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This whole Don Imus thing is absolutley ridiculous. Right at this moment I'm in Afghanistan watching this debacle and from here it looks like everyone forgot that in America there is this thing called freedom of speech. Sure what he said was stupid and insensitive and maybe even racist but much worse has been said before. He was fined and suspended but it wasn't enough and now he's fired. WHAT THE F**K?! He'd been punished and apologized but is anyone really looking at what's really going on? Today Imus gets fired for calling someone a name in what was obviously just a heat of the moment jest , tomorrow you or I say something someone doesn't like and then what? Jail, fines or maybe worse? I don't like Rutgers because their football team ruined what would have been a perfect season for my hometown team. Then to top it all off did they do crap else last season? I don't think so. So now what? Are they gonna come after me over here and suspend me or am I fired too? What do y'all think?

2007-04-13 01:42:24 · 12 answers · asked by Hendo 3 in News & Events Current Events

12 answers

"Freedom of speech" was never intended to mean being able to spew whatever filth comes out of your mouth. Our founding fathers meant that we should be given the right to speak freely against our government, and have the freedom of expression to oppose a tyrannical and oppressive government.
"The right to bear arms" was never intended to mean that you should be able to carry a bazooka around and shoot at anyone you damn well please. Our founding fathers intended that to be a Constitutional guarantee that we, as citizens, could "bear arms" against a tyrannical and oppressive government.
Civility is something that any civilized society should cherish and embrace. The filth and vulgar language that is allowed over our airwaves today only serves to dehumanize all members of our culture. It is the cause of this nation's moral decay; hatred toward those with whom we disagree instead of tolerance; and the root of all the evil that so permeates our society and our government.
Yes, the Imus thing is ridiculous, especially when the likes of Howard Stern is still allowed to debase women and Rush Limbaugh is allowed to spew forth with his Hitleresque political bigotry. -RKO- 04/13/07

2007-04-13 01:53:31 · answer #1 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

I surely see the big picture. The NAACP is our judge and jury. If they don't like what we say - LOOK THE F**K OUT. They will take you down and spin any situation to get just what they want. What is it that they want? They want revenge for their ancestors. No one should have caved in to these people. All they are doing is breeding more hate and racism. In my opinion they are the black community's version of the Klu Klux Klan. We have Men and Women dying everyday fighting for our rights in this country, and in this country we are firing them for their rights????? Imus was wrong, dead wrong, but he apologized, What about Jackson and Sharpton - are they apologizing one on one with the 3 duke players that they accused of raping a black woman? Its been terrible what has happened to these men and their families, their reps have been tarnished for life, not just the win of a basketball season, their whole lives, and these 2 men were behind this!!! It is proven they were innocent a few days ago, where are they with their apologies???? Should they not be fired from their "activist" and "religious" positions in which they hold??? I am just so sick of the NAACP controlling every aspect of my rights as an american citizen.

2007-04-13 02:02:40 · answer #2 · answered by MommaSchmitt 4 · 0 0

I'm sorry but all of this is crap!!!!! First of all he was referring to the whole team as "Nappy headed Ho's", and they're saying it's a racist comment sorry but aren't there white girls on that basketball team and who said the word nappy was racist? I'm white my husband is native american and I tell my kids that their hair looks nappy when it's all messed up. They're not even looking at the word that is hurtful, not racist, Ho's. Which ,no, was not nice but who cares get over it!!! They are making a big deal out of nothing look at all of the black comedians and rappers that make racist comments on white people all the time you don't see us complaining. Hell I tell my kids they look ashy when their skin is dry. Is that racist. Cry me a river ****. You don't see mobs of white people crying and trying to sue black comedians and rappers for calling us honkeys, crackers, white trash, whatever it may be. You don't see mobs of Jews, Asians, Native Americans all in an uproar! Rev. Al and Jessie Jackson need to find new hobbies instead of making something out of nothing. It's just like that stripper they were representing with the Duke boys. She was lying and they made it all to a racists thing. If it was three black boys it would have never made such a big stink. Imus was wrongfully fired. It's called freedom of speech and they are trying to take that away from us. And it pisses me off that's what I think of it!!!!

2007-04-13 02:09:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes, I certainly do see the big picture and it's not a pretty one.

The U.S. Government has been chipping away at Constitutional rights for over 40 years... all of those "wars" on various things like "Crime", "Poverty", "Ignorance", "Drugs" etc have really been nothimg more than a continued war on the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

The Fascist American Government (FASCIST-FASCISM: A system of extreme Right-wing Dictatorial Government) is bent on taking EVERY constitutional right away and this latest insanity... being fought by the Politically Correct Nazis... is an assault against the FIRST AMENDMENT.

This works because the AmeriKan school system is broken and turns out functional illiterates with 5 minute attention spans so they are too dumb to see what their own Gubbernment is doing to them

2007-04-13 01:48:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're right. People need to wake up. I feel Mr.Imus was used as a sacrificial lamb so more freedoms can be whittled away. A suspension and/or fine should have been all. What he said was jacked up, but I think because he might have known some of the women were from the Bronx and Brooklyn (rough neighborhoods), he got wound up. It still doesn't excuse what he said over the airwaves.

2007-04-13 06:10:16 · answer #5 · answered by سيف الله بطل ‎جهاد‎ 6 · 1 0

I assume that you're over there. Protecting this Nation. If that is the case? I'm honored to have this time with you. Next, I feel that The Left Agenda, is losing ground. They've never had any substance. So they have to prop themselves up with any magical Potion that they can. So they play the Race Card, at any chance given. "Freedom of Speech" be damned, If it's made by someone who doesn't espouse the Leftist ideas. Imus was one of, (so-called) Them! and they threw him under the Bus. Next? They're gonna say that Our President, caused him to say that.

2007-04-13 01:54:24 · answer #6 · answered by Nunya Bidniss 7 · 0 0

it did go a little overboard.. his comments were uncalled for though. I was watching the today show and they brought up some interesting points.

One was like.. yes there is free speech but not on the public airways because is a privilege, but then someone also pointed out "Does free speech apply to everyone except white people?"

just made you wonder.

2007-04-13 01:48:59 · answer #7 · answered by NAQ 5 · 1 0

Don Imus was fired by the media company he represented. You, on the other hand, don't represent a media company; so you have nothing to worry about.

2007-04-13 01:53:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Intelligent and insightful answer RKO. For those of you who are worried that our constitutional rights are being eaten away, it's not our government doing it. It's not Democrats and it's not Republicans. Just take a look at the track record of the ACLU. One person cries because his/her feelings are hurt, they get the ACLU in on it, and the entire country pays for it by losing another freedom.

2007-04-13 02:07:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, you do know that the irreverant al feels that only he is entitled to freedom of speech, and that he should decide who has civil rights, and not accept the fact that everyone has civil rights.
Aren't you there fighting for civil rights? Did you ask rev al if it was okay for you to try and protect the civil rights of the people there?

2007-04-13 01:49:15 · answer #10 · answered by guppy137 4 · 1 0

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