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Would you?

a.) Keep the baby

b.) Put the baby up for adaption

c.) Get an abortion

2007-04-11 13:29:56 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

34 answers

b. otherwise your girlfriend would have to deal wit hteh fact that she killed an innocent baby. i would have an open adoption. meaning that you can tlak to the people and the child as he/she grows up.

2007-04-11 13:32:49 · answer #1 · answered by runner1girl9 3 · 2 0

Put the baby up for adoption. 15 is too young to be a parent and abortion is just not a good answer. There are so many good people in the world that want to be parents but can't. Adoption is the way to go.

2007-04-11 13:32:47 · answer #2 · answered by nyhtshade 5 · 2 0

At that age I certainly wouldn't have the money nor the resources to properly raise a child. I really don't value abortion so I'd give the baby up for adoption. It would be an open adoption so I could still be in my baby's life.

2007-04-11 13:38:52 · answer #3 · answered by nobodyd 7 · 0 0

I would talk to my mom about it (I'd have to, obviously) and we'd decide from there. I'd either get an abortion or put the baby up for adoption. If I ended up having the kid at 15, my mom would have to take care of it and that's not fair. The child wouldn't have the life that he/she would deserve.

2007-04-11 13:34:23 · answer #4 · answered by Delvala 5 · 2 0

an abortion is never a good answer, but teenage pregnancy is never a good question.

honestly, an abortion is probably the best solution in this situation. a lot of people will patronize you and say things like you should be mature enough to raise a child if you're mature enough to have sex, but these people aren't living it, so they have no right to comment on it... none of us do!

this is a situation that really should be left up to the people directly involved.

2007-04-11 15:45:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would hope they were at least together, for mutual support at least. I would also hope that they had the support of both sets of parents... that's in the ideal world of course. If not, I understand that 15 is incredibly young, and I don't think I'd know what to do aged 15 - hence the question, maybe. There are moral and religious issues here, but I like to think, whatever the decision, it is the right one - it may seem flippant to say this - but do what you think is right. I also think, whatever you decide, and whatever you think and do, never, never, never beat yourselves up about your decision, or give yourselves a hard time or feel the need to pile guilt on yourselves about your decision. It's up to you - nobody knows better, or what it's like to be you, in this decision.

2007-04-11 14:07:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A) Keep the baby of course. but If I knew I can give it a better life than what I could do I would choose B put it up for adoption.

2007-04-11 13:33:36 · answer #7 · answered by misty blue 6 · 0 0

probably b.) considering that you are only 15 and wont have the resources to support the baby. But definitely do NOT pick c.) Abortion is plain wrong.

good luck.

2007-04-11 13:34:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thats a personal decision you will spend a lifertime living with. You and her ned to do some soul searching, look at what kind of family support you can count on, and make the decision that you can BOTH live with. Five minutes of fun, a lifetime of stuggle, I hope you have, if nothing else learned something from this, because now a life is in your hands. The best to you noth.

2007-04-11 13:34:37 · answer #9 · answered by Papa Joe 4 · 1 0

b. theres no way i could keep a baby but id feel bad getting an abortion. that way the it could hopefully go to a good home and would get a chance at life.

2007-04-11 13:33:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A keep the baby

2007-04-11 13:33:08 · answer #11 · answered by sandy 6 · 1 0

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