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...should it occur (probably won't), Buffalo/Pittsburgh in the 2nd round would be the epitome of bandwagoning and bandwagoning hatred? Am I right?

I mean, Penguin bandwagon, Sabre bandwagon, a good chunk of topics here are about one of those two wagons. It would be rather fitting for those wagons to clash and create a fire of some sort.

2007-04-11 09:17:45 · 10 answers · asked by rickdykes52 4 in Sports Hockey

10 answers

that would be 2 weeks i would avoid this site. it's hard enough to seriously answer or ask a question without having some rude or stupid response from both pens fans and sabres fans that only want to get the message out.. Go whoever! if they were playing each other in the playoffs, there wouldn't be a question that could be answered b/c it would all be go pens/ go sabres/ pens suck/ sabres suck...

so yeah, i'd be nonexistent here if that became the case until that series was over.

2007-04-11 09:27:27 · answer #1 · answered by Pens Chica 2 · 1 2

Whoever is playing well or has the best player in the league will always have a lot of bandwagoners. It is just a part of sports. If Yahoo Answers had been around in the 80s, you'd be hearing about the Oilers and Gretzky all the time. I don't see what the big deal is. People overreact about the bandwagoners more than the bandwagoners overreact about their team.

2007-04-11 16:31:51 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 2 0

You make me laugh, in a good way. That really would be funny wouldn't it! I wonder if anyone would attempt to put out the fire afterwards, or just let it burn away like one of those team's hopes at winning the Stanley Cup after that one? But seriously, you cannot argue with the regular season success that both of these teams had, with Buffalo winning the President's Trophy and Pittsburgh getting the #5 seed in the Eastern Conference when many pre-season prognosticators said they would be cellar dwellers. However, I do sympathize with the legitimate fans of both of those teams, who are very upset with all the band wagon jumping. As a fan of the Leafs, I have been there too. Many people have bashed the Leafs throughout there playoff pursuits over the past few times they made it in, and then when their team got beat out by the Leafs, they were all like "Leafs are gonna win it," which is annoying. If you dislike the team as much as you said you did before, why when they are having success to you join in the celebrating? Especially Sens fans, insteading of crying that their team once again lost to the Leafs, they would start cheering for the Leafs in the next round. Sens fans, if the Leafs ever make the playoffs again and beat the living hell out of your precious Sens, don't come jumping on our ship, we don't want you. You are all hideous and disgusting in our eyes for cheering for such a loser team like the Ottawa Senators. And I don't care that they have made the playoffs the last two years and the Leafs haven't, because the Sens joined them on the golf course a couple of weeks later last year, and likely will join them sooner this year. The Pens have a talented group of forwards that, if the defenders on Ottawa and Ray Emery are not on top of their game every shift every night, could run roughshod over the entire Ottawa Senators defense, which would make me oh so happy to once again see those losers choke again in the playoffs. That is why I am going for the Pens this year in the playoffs. As for the Sabres, the reason why I join that band wagon is because they are the strongest team throughout their entire lineup in the whole Eastern Conference, if not the entire league, with every player on every forward line very much capable of providing offense every night and every defenseman knowing what they have to do in their own end to stop the other team's forwards, and Ryan Miller being a good goaltender in this league, the Buffalo Sabres definitely have a good chance to win the Stanley Cup this year. However, first things first, they need to win 4 games agains the New York Islanders, which shouldn't be a problem, but it is never a gimme in the NHL playoffs. Now, if I have upset any fans of either the Pens or the Sabres by jumping onto those band wagons, I am sorry, but the success of these two young teams has me seeing no other teams to really cheer for in the Eastern Conference, what with my beloved Leafs on the outside looking in for a second straight year. Oh well, at least my Sharks are in good shape heading into Game #1 against Nashville. Go Sharks Go!

2007-04-11 16:36:01 · answer #3 · answered by Me 3 · 2 1

I know everyone is sick of the bandwagon. Stop whining. You should appreciate that more people are watching hockey because of these teams. There is much to appreciate from the way both teams play. Look at the Pens jump in points. Look at the young guns they have and their style...Too bad they are too young and will be out quickly.
Buffalo, they play exciting fast highly skilled hockey. Don't hate. The bandwagoners will learn and become hockey fans. Feel safe in what you know about hockey.
KINGS 2009or2010!

2007-04-11 17:11:30 · answer #4 · answered by db14 5 · 1 2

I am not a bandwagoner. I was born on the day they won the 1992 Stanley Cup. So get your facts straight. In fact not many people are bandwagoners for the Penguins.

2007-04-11 17:12:33 · answer #5 · answered by Smartest Man Alive 4 · 0 2

Well if the Sabres, Devils, Atlanta, and the Pens win that is what would happen. Basically if there are no upsets yeah the two teams would play.

2007-04-11 16:59:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe we'll have a collision on the interstate outside Buffalo between the two bandwagons and they'll need pressure washers to clean up the mess.

2007-04-11 16:41:16 · answer #7 · answered by PuckDat 7 · 0 2

We shall see. It would be a rather ironic series for the reasons you have listed.

2007-04-11 17:29:02 · answer #8 · answered by edwiniv26 2 · 0 1

that would leave for some good questions.....and even better answers

2007-04-11 16:21:47 · answer #9 · answered by Wings Fan! 6 · 0 0


2007-04-11 16:22:48 · answer #10 · answered by JOEY WHEELS 3 · 0 0

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