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I don't understand why people have wars in the name of peace. Isn't it an ironic way to have peace? Why do innocent people have to die in order to have peace?

2007-04-08 16:46:58 · 33 answers · asked by miss_myst3ri0us 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

33 answers

To those who don't listen to reason. You'll find most people have a natural misbalance between animalism and humanitarianism. If you're too nice, they mistake your kindness for weakness and take everything you have, or strive to. If you're too stern, you're a dictator, a monster to others, and they want to have your head. If you're too poor, you're worthless, if you're too successful, you're a threat. You're undeserving. You're immoral. I think this is all a case of people seeing only what they want to see, and nothing more. People go into negotiations feeling that "These people are slime I'll never go anywhere with them, thus I'll be stern right from the start and show them their place, I'm not one to be walked over, rah rah rah" and they continue on in this egotistical fashion, and you'll find this goes on with both parties. And if not they're being fake and they're lying there is no real compassion. Steven Covey calls this the "Emotional Bank account" in the 7 habits of highly effective people. It states that unless you have a compassion for human beings, humans themselves before endeavors and conquest, you'll never get as far as you want to or could with anyone because there isn't the compassion and care for the other person that is necessary for a mutually beneficial outcome. All in all, it's necessary. In Wee ***** Winkie, with Shirley Temple, this was represented perfectly what would happen if people went into conflict negotiation at the highest level, with a high emotional bank account. Shirley witnessed a robber being caught in India. her grandfather was the head of the governing military there. The robber was the head of thieves and rebels named Khan. Khan was put into prison but during the struggle he dropped his medallion on the ground. On the way to the military encampment, the soldier escorting them proceded to tell Shirley that it was a symbol of good luck. On arrival, after going about the natural unpacking and settling rituals, she witness Khans emprisonment and gave him back his medallion. Khan Shirley with Allah's blessings, which were his beliefs because he was indian. Thus after a while, talking to both Khan neutrally and with great care, and after bonding more with her grandfather, both leaders cared about shirley very much. She asked her grandfather why they fought. and he told her, they're savages, they'd just as soon destroy you and all of us, and even think of talking. After this, before getting to sleep, she knew she had to see khan, who had since then escaped when his people created a diversion to rescue him. Back at his encampment. Shirley went with Khan's spy at her grandfathers encampment to go see khan. She wasnt' aware of his position when this occurred. In fact it was her childlike innocence that had her somewhat distanced from the conflicts to begin with. After going to speak with Khan, she found khan didn't want to fight either, and that khan and his people knew that there could be no discussion and found it highly entertaining that the child would come up with such a thought. Eventually Shirley's grandfather found out about her absence and they went to go save her with a batallion of men. They sent a note to send the child down or that they would be attacked. Well Khan and his men were ready, but niether attacked. So shirley's grandfather began to walk up to khan's base. After being shot at a few times and almost crushed by a giant bolder, khan yelled for the attackingto stop. They both agreed there on the mountain between themselves to sort our their difference through discussion. After this feasting a meal together, there are images of khan sitting like royalty on his former enemies soil, watching as some form of celebration ensued. To me this is an ideal situation, but somehow I can't imagine that anyone in reality with their immense egos and large militaries, and all other unseen factors, would ever undertake in such a plight. I suggest you watch "Syriana" to find out exactly what I mean by that. In the movie Matt Damon's character suggests quite a pure and sensible plan to the rich oil mogul he's advising but the oil mogul explains why his father, although liking to do all of those wonderful things with his power, receives too many requests from the American president for favours owed prior, leaving them out of millions and proper funds necessary to do those types of affairs. There's more going on with this than meets the eyes. Everyone's asking favors and everything else for each other, I'd imagine it to be like a giant poker game. A few bluffs, a few conflicts, but in the end someones going to come out on top. Unless of course someone flips the pokers table, or loses their nerve and unleashes nuclear weapons to vent their frustrations. All we can do is hope and belief and trust that things will be ok, do our proper citizenly duties, and remain true with our integrities, and other than that, what must happen, will. And if one has the ambition to go become a better leader of government, by all means train up to do so. But there's so many other factors into this. By default, I'd almost be positive that even if we did have a perfectly pure and proper president there'd always be those who found serious fault with him and would want him gone. Perhaps he'd even be killed for sticking to his integrity. We have yet to see such a man most likely, or woman for that matter. So I'll leave things to their own devices. Realistically, I can't imagine things changing much from the past few years. But who knows what the future holds. We can always hope, visualize, and expect. Not to mention act with confidence, direction, and purpose. All things are possible.

2007-04-09 12:13:06 · answer #1 · answered by Answerer 7 · 1 0

History repeats itself. Aggressive societies or kingdoms or governments tend to keep invading until someone rises up to stop them.

Currently with the Islamic Revolution, many liberals believe that if we let Israel be pushed into the sea, there would be no more strife.


What the liberals can't seem to wrap their minds around is that if the Islamic Revolution gains power here -- and if they do be through bloodshed -- the liberals will be the first ones executed.

It is a shame that innocent people must die.

Look at the UN, in every hot spot where the U.S. does not get involved, innocents are slaughtered.

Unfortunately, force is the only thing that deters evil. And that requires war.

In an ideal world, we could settle things more humanely, but that time is not here yet.

2007-04-08 17:57:02 · answer #2 · answered by hunter621 4 · 0 0

Having war is not the only way to have peace, but on the other hand appeasement and negotiation do not always work either. When Hitler started marching across Europe at first France and Britain, and Russia, appeased him, so he kept on taking. In the end the allies had no choice but to attack and use violence. Sometimes peace can only be achieved by violence. If someone tries to mug you at knife point and is determined to kill you will you defend yourself or ask them not to hurt you and hope for the best.

2007-04-08 17:05:53 · answer #3 · answered by Cactus Dan 3 · 0 0

Interesting question. I have noticed that true peace dose not come until after a major conflict. It also spurs economic growth. (in a the depression was ended by WW2). It is sad yet the beastly side of man must be let out for them to realize that war is not a fanciful game or romantic idea but a cruel beastly thing. Once the beast is put back up the world goes back to peace ....

2007-04-09 11:59:08 · answer #4 · answered by Recon 2 · 0 0

Common man doesn't believe that violence is the only way to restore peace. Wars are plotted by the politicians for their own selfish interests.

2007-04-08 23:44:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you know what is the most peaceful time in the histrory of earth?

A. That was Ice Age. No Humans, No War...

So if, you don't want to get back to Ice Age you need some warmth (i.e. WAR) and that is to keep people out of the society who could actually bring another ICE AGE.

As far as you/we are concerned about the innocent people die in the war I just want to say "To get something, you need to loose something".

2007-04-09 19:54:01 · answer #6 · answered by T Bhargava 2 · 0 0

It's as old as humanity. Strength is ultimately the only way to ensure peace. Take the community you currently live in. Now imagine no Policemen anywhere. How long before you are robbed, murdered, etc.??

Throughout history tribes and nations have risen and fallen. Their ability to defend themselves has been the primary reason for this continued existence or removal from history. Carthage, Rome, Sparta, Troy, the Gauls, etc., etc.

Our own nation would never have survived but our ability to use violence to first carve out this nation and second to defend it. And certainly Native American tribes can attest to the need for effective and violent defense of one's lands and culture.

2007-04-08 17:26:32 · answer #7 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 2 0

Not many people outside US think in that way. Unbridled power corrupts the mind and violence is the outcome of corrupt mind. Peace can never be achieved by violence. Violence brings only fear in the minds of others, they keep quiet and wait for the chance to retaliate.

2007-04-08 17:20:07 · answer #8 · answered by Brahmanyan 5 · 0 0

Violence can not restore peace,this fact is also clear to violence makers.The objective of believers in violence is some thing different but not at least peace.Hence question is based on some misconception!

2007-04-09 05:30:52 · answer #9 · answered by laxmi kumar n 6 · 0 0

--THAT IS BECAUSE the so-called "PEACE PROCESS" is indeed a false peace!

--JESUS SHOWED that the peace he taught and practiced was indeed not the way anyone else practiced! PLEASE NOTE:

(John 14:27-28) “27 I leave YOU peace, I give YOU my peace. I DO NOT give it to YOU the way that the world gives it. Do not let YOUR hearts be troubled nor let them shrink for fear. 28 YOU heard that . . .”

(John 16:33) “33 I have said these things to YOU that by means of me YOU may have peace. In the world YOU are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.””

--JESUS HALF-BRO. James stated:

(James 3:17-18) “17 But the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. 18 Moreover, the fruit of righteousness has its seed sown under peaceful conditions for those who are making peace. . .”

--MAHATMA GANDHI gave Christ the credit of that his peace being the greatest calibar in comparison with the worlds:

*** gh chap. 4 p. 30 A Practical Guide to True Happiness ***

As an example, there is the following report in Treasury of the Christian Faith by S. J. Corey concerning a conversation between the Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi and the former British Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin:

“Lord Irwin paid a visit to the Mahatma in his ashram. During the conversation Lord Irwin put this question to his host: ‘Mahatma, as man to man, tell me what you consider to be the solution to the problems of your country and mine.’ Taking up a little book from the nearby lampstand, Gandhi opened it to the fifth chapter of Matthew and replied, ‘When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon on the Mount, we shall have solved the problems not only of our countries but those of the whole world.’ That from a Hindu!”

--THUS BECAUSE the worlds religions have failed to show the need for earnest effort to practice Christ peace --WE INDEED have a processed peace with the mold of the worlds ways decaying it!

2007-04-08 18:01:27 · answer #10 · answered by THA 5 · 0 0

Big wars have never been solved from peace, yeah it's what should happen, but doesn't. Think about it, violence doesn't start from everyone, it starts from one person who decides to attact, but those who use self-defense(also violence) as a means to save their country/people have no other choice....What can you do sit around and let ur ppl be bombed?

2007-04-08 17:00:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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