You know I had just read something online the other day about this very thing. I found a website that was quite informative. I don't know if this will help you, but check out the website: Also, if you want to watch snippets of the video then go to and type in loose change. It should bring up the video in three parts. I thought it was quite riveting and it answered some of my questions, similar to yours. Hope this helps.
2007-04-11 15:27:35
answer #1
answered by Moo Moo Mair 6
First of all, stateside military bases don't have 24/7 air security or rocket launchers to shoot down anyone shown on their radar. If someone wanted to crash a plane on there it would be done well before they could respond to a radar blip. Especially when there's major airports in proximatey.
Secondly there is no suposedly, a plane crashed into the pentagon. I mean, we know a plane took off, it had passengers on it, who have never been seen since. The FAA would also know where it went and where it went down. Are you suggesting that the numerous FAA workers scambling that morning to figure out what was going on are also keeping this awful secret?
The first reports of the first plane to hit the WTC said they believed a plane crashed into the building, at first they reported a small plane and more speculations as information trickled in. It wasn't until the second plane, actually seen by everyone watching, because of the coverage of the first plane strike that it really became apparent that something really bad was up. It wasn't until these hits happened that anyone even thought to seek and identify hijacked plans, United 93 being the only one known to be hijacked before it went down.
2007-04-11 15:56:46
answer #2
answered by Χαλαρά 7
yes there were, as a matter of fact, the plane that "crashed" in the field was actually shot down by two fighter planes during the assault on the cockpit by the passengers. this was a military cover up and neither Bush or the White House staff were informed about it. even the crash site shows evidence it was shot down. the way the debris from the plane was scattered all behind it shows evidence of a missile strike to the plane. there were other planes yes but they were put back on ground quickly.
to answer your pentagon question, its Not a base, therefore they have no way to intercept the plane, and even if they did by the time the aircraft were in the air the plane would have already crashed. this is because the pilots would need to suit up, fuel and arm their aircraft, get on the runway, get permission to take off, and then find and intercept their target. this whole process takes 30-45 min.
and the pentagon doesn't have radar to detect aircraft anyway
2007-04-11 15:37:50
answer #3
answered by True American 4
When the first plan struck the first tower, they didn't know it was a terrorist attack. Second plane hits 18 minutes later. So now, its an apparent terrorist attack. But they seem to be targeting NYC. It was only 40 minutes later until the Pentagon was hit, hundreds of miles away. There were fighter jets in the air, but there wasn't much they could do in the amount of time they had. And what do you think the people who work at the pentagon do all day? Sit at their desks with guns and bombs waiting to be attacked?
2007-04-11 15:33:36
answer #4
answered by Libby L 3
Protocol when intercepting a hijacked passenger aircraft up to the morning of 9/11 was to get its attention and direct it to land. There was no protocol in place for shooting it down. All hijackings up to that point involved political demands or ransom, not the use of the aircraft as weapons.
2016-05-17 23:27:37
answer #5
answered by kaitlyn 3
Eventually there were fighter planes in the air, yes. But those that were immediately available were not armed. All the planes were being tracked by various agencies. The problem was that once the order was given to down the last plane it crashed.
And the Pentagon plane didn't get past "radars and security", they knew it was coming. But they didn't know exactly what the target was.
You don't seriously buy the "Bush conspiracy" theory do you? C'mon!
2007-04-11 15:32:27
answer #6
answered by AK 6
The pentagon is NOT a military base in the sense that people think of a base. jeez.....It's a building for military shaped like a pentagon surrounded by a parking lot. There are no runways or weapons (other than what security carries) on site. It is also right next to the glide path for Reagan (national) airport. Let me give you a little history, in the past hijacked planes did not run into buildings. The closest fighters were not close enough to intercept since they were coming out of Langley. I think it would behoove you to learn a little more about our defenses before you really look goofy. I hope your basic knowledge isn't typical of other conspiracy theorist. I would be embarrassed if I were you.
2007-04-11 15:27:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
On Sept 11 the fighter jets where involved in a military exercise and were conducting operations 165 miles away.
When the F15s were launched out of Massachuchetts they did not get to New York or the pentegon until after they struck their targets.
Because of the military exercise that was going on it took almost a full hour to determine that what was going on was real world and not part of some exercise.
There is a book you should read. It is called the 9-11 final report. It is 600 pages long. I am sure if you start reading it now you should have it done before the 2008 November elections
2007-04-11 15:27:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
For many obvious reasons, military personel do not fire on civilian craft. All the hijackers had to do was to get on the radio, cry out that their avionics and flight controls were malfunctioning, and then any military in the area would have their hands tied.
It would also be very bad to shoot down the wrong civilian jet. Not just the government, but think of the pilot. Even shooting down one that was piloted by hijackers; they still know they killed innocent people. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... but that is still hard to rationalize.
2007-04-11 15:33:17
answer #9
answered by K 5
That's what I always wondered too, in regards to the WTC. I can sort of see the first plane slipping through radar, but a second?
You would think that Air Traffic Control would notice these jets flying low over Manhattan, and that, yes, maybe the military would have an eye out for things like that too.
What exactly were the a.t. controllers doing?
There must have been some eyes on those planes on a radar screen somewhere, maybe JFK airport.
2007-04-11 15:32:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Most of the planes you speak of were mysteriously sent to random parts of the United States far far away from Washington and New York. The ones that were scrambled were sent out over the Atlantic Ocean because they thought it was a drill. Interestingly enough there was a drill going on that morning where hijacked airplanes were supposedly going to hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. But yet...they had never heard of such a crazy idea.
I find it rather amazing that 19 guys with box cutters could outsmart all of Americas defense capabilities, erase planes from radar screens, and fly these jets (most of them failed flight school) straight into small targets at 500mph. Even the most skilled pilots in the world would have trouble doing such amazing feats.
God forbid you question the government though....because if you do, you are labled an idiot, un-American, a traitor, a liberal, a liar, a tinfoil hat wearing person and you are told to lay off the kool-aid.
The only thing that is un-American here is the consolidation of Presidential power into one branch of government. This has been happening since 9/11 and you are an idiot if you think it isn't.
2007-04-11 15:30:21
answer #11
answered by trevor22in 4