Yes he did steal the first election. He must have known that the fix was in because of his behavior and reluctance to concede Florida.
He won the second one because alot of democratic supporters didnt want Kerry to win because if Kerry was elected, Hillary would not have ran until 2012
2007-04-12 05:05:59
answer #1
answered by rp 4
Presidential elections Are Fixed.
There's No better Way To Make People Believe Voting Is Real But With Close Elections, Poles, Hanging Chads and Re-Counts.
Hillary Was At The June 6, 06 Bilderberger Meeting, As has Every President Just Before Winning The Presidential Election.
Are You Ready For A Half Century Of The Bush/Clinton Crime Family Elitist Rule?
Do You Research:....Key Words
Bush Clinton Crime Family
Bush Cocaine Cia Operations
Bohemian Grove
Bush Family Are Jews
Trillions Of Dollars Missing
2007-04-11 17:16:13
answer #2
answered by GOJUNIOR 2
human beings say that because of the fact Gore extremely had the main votes, yet Bush had the main electoral votes. If the ideally suited courtroom hadn't stopped the recounts, that's achievable that Gore could have taken Florida, and to that end had extra electoral votes. So technically, the ideally suited courtroom stopped the recounts on the element while George Bush had Florida.
2016-12-09 00:46:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
He won the same way, rigged elections. Election machines without a paper trail and no way to verify votes were used. Some were obviously hacked into in Florida and I'm sure many other states. In ONE precinct 16,000 votes disappeared. Of course, guess what, they were democratic votes and the wrong representative was sent to Washington. We all know the wrong man was again sent to Washington. He failed in every business venture he ever went into, but with big oil and big money pulling his puppet strings he has not failed them in this eight year venture. Sadly he has failed his country and the world.
2007-04-11 17:26:04
answer #4
answered by lcmcpa 7
He won a second term mainly because most states had a measure concerning gay marriage. Conservative Christians voted in droves to keep that measure from passing, and along with it they voted for Dumbya. I firmly believe that the gay marriage ballot measures were instituted by the Republicans simply to inspire the Con. Christians to get out and vote.
Hail to the Thief!
2007-04-11 17:12:34
answer #5
answered by puppylove 6
History lesson.
Florida Elections were held based on Florida Laws passsed by Florida Citizens. The DNC came in and said there must be a recount. Florida law did not require a recount but the DNC tried to SUBVERT the election process by using the Florida Supreme Courts. The Florida Courts told Florida Election officials that the ballots must be re-counted but in doing so CREATED law instead of interpreting it; a flagrant violation of seperation of powers. The RNC took it to the US Supremem Court that upheld the Florida Election laws ruling that the Florida courts had interfered in the election and that te original vote count should stand.
In reality the DNC corrupted the election process by using the court to create law. The RNC just made sure that the laws created by the citizens of Florida were upheld.
2007-04-11 17:26:57
answer #6
answered by Homeless in Phoenix 6
Of course he did and it was Carl Rove , his brother ,Jeb and the Courts that put in office the first time . We wouldn't be in Iraq , if Gore had won . Oh what a differant it would be today !!!!
2007-04-11 17:13:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well, if you saw the news that the Ohio election board president was FIRED today for mishandling of election numbers I would say YES.
2007-04-11 17:15:51
answer #8
answered by Stealth 2
If you are refering to the US presidential election in 2000, it was Weird Al who almost stole it.
2007-04-11 18:30:38
answer #9
answered by yupchagee 7
Because upstanding citizens like me voted for him, twice. If he "stole" the election, like your parents and the rest of the liberals keep whining, how come the New York Times, Dan Rather, the ACLU and a host of other liberals and their organizations tried and tried to find just one scintilla of evidence that our President stole that election, and they came up empty handed? Can you explain that to us, though your language skills leave a lot to be desired? Or does evidence mean nothing and the whine means everything?
2007-04-11 17:10:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous