Bush has buried the Republican party for a generation.
The endless war, has cost endless billions, and 3200 lives so far. Only 27% of Americans agree with it.
2007-04-08 16:54:01
answer #1
answered by Villain 6
I see some suitable wingers do no longer trust the undeniable fact that people are the reason for suposed Warming of the Globe. And swiftly each Republician hates technological know-how! What approximately all those super innovations of all time like the transistor, AC electric automobiles, Atomic potential, the automoblie...to show some! Is that no longer technological know-how? you think of those adult men have been Liberals? no longer by potential of a protracted shot! Your international Warming now qualifies as all technological know-how. you prefer the respond on your international Warming challenge? here it fairly is: Plant greater trees and decrease the inhabitants! There merely solved it for you. Now beat it! you have nota clue approximately something you attempt to assert here. you would be certainly one of Jerrys youngsters!
2016-10-21 09:54:02
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Its just a dream a few of them had. Thankfully soon to be over. They have so screwed the pooch over the past 7 years that unless the Democrats really, really blow it, ( and this IS a possibility ) , it will be YEARS before another Republican president is elected or gets to steal another election.
Sometimes I am grateful for a working republic, not a one party dictatorship.
2007-04-08 17:05:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
if clinton or obama get the nomination then another rep is a lock. i vote independent and i love how much hard core dems love bashing bush and calling him stupid-theres a reason he won twice and unseated your incumbant. maybe find some people to run for office who are in touch with the way the rest of the country thinks. not just the new york and LA people who bankroll their campaigns.
i voted for nader twice, and wrote in a local nut job (bob kaufman) the other time and i still think with the exception of iraq bush is doing a much better job then clinton did, and to be quite frank is more trustworthy then clinton (has bush auctioned off any pardons to his daddy in laws clients yet, has he been directly implicated in a homocide yet? has he commited adultrey yet and called in some favors from his big hollywood backers to start talking about how extra marital sex is no big deal all over television yet).
sorry dude-but you are the idiot, backing this faux lefty agenda guys like john stewart and the tards who want us all to "rock da vote" sold ya on the television. those some corporations that sell you that crap back guys like bush and sell it with crap that puts off most of this nations voters in a way that drives most voters away from your guy and generates them some nice revenue pimping ads for hybrid cars and "prefab vintage" jeans to impressionable idiots.
wow-gonna get reported i geuss, but you are freaking retarded.
2007-04-08 17:07:08
answer #4
answered by comic book guy 5
If an electable Republican comes forward i honestly think they have a good chance at winning the election.
Why do i feel this way?
The majority of Americans aren't extremely liberal socialists and the Democratic party can't even agree on what it stands for..
And another thing.. It sure doesn't help when you have the far left attacking the more moderate Democrats constantly .
2007-04-08 16:57:44
answer #5
answered by . 6
Yes, the Bush administration is not the best. I agree. But I would like to know what the Democrats have going for them other than being able to criticize Republicans. I believe a fellow named John Kerry tried to win an election by focusing only on his opponent's flaws. I forgot how that one turned out, maybe you can remind me?
The Democrats are in control of congress, and what are they doing to make themselves look good? Well they want to pull out of Iraq which may be popular now, but I guarantee that post-pullout Iraq will make present day Iraq look like the garden of eden, and there will be no way to blame Bush for that after the democrats force a pullout. And you've got Pelosi going to Syria of all places and meeting with the allies of one of our most dangerous enemies. Maybe you can impeach Bush, but like I said, making him look bad doesn't make you look good. The Republicans may be licking their wounds but the Democrats are plunging head first into an empty swimming pool.
2007-04-08 17:00:57
answer #6
answered by jabb0404 2
You sure are handy with the name calling. The American voter is not stupid enough to vote for democommies twice in a row. Speaking of incompetency, what have the democommies done since they have been the majority but go on witch hunt after witch hunt, pass a minimum wage bill, call names and throw mud (as you are doing in your question),embarrass the nation by trying to bypass the constitution and SURRENDER in Iraq, gallavant around the middle east rubbing elbows with our enemies (and who knows what else she is rubbing) and are in the process of passing a bill that will raise taxes higher than in history along with passing these ridiculous non binding resolutions? THAT is incompetency!!!!! Here is something about this tax raise that people may be interested in:::::::::::::::::::New) Largest Tax Increase in History ARTICLE BY NEWT GINGRICH
Americans take tax increases personally -- and so do I. Liberal tax-and-spend policies helped motivate Americans to elect a new center-right House majority for the first time in 40 years.
But guess what? Liberals are at it again.
Just three months into their majority, Democrats are once again proposing the biggest tax increase in history.
This month, the House of Representatives will debate the Democrats' 2008 proposed budget. If it is passed, this budget will impose the largest tax increase in history on American taxpayers -- totaling nearly $400 billion over five years. Families with children, low-income families, and small businesses all would be hit with hundreds if not thousands of dollars in increased taxes.
Just what taxes will be raised? Here are some of the specifics of the liberal proposal:
The 10% Tax Bracket Will Become 15%: More than five million families and individuals who previously owed no taxes will become subject to taxation.
Marriage Penalty Relief Will Be Eliminated: 23 million Americans will owe an average of $466 in additional taxes in 2011.
The Child Tax Credit Will Be Cut in Half: 31 million Americans will pay an average of $859 more in taxes in 2011.
The Liberal Tax Increase: How Much More Will You Pay?
But enough cold, impersonal statistical analysis. How much more in taxes will you and your family pay if this massive liberal tax increase is passed?
The Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee crunched the numbers and came up with some results that should frighten all of us, regardless of whether we're Democrats, Republicans or Independents.
You Know You're Going to Pay More Under the Liberal Tax Increase When ...
... You're a family of four earning $60,000 a year: Your income-tax bill will rise 61% in 2011, from $3,030 to $4,893.
... You're an elderly couple earning $40,000 a year: Your taxes will go up by 156% in 2011, from $583 to $1,489.
... You're a woman: You could be one of the 83 million American women who could see their taxes rise by an average of $2,068.
... You're married: You could be one of the 48 million married couples who will pay an average of $2,899 more under the liberal tax increase.
... You have kids: 42 million families with children will pay an average of $2,181 more in taxes.
... You're a small-business owner: 26 million small-business owners will get a tax bill for an average of $3,960 more than before.
Which one are you?
2007-04-08 17:02:46
answer #7
answered by just the facts 5
The Dems will implode before nov 08. Without the power of the press and Hollywood celebs they have very little to offer. They can't fool the American public forever. Sooner or later they will be seen for what they truely are, anti american fools.
2007-04-08 16:57:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I take offense to being called an idiot, but I will try to answer fairly. Honestly, I think the next prez will be a Dem. unfortunately.
Things with the present administration are not as dark and dirty as you suspect though. Try to relax.
2007-04-08 16:56:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I hope you are right! But if the democrats are divided too much by either Clinton or Obama....we could let a Republican win.
As much as I have faith in people that we won't vote in a republican, I had that faith in 2000 and was let down.....and I was ALMOST SURE that people wouldn't be stupid enough to vote for him AGAIN in 2004 but AGAIN I was let down, so you never know! But like I said I hope you're "right"! (no pun intended on that on!)
2007-04-08 16:53:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think the next "Prez" won't be a Democrat.
Just because people don't like Bush does not mean they want socialism.
I'm not sure how crazy the US was about Bush in 2004. Look who the Democrats run! I can't script this stuff, its pure gold!
EDIT: I see no reason to get rude. But whatever. Here's what you and the rest of the Libs in this cushy little group-think tank fail to realize: The largest population group in this country is over 55. Fact. They aren't ready for your leftist Eutopian dreams.
2007-04-08 16:53:10
answer #11
answered by ? 7