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I am trying to understand why some races hate all white people. I hate what my ancestors did all those years ago, and that white people enslaved black people. I hate that some white people are racist and prejudiced. But it's been well over a hundred years since slavery, why are black people mad at white people TODAY about it? Also Latinos, some other races etc also hate white people.

Are there other things about white people that make you mad enough to hate us all If so, what is it?

My family told me never to judge a book by its cover, but by the contents inside. I live that way now and I'm glad that I do.

2007-04-13 02:44:58 · 28 answers · asked by yomama23 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

28 answers

I have nothing against white people, I get along with any race as long as there is mutual respect, plus my fiancee is white. So no, I have nothing against white people we're all the same at the end of day when you take the colour away.

2007-04-13 02:49:50 · answer #1 · answered by Pearl 5 · 12 0

message for kautolo you need to read (if you can) history books and you will see the many inventions, starting with the (red gold & green) traffic lights.
As for hating whites the asker is way off base, firstly it was not white people who enslaved us it was our own people who captured and sold us off. There is prejudice in all of us but do not mistake this for racism. When countries object or voice displeasure about other countries invading or trying to ride rouhg shot over them without UN backing, it is not a colour thing it is a country thing and most countries now are made up of all different races. So if you see an individual hating on white people do not asume that individual represents the majority. Personally i think hate is a waste of good energy which could be used to help mankind. Goverments international policies are what I see causing a lot of anger and war among nations not the colour of someones skin. Think about ethnic cleansing, it does not matter what colour you are what matters is your religious beliefs and culture.
Religion has no colour but historically it has been the greatest course of war to-date.
So be proud of your colour and remember we are all individuals and like it or not we are NOT ALL THE SAME!!!!

2007-04-14 22:46:21 · answer #2 · answered by desevans007 3 · 2 0

I have many friends who are of black origin who don't hate whites at all and most are even intelligent enough to know that slavery has always existed, and even happened in their own cultures. Tribal African's took slaves from other tribes! We ourselves were enslaved by the Romans (Colour of skin didn't help us either)
Only ignorant people are racist whether they are Black, White, Yellow or they could be Purple with Pink and Yellow spots! I hate them for that not for what Country they or their family originally came from. There is no Country or Race in the world that can look back at it's history and say with honesty that their ancestors were innocent of any wrong doing!

2007-04-13 03:00:56 · answer #3 · answered by willowGSD 6 · 3 0

Hating an entire group of people based on a physical attribute is simply ignorance. It's being too lazy to take the time and get to know individuals.

That said, I can see why some African Americans are bitter about the legacy left them by white slave owners. Slavery bred a long standing prejudice in this country and created an uneven playing field.

Background matters. If you come from a background where it's understood that you'll attend a good school and get a good job, that's one thing. If your background includes slavery and segregation and a lack of opportunity, that's a hell of a lot to overcome. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying slavery and segregation left us a very ugly legacy...

2007-04-13 02:57:54 · answer #4 · answered by Penelope Smith 7 · 7 1

I married a white man I do not hate white people
I believe many black,spanish etc do not hate white people
most feel that white hate them so they react the way other they feel treat them in fact many of the black,spanish etc etc really respect the white community a lots
most it not hate it fear not from getting rob but what they can do to them and theirs family personally and I have seen and hear it done to family member in the south I am a child of the late 60s and 70s but it have gotten a little better

2007-04-13 02:53:01 · answer #5 · answered by Linda 7 · 1 0

I can tell you this, I am now on my 5th long term relationship and prior to this i have always been involved with a White women, all of whom i have loved and had great times with.
I have lived the past five years with a beautiful Black women from Ghana. I have never been happier.
That's not to say that I feel Black women are any better, or any worse......
Her family, which is massive, have all taken me for who and what I am, they have treated me with warmth and respect, as I have them.
I have been to Ghana and it lives up to its reputation for being the friendliest place on earth, its fantastic.
So no, not all Black people hate white people, however they will not forget the days of mass murder, rape and enslavement, who can blame them?.
But the ones i know and have met have moved on a long long time ago.
We should do the same.
I say this F**K all racists and bigots of any colour and from where ever they are from.
Who needs Them ?

2007-04-13 03:05:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

It's very simple, and it's called the 'Blame Game'.

If any person isn't getting what they desire in life the simplest thing to do is to find a 'peg' to hang your frustration on.

It's not a question of just what tint your skin happens to have, it can be anything, race. creed, colour, language, religion, sex, sexual preferences, you name it. The most wonderful thing about us human beings is the amazing variety we come in, but beware, that is also the basis for discrimination and allowed to go to the extremes, hatred.

Hate is merely an extension of fear, and we fear what we do not understand, or that we harbour envy for.

To move from there to blaming others for our lack of self-esteem and self-respect is a lamentably short step.

My advice ?

Get over it, and start taking responsibility for your life, individually. No-one is to blame for where and what you are, but yourself, ourselves.

No-one alive today caused slavery, or the repression of woman, gay people, Jews, orientals or whatever. We are slowly climbing out of the abyss of our ignorant past, and I for one, am amazed at the progress that society, worldwide, has made in the last 100 years.

By hanging on to old prejudices ( on both sides of the 'coin' ) we are merely extending the effects. We are doing very well overall, just keep on keeping on, and don't let the jerks get you down, whoever they are.

2007-04-13 03:15:22 · answer #7 · answered by cosmicvoyager 5 · 1 2

My family way back disliked black people as during the war a load where shipped to Jamaica and they where horrible stealing food and obviously racist towards white people. But even though my mum was racist bringing us up (she is not now) I am not and will not let my children be to anyone, old, coloured, different. Everyone is equal no matter what they look like or skin colour and it is sad that we still have these differences in this day and age.

2007-04-13 02:52:23 · answer #8 · answered by ???? 5 · 2 3

Yes, I loathe white people.

2014-08-19 11:57:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hate is like pointing a finger at someone, the other four are directed at you. Hating is unhealthy, it only eats up the person doing the hating. It does them more harm than good.

2007-04-13 02:51:57 · answer #10 · answered by swish 4 · 9 1

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