This is a deeply interesting question for me, as I have spent the better part of my adulthood, teaching young horses and students alike to face their fears. I always thought it was faith in God and myself, which is a great part of it. But, I have since found it can be sooo much more for some.
Actually, nearly everyone that answered this question is correct, in all their varied answers. It takes a bit of everything sometimes to summons the courage embedded within, depending on the depths of our fears.
Horses, unlike most any other animal, have an innate fear geared into their senses. Because they are not preditors of any other animal or human, their instinct for salvation is to "fright & flight". Though we humans are more a preditory species, we instill our own "Fright & flight" patterns within ourselves, based on our own upbringings and surroundings.
This is precisely why I chose to rear my foals on my own, so no other interferences could instill fear in them. I learned through the rehabilitaion of, too many, abused horses that it takes everything in you , sometimes, to undo the fears that have been cast by others. In return, those horses taught me more than I could have ever taught them, about TRUST, Nurturing the spirit, and patience. For every young horse I managed to raise in trust and fearlessness, I became a stronger woman for it. I learned to face allot of my own fears in return.
A 1500lb., terrified horse, who has lost it's trust in humans, can be a very scarey thing, when it's rearing over your 5'4" head, in "what he believes to be, a fight for his own life" .It takes everything in me, all those things the others mentioned, to just be able to stand quietly by that horses side, and allow him to completely melt down, until he realizes his fear is in vain. Once he calms, on his own, and stands there, looking at me, wondering why I didn't smack him, or whip him , like others had done, I simply approach him with calm, and rub him all over, talking softly, until he feels excepting of me and willing to summons his curiosity over his fear. It can be an amazing feeling to watch an animal learn to trust.
So that is what it has become for me.....Trust....Trust in ones self, Trust in your faith, Trust in others who encourage you. As humans, we all need to listen to our own innate instincts, that sometimes our fears are there to protect us from dangers. But, once we have determined the difference, we then have to trust in our own abilities to move into the fears and face them. Brave men & women are not the ones who run haphazardly into the face of dangers. They are the ones who feel fear, yet summons the courage to run into that burning building to save a life, or rush to the aid of a fallen comrad, in the midst of flying bullets.
Yikes! Sorry for the essay. Hope my babble made some sense. Obviously an important topic to me. :-)
2007-04-09 03:12:59
answer #1
answered by Michelle C 4
my mother. she wakes up every morning at 5, goes to work, comes back at 5, takes care of her 3yr old daughter, cooks for her husband and takes care of the rest of the family and still has the courage to wake up the next mornin
2007-04-08 21:00:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous