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2007-04-13 02:51:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Media & Journalism

13 answers

Maybe now the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are done with Imus, they can take time to apologize to the Duke Lacrosse players. They crucified these players because they were white without any evidence. We'll never hear these race baiters mention it again. They'll move on to the next issue to try and make a quick buck using race as the means to do so.

2007-04-13 03:00:47 · answer #1 · answered by The Big Shot 6 · 3 1

He has a right to speak his suggestions as our forefathers recommend. the difficulty develop into that he specifically called 9 eye-catching women human beings *&*&*%. those women have been imbarrassed whilst they ought to have been maximum happy by fact of what Imus stated. they did no longer do something to him. They probable worked difficult in basketball as a fashion to get a scholorship just to circulate to college. Imus makes over 10 million a 300 and sixty 5 days? He had develop into greater effective than existence including Noland Richardson.

2016-12-29 07:02:10 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

The wrong message being sent is by that crook and racist Sharpton......

He has done more harm to race relations than any off-key insulting words that Imus said....

Sharpton and Jackson are hate-mongers who have only one adjenda in mind, and that is to fan a forrest fire of anti-white relationship........

I believe that their antics is going go cause a hugh backlash here in the United States.........

2007-04-13 03:04:29 · answer #3 · answered by donrentf 3 · 4 0

Wrong message for what?

Let me put it this way. If YOU made racial or sexist comments at YOUR job, would YOU get in trouble? If not, I guarantee you that you are in a very, very small minority. NOT firing him would send the wrong message. When he is on the radio or television, he is representing, to a point, the company for which he works. It is a job. Not firing him would condone what he said, would reflect poorly on those who employ him, and would set him above other people who have to be more careful and respectful with what they say at work.

If he had done it on his own time, I would feel differently. It is, afterall, a free country. But he didn't. Justice was done.

Regarding "douche bag's" comments: most of what you list can easily be applied to whites as much as blacks. Stereotyping is definitely not the answer to this problem.

2007-04-13 03:02:27 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 3 2

To be honest I think the whole topic is ridiculous. People say stupid things all the time. I'm sure his opinion doesn't really matter that much to the team he said it about. If it does then they need to get a life. And firing him is to harsh a punishment for the crime...if you can call it that. By the way what ever happened to freedom of speech?? If I never see Al Sharpton again it will be too soon. Him and Jesse Jackson need to find something better to do than to seek out racial issues that aren't really there.

2007-04-13 03:03:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I don't think it was realy him sending the wrong message, it appears the only thing that made him wrong was the fact he is white. Black men call women hos, bitches, and everything else every day. It's promoted in many, many song lyrics, but no one is firing them or stopping the sale of the musice because of it. It's called freedom of speech, if you can say it why can't I ? I guess any one who states their opinion should be fired. I don't know when we decided opinions where not suppose to be voiced unless it was about your own race.

2007-04-13 03:10:55 · answer #6 · answered by catmomiam 4 · 3 1

No I feel Jesse and Sharpton sent the wrong message and divided this country even further apart. They should never have involved themselves into this matter.

2007-04-13 03:03:12 · answer #7 · answered by evildragon1952 5 · 3 1

The only message it sends is that if you open your big mouth once too often, your employer will fire you; and that's a pretty good message!

2007-04-13 03:00:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Yes i do. I think it sends the message that blacks are special. That they must be treated differently. that only chris rock and steve harvey can say nappy headed ho. Instead, we should treat everyone EQUAL, and blacks should get off that high horse they are on!!!

2007-04-13 02:55:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Knowledge is power. Here's some points to sit and think about as to why some whites do not respect blacks. If you've never had the opportunity to talk bluntly to a white person about how/why some whites do not respect blacks, I'm giving it to you here. Ok, here we go....

1. Whites had to work for and earn their jobs, kissing bosses asses, getting fired for underperformance, sweating about layoffs, being held accountable for performance Affirmation Action came about in the workplace and eliminated on-the-job accountability performance for blacks, and false and unmerited promotion. For this, whites have reason to be resentful of blacks for not having to sweat the necessary steps of promotion by performance.

2. The country witnesses how blacks do not respect each other, and that black youths kill each other in gangs. Many other minorities don't do that, they help and support each other. Some whites can't find the need to respect blacks when blacks mistreat and kill other blacks.

3. There is an undeniable disproportionate amount of violent crime in the black community and black community leaders are not addressing it and taking responsibility for fixing it, it outside of public speeches from the pulpit. Whites fear black men because of this disproportionate amount of violent crime statistics, not racism, but realism...violent crime is a choice, not a result of racism but of poor individual judgement. That the black community makes excuses for this needless violence by blacks and doesn't admit it and fix it, is what tires whites to indifference to black problems.

4. Unmarried black men are impregnating unmarried black women and not supporting these babies; instead they're dumping their responsibilities upon the general society to pay for. There is legitimate resentment of the general population for this financial burden brought by the irresponsible few. Not racism, realistic resentment of paying for the irresponsibility of black men.

5. Black thug culture is lauded by the general black population as heroic. This is ridiculous, this is like praising gangreen for its coloring. This also speaks to blacks not respecting themselves. When whites see black men calling their black women bitches and whores, how can blacks expect to be respected by whites when black popular culture fails to respect its women?

6. Blacks trash their own neighborhoods turning the neighborhoods into broken slums. This antic breeds white flight from any neighborhood beginning to turn black. And who wants to live in a slum. Not racism, but disappointment in a community destroying itself from its very domicile.

7. The civility of black youths has declined immeasurably. Loud, rude, vulgar mouthed, obnoxious, boom box blaring in hand or while driving down the street in the car; displaying indifference to social civility. Whites have an unwritten code of civility in public which manual has been lost to black youth. Whites don't think the civility code can be achieveable by black youth. Not racism, but disgust for uncivilized behavior.

The resolve: The black/white schism in the USA is not a death-defying issue. It is relative calm comparatively speaking; think about racial genocide in Somalia and the Sudan, the former Yugoslavia where opposing races sought to kill each other. We're not heading in that direction in the US.

Now, would a black person post a similar email and provide some 10 points or so as to why some blacks do not respect whites.

2007-04-13 02:57:03 · answer #10 · answered by NONAME 1 · 3 1

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