:34:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are married, it would be the right thing to try to work it out, but the question is, why are you in a relationship with someone who verbally abuses you? Also, is there a threat of physical harm? What is good in the relationship?

2007-04-13 03:31:49 · answer #8 · answered by Bob the Builder 2 · 0 0

NO. Abuse is abuse. I was in a relationship where there was "only verbal abuse". The verbal abuse went from bad to worse and it began to get physical. Get out of that relationship. NOW!!!

2007-04-13 03:32:43 · answer #9 · answered by biscuit 3 · 1 0

Verbal abuse is still abuse. The question you need to ask yourself is why you feel that might be okay with you? No one would argues, when it comes to physical abuse, that you shouldn't have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh (apologies to Pat Benatar), but there are long-term consequences that come from being verbally abused, demeaned and belittled that should not be understated.

Don't you deserve better?

2007-04-13 03:34:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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