Usually s/he just either falls asleep or lets go and turn his/her little head away. You should really consider attending a La Leche League group meeting to meet more nursing moms; they are such a great resource for information and support. I put a few links below also to help you learn about what to expect in the beginning. There will be so many questions and I hope you can find some answers at these websites. Also, don't hesitate to contact me if you have more questions or need some support!
2007-04-13 09:12:21
answer #1
answered by calliope_13731 5
Yes, the baby will stop sucking when the first breast is out of milk. Then you latch them on to the second side and let them nurse until they stop. When they're hungry, feed them. There is a group called le leche league. you can check out their web site. They help nursing moms and they may have a local chapter in your area that can help you once you start nursing!! Their web pg may give you more info. Good luck! you've made a good choice. it may be hard at first but stick with it!! It only gets easier!
2007-04-11 21:00:38
answer #2
answered by trehuginhipee 4
Yes, they will, a lot of the time they will fall asleep while feeding, you`ll notice because there won`t be anymore sucking motions going on and you can pull out the nipple with no resistance. You`ll do great! Congratulations on your decision to breastfeed!
2007-04-11 21:02:13
answer #3
answered by Roxie 6
Sometime they will stop sucking sometimes the fall asleep are you going to antenatal classes. all babies are different find out as much as you can from the antenatal classes. if you have to much time on you hands read as much as you can to prepare yourself. You do not have to do everything a baby book says just take on board what feels right for you and bub.
2007-04-11 21:07:46
answer #4
answered by Shaz 4
Babies know when they have had enough, mine usually falls asleep. Breastfeeding is the best choice. I have done it now for 4 months. I love it. Congratulations and good luck.
2007-04-11 21:01:46
answer #5
answered by Boredoutofmymind 4
s/he will stop feeding, and then you burp, and then offer the otherside. if s/he is hungry still, s/he will take it, otherwise s/he will not suck. Then, at the next feed to start ont he side that you finished with. This will help your supply to be consistent.
2007-04-12 00:10:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
usually yes, although my son who is 3 1/2 weeks likes to pacifie himself with the breast so it seems like he is never off of it! lol, i tried pacifiers but he refuses them, so its been a bit rough, but its nice at night, because he will wake up be feed and then off to bed again
2007-04-12 01:31:48
answer #7
answered by ruspecialenuf 3
Yes, and immediately fall asleep.
2007-04-11 20:59:58
answer #8
answered by jlpubarch 2
Babies who nurse eat until they are satisfied. As long as you can hear and see your baby drinking and you are changing wet and soiled diapers, your baby is getting enough to eat. Breast fed babies also tend to fall asleep on the breast and that is their signal that they are done.
2007-04-11 21:07:35
answer #9
answered by Mom23 3
have no idea
2007-04-11 21:42:21
answer #10
answered by Ali 5000 5