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With all this crap about Imus going around, where's the outrage about the black stripper who accussed 3 white kids of RAPE? Where's the apologies from Jackson and Sharpton for leading the lynching march with ZERO evidence? I'd much rather be called a name then accussed of rape!

2007-04-13 01:53:58 · 18 answers · asked by Bluejacket 3 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

I am outraged, you don't even have to ask. Both you and I know that will never happen especially from those 2 old Black race baiters, Jackson and Sharpton
If you notice from my avatar, I am black. When the Duke case first broke in the news, I was concerned because I know 2 rape victims and I know the trauma they experienced. Be that as it may, 10 days into this thing we started hearing that the story started to change. then along came the hate mongers Sharpton and Jackson. They inflamed the already tense racial undertones.
I have been saying from the time I heard her story changed, the DNA did not match anybody in the house ( and this was the first test that the rouge SOB Nifong said would nail the suspects), I knew this was a crock of sh*t.
You will never hear Sharpton apologize for anything The crud has yet to apologize for the Twanna Brawley rape hoax from 1987. He did not disavow the New Black Panther party when they threatened these boys lives right inside the court room. to hear someone say to Reade Seligmann, " You are a dead man walking" disgusted me no end considering we had known before he was indicted that he had an alibi.
Sharpton and Jackson will prostitute themselves to keep themselves relevant because they have been so divisive and that is why they had been hitting out against Obama because he has been helping to make them obsolete in the black community.
Personally, Yes, she should apologize to them. She should be charged for filing a false police report and also for perjury IF she had spoken to the grand jury.
She does not have the money BUT I feel there should be a summary judgement entered where she should pay them each $1 each every week for the REST OF HER LIFE as a reminder of what her lies wrought. If she misses a payment, she goes to jail for a period of 30 days each time she misses and she would still have to make the payments.
She has made it even more difficult for real rape victims to be believed. She has made the bar be set even higher for them which is totally unfair

2007-04-13 01:56:29 · answer #1 · answered by thequeenreigns 7 · 6 0

We have a problem in this country....its called racism. Its no longer just against African Americans. Now racism goes both ways with many African Americans guilty of being racists themselves. One must not overlook that there are still many racist activities that target African Americans and that their hatred and anger are not without provocation. However, this does not excuse them from the same racist feelings that they have fought so hard to overcome themselves.

The outrage you are looking for is not without merit but in the BIG PICTURE it will only make the issue worse. The longer you make race the issue, even when you are right, the longer racism will persist. No one likes to be wrong and rubbing their noses in it only makes the issue grow into a larger problem.

I think a better issue should be ensuring that no prosecutor ever gets to make a political campaign out of a criminal investigation.

2007-04-13 09:07:45 · answer #2 · answered by bukroo_banzai 2 · 1 0

I agree. These kids were traumatized, put through a corrupt court system, had to prove their innocence, had their reputations smeared, and I dont see or hear the 2 great African American self appointed leaders serving up any apologies. Oh my, Imus called some nappy headed ho's nappy headed ho's. Big deal. Get over it. Do they have go to court and face a possible 20 to 60 year sentence behind bars ? NO

2007-04-13 08:59:35 · answer #3 · answered by rp 4 · 2 0

They are white, therefore there should be no outrage. Jackson and Sharpton don't have to appologize, since they are always right.

Sharpton still hasn't appolgized for Tawana Brawley, he even had a judgement against him for calling a prosecutor a rapist in that case, and still hasn't appolgized.

We should picket the accused rapists house. Miss Crystal Gail Mangum.

2007-04-13 09:00:22 · answer #4 · answered by Angelus2007 4 · 4 0

Those young men are white so NOBODY will show an outrage! White people don't know how to stick together! That Prosecutor needs to be fired and that woman needs to be charged but I can assure you the new black panther group will see to it that,that doesn't happen after all white men have been raping black girls for 200 years,so they say!

2007-04-13 09:02:27 · answer #5 · answered by Classic96 4 · 2 0

Totally agree with you. Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are glory hounds. When did they become the moral gatekeeper of our society? If you want a great article to read, check out Jason Whitlock from the Kansas City paper - google it. He used to write for ESPN. He gives a great perspective that really hits the true issues at hand.

2007-04-13 09:02:02 · answer #6 · answered by brian 2 · 1 0

they just go from one cause to the next , never apologizing for their wrongs - only gloating over people like imus getting fired. they will never say it but they`re probably happy they ruined those "rich white boys" lives for over a year with little or no evidence against them.
they were relentless over imus and i can only think that this will only strengthen racism since people are fed up with sharpton/jackson pushing large corporations around to suit themselves

2007-04-13 09:09:49 · answer #7 · answered by doghouse 3 · 2 0

FOX news has been running this story from the start, and their commentators have been outraged, with the exception of conservative Glenn Beck CNN has been quiet about the latest turn of events.

2007-04-13 09:08:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's there. But where's the outrage against Nancy Grace and other white media pundits who conducted a trial by media which lasted for months.

2007-04-13 09:00:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Good question, better still where is the Media , demanding an
apology from Sharp ton and Jackson .

2007-04-13 09:00:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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