2007-04-11 05:25:44
answer #1
answered by A. RMZ 4
Actually yes, and that, I'm afraid, would be ME.
You see, my dove, everyone "messes up" on occasion. The only difference between you and them is damage control. First and foremost, never pull a "Clinton." No matter how awful your behavior, own up to it. Apologize. Tear yourself to bits before others have the opportunity to. The world does NOT hate a f*ck up, the world hates a liar, and everybody, EVERYBODY is eager to forgive if only by virtue of their own need for forgiveness. Glass houses they are, every house on the universal street.
Furthermore, you can come out "smelling like a rose" by acting and maintaining that whatever you did was done in jest: nobody wants to be suspected of not getting a joke.
Or you can keep one foot in both camps, pronouncing that whatever you did, whomever you did it TO deserved it BUT you MAY regret that MAYBE you went too far. This approach never makes you a hero, but it's almost always enough to put the issue to bed.
The best way into reputation recovery is to Keep Your Head Up. Don't be seen skulking around, tail between your legs in mute and timid guilt: Pity doesn't work. If it did, nobody would be homeless. Instead plow right into the paths of your accusers, all bright and sunny. This will unbalance the enemy and even force them to confront you with the wrongdoing in question. And at that point, you've already "won." Because by showing the said "mess up" couldn't be further from your mind, you embarrass the opposition into thinking that, perhaps, they're dwelling on nothing and they really might look into getting a life.
The skilled operator knows there are no mistakes, only opportunities to poop in the punch bowl and smile as those around us ask for another cup.
PS: If this answer offended anyone, I'm really sorry. Just having a bit of fun is all. I'm such a jerk sometimes, I mean really, when will I learn that my brand of humor can upset perfectly good, otherwise very intelligent people who simply may not be in the mood for it? If it's all the same to you, maybe I'd just be better off not answering any more of your questions. At least for a while. No, really. You sure? OK then, you're the boss.
What's that smell?
To my nose, it's sh*t.
To everyone else's, it's Rose.
2007-04-11 06:01:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
My brother.
Just one example of many:
A cop pulls him for a burnt out headlight. His license is also expired. Cop gives him a warning for both (no ticket).
Brother calls me for cash and a ride to the DMV to get a new license. I pick him up and stop by the ATM, then drop him off at the DMV.
I come back an hour later to pick him up and he hands my money back to me.....he found a $100 bill in the parking lot on the way in!
2007-04-11 05:38:53
answer #3
answered by evans_michael_ya 6
Well I have came out of many difficult situations unscathed. Howerver I have also been to the cross bar hotel several times as well. I guess for 1 out of every 3 or 4 hundred crimes I do I get busted. Crime pays if you are educated.
2007-04-11 05:28:50
answer #4
answered by Frosty 2
Yes, generally they are the CEO's of companies that make off with everybody's pensions, or people who can do what they want as if the law doesn't apply to them because they truly know what most of us suspect, MONEY TALKS, and can buy you anything.
It's the people that tell us that the economy is doing good while we know how hard our struggle is. It's the people that tell you fight increasing the minimum wage because they feel it will raise prices (that never affects them because they are not worried about money), but prices are raising anyway and the only people who feel it are they ones still making pennies.
It's the people who tell us there is no oil shortage and try to convince us that it is about supply and demand, while we pay more at the pump and struggle to afford to buy gas and get to these minimum wage jobs (they have to keep a low paid working class so that they have someone to refill their drinks and bring out their food).
It's the people who let drugs into the country and turn their backs so that they can continue to finance their free labor camps and dole out huge contracts to run these camps (prisons). Have you ever noticed that people caught with cocaine usually get probation and treatment, and people caught with crack (gotta have the cocaine first to break it down) get jail time and felony convictions ( no voting rights), work for $.40-$.60/hr, unless some states get their way, hire them out to farmers for $10/hr paid to the state and the inmates keep $.60/day to replace the migrant workforce that is being chased out.
It is the people that put emphasis on welfare and the mothers who receive it while doing little to "enforce the laws" and make the absent parent responsible for the well being of their children, while making the other parent responsible for all of it(finding employment, training, childcare). If you get any type of government assistance and get a new job they will locate you and tell you how that additional money is going to affect your benefits but they can't locate an absent parent. When someone shines light on this issue they make a few arrests put it on the news and show how our tax dollars are really being used and claim that they are doing all that they can. They will force a single parent to put children in childcare while they work for minimum wage, I know of a lady with four children under the age of 6, the dad walked out and she is responsible for handling the whole situation. The state forced her to work and said she could not do the training option (get a degree), so she works for $270/week, $1161/month while the state pays the childcare provider $3104.60 to watch her children, and they proudly get on the news claiming to have reduced the welfare rolls because this mother is no longer receiving cash assistance in the amount of $486/month from the state, failing to mention that she still qualifies for food stamps and medicaid because the new income is not sufficient to remove a family of four from eligibility for these programs, while they also denied her an education that would have served a much better purpose, and still can't locate the father, and they get paid to perform this public service.
Don't get me wrong on this one, morally I don't agree with abortion, but I will never hold a picket sign either. I am a different kind of pro-choice. We as women need to make better choices about education and our futures, they men we choose, and how it will affect our lives. He loves me does not pay the bills, buy diapers, formula, attend PTA meetings. If you can carry one sign in one hand you should be able to pick up a pen with the other hand and sign adoption papers and take a baby home with you. Men have a choice and far too many of them walk away and leave women and children in dire straits.
In the words of Outkast (music group), roses really smell like boo-boo. It's up to everyone to stand up for what they really believe in and make a difference in this world. Don't just say something because it's the popular thing to say, make a progressive change. Too many people get away with doing their dirt and come out smelling like roses, but they don't fool everyone.
2007-04-11 06:03:04
answer #5
answered by shawnda6106 2
I had an ex who had that kind of luck, know matter what he did or how many times he was arrested he walked away smelling like a rose. I hate people like that!
2007-04-11 05:26:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yup, I sure do.
You're better off not being that way,because we learn and grow from our mistakes. Those who always come out smelling like a rose,don't have that. I wouldn't trade what I've learned, from my mistakes for anything in the world.
2007-04-11 05:27:44
answer #7
answered by ? 7
My brother in law hes on parole, just married a girl he was supposed to have no contact with, still on drugs, he has at least 5 kids from 5 moms, and everyone praises him like hes a freakin saint it drives me nuts!!! His mom puts him on a petal stool and no matter what my husband does she always finds a way to criticize him. Its ridiculous.
2007-04-11 05:31:42
answer #8
answered by ♥ to ...... 5
Sounds like some people I worked with at my last job.
They could get away with just standing around,
or standing talking to someone, not doing their
whole work load and leaving it for someone else
to do. Yeah, people like that ought to be smacked.
2007-04-11 05:28:09
answer #9
answered by chmar11 6
Yes, I actually know several people like that. It irk's me too. The more they get away with, the worse they get. Damnit.
2007-04-11 05:28:01
answer #10
answered by I know, I know!!!! 6
Yep, I have a friend that is always late to everything and expects everyone to be okay with whatever he decides to change or do on anything. Everyone loves him and lets him get away with it. If I did that people would put me off.
2007-04-11 05:27:22
answer #11
answered by Smiles 3