No, but on Fridays we are "encouraged" to wear these goofy shirts with the company logo to build "morale and team spirit"
2007-04-13 02:54:42
answer #1
answered by kgee 4
sort of
I hate spending money on work clothes especially cause my job is so drab sometimes but I work i a professional environment
so my alternative is that I have 2 pairs of pants assigned to a day of the work week (10 pair alltogether) I write on the tag and then I buy shirts that match with almost every pair so I can switch according to how I feel
so this way I'm not always repeating but I always know what I am wearing the next day
a lot less stressful than my friends who spend about an hour figuring out what they will wear the next day
2007-04-13 09:55:49
answer #2
answered by h8ucrazee 3
and what sucks is the project manager that picked them out is a retired Army colonel, so he got our uniforms as close as he possibly could to the Army's dress uniform
2007-04-13 09:52:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I used to wear scrubs back when I worked for some doctors. Now I work in an office and have to dress "professionally".... Man, I miss my scrubs! They were so comfortable and all I had to pick out every morning was which color I wanted to wear. Now I have to pick out an entire outfit *rolls eyes*.
2007-04-13 09:53:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i do wear a uniform to work when the dam place calls me to work.
2007-04-13 09:55:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm a college student, so no uniform.
2007-04-13 09:52:25
answer #6
answered by Princess of Egypt 5
if a burp rag and pjs count as a uniform then yes, because im a stay at home mom
2007-04-13 09:53:33
answer #7
answered by Amber 3
Yes. God, and they are so strict. 100% cotton oxford style button up. Interesting silk tie. Khaki dickies. Black socks. Black Belt. Black skid-resistant shoes... and an ironed and starched 3 foot long server apron (looks like a long skirt).
2007-04-13 09:53:42
answer #8
answered by April B 3
It's business casual where I work, so I usually wear khakis and a polo shirt.
2007-04-13 09:52:31
answer #9
answered by mikeztheman 2
No but my husband does. Sure saves on wardrobe cost and time trying to decide what to wear each day.
2007-04-13 09:52:12
answer #10
answered by sasors 3