I would vote for her as well...
She is truly a scholar.. look at her education, she would be one of the most educated persons in politics (if she succeeds).
As a child, Hillary Rodham was involved in many activities at church and at her public school in Park Ridge. She participated in a variety of sports and earned awards as a Brownie and Girl Scout.[2] She attended Maine East High School, where she had participated in student council, the debating team and the National Honor Society. Before graduating from Maine South High School, she received the school's first social science award. Raised in a politically conservative family,[3] she volunteered for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the United States presidential election of 1964.[4] Her parents encouraged her to pursue the career of her choice.[5]
In 1965, Rodham enrolled in Wellesley College. She became active in politics and served as the president of the Wellesley College Chapter of the College Republicans. In her junior year, Rodham was affected by the death of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., whom she had met in person in 1962.[2] She attended the Wellesley in Washington program at the urging of Professor Alan Schechter, for whom she would write a senior thesis about the tactics of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky[6] that later became the subject of mystery. Around this time, she decided to join the Democratic Party. In 1969, Rodham graduated with departmental honors in political science. She became the first student in Wellesley College history to deliver their commencement address.[7] According to reports by the Associated Press, her speech received a standing ovation lasting seven minutes.[8] She was featured in an article published in Life magazine, due to the response to a part of her speech that criticized Senator Edward Brooke, who had spoken before her at the commencement.[2]
Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the Board of Editors[citation needed] of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action. During her second year, she volunteered at the Yale Child Study Center, learning about new research on early childhood brain development. She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and worked at the city legal services to provide free advice for the poor. In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at the Children's Defense Fund in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the late spring of 1971, she began dating Bill Clinton, who was also a law student at Yale. That summer, she traveled to Washington to work on Senator Walter Mondale's subcommittee on migrant workers, researching migrant problems in housing, sanitation, health and education. The following summer, Rodham campaigned in the western states for 1972 Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern. She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973, having completed a thesis on the rights of children.[2] She began a year of post-graduate study on children and medicine at the Yale Child Study Center. [9]
2007-04-07 20:03:31
answer #1
answered by Amelie 3
First, voting for Hillary is not like voting for my mom. I am too close to her age for that. But I am voting for Hillary because I feel she is the best person for the job. Not because she is a woman, although that is a plus. And i am not voting for her to further the feminist movement. I believe that we need a strong leader whether that is a male or female. And I know Hillary can do the job. She has been around the political scene long enough to know how it works. She is going to change things from what they have been the last eight years. I don't want a Hillary obama ticket. I don't trust him and will not vote for him. I think that she is one woman who can do the job, but not because she is a woman, but because she has the experience in congress to know what to expect. She is tough and does not quit when the going gets tough. She cares about the people of this country, ALL the people. And will do more for them then any body else. She has a proven record. But no one should vote for her simply because she is a woman. but because she can do the job. obama is weak when it comes to just answering hard questions, how can he run a country.
2016-05-19 23:04:14
answer #2
answered by vonda 3
I couldn't, in good conscience, vote for her, even though I agree with your assessment in theory. There are two reasons behind this:
1) If she scaled back homeland security efforts, which she would undoubtedly do, this country could suffer a much more deadly attack than those that occured on 9/11. Proving that she's a minion of the devil isn't worth the loss of more innocents.
2) Once the libs' massive "steal from the middle class and give to the lazy" redistribution scheme would be put into effect, we'd have a socialist state that even a good conservative president and congress couldn't reverse.
Thor, I generally enjoy your questions and agree with you on 99% of things. But I can't support knowingly putting American lives at risk and destroying the work ethic and entire middle class of this nation just to prove a point. Yes, she's a liar; yes, she'd cause damage -- but we can't wish that on our country even if we want the libs to see the truth about her and the dems' socialist agenda.
2007-04-10 03:58:33
answer #3
answered by Who Knew? 4
A socialist, who says they are a Liberal. A Liberal who doesn't know they are a socialist. A woman who just wants to see a first woman president who doesn't care if Hillary is right for America or not, just that she is a woman. I am a woman, but I would never vote for a totalitarian controller like her, She is weak and cowardly, and doesn't even think America has a right to choose their own doctors anymore. Universal Health care doesn't work, as England has shown. My two best friends are English, and they tell me about all the waiting lines they are in. They can't even get dental insurance! Hillary is a mistake, just for being born. The thought of her as the president of a free society is the scariest thing for America. She doesn't believe in freedom, or choice at all, but in government control of the people. Remember her and Bill's idea of National ID cards for the American People?????? She will cause the end of the greatest nation of today. Her motto is "Death to America!"
2007-04-07 20:24:23
answer #4
answered by xenypoo 7
No Way!!! If she was the only one running I wouldn't vote for her. She's a crook a liar and a thief. Remember the Whitewater scandal, the Rose Law Firm investigation that was never settled(do you think Vince Foster's family would vote for her?--HA! I doubt that!!) The Clinton's lack of remembering ANYTHING under OATH and the people that went to jail to cover the Clinton bu**s? and the White House looting when they left office? Look at the mess she made out of our health care. They entertained Arafat at the White House and he was one of the biggest terrorist supporters going. She is cold, hard, calculating, power-mad and the only ounce of sincerity she possesses is that she sincerely wants to be President. What she says is what she thinks the people she is talking to wants to hear and your buying into it!! Tomorrow can be an entirely different story--entirely different audience. She talks about our Troops like she really cares about them and advocates the killing of full-term babies as they are in the process of being born. Hypocrite!! The Clinton's claimed to be so gung-ho for the poor and for blacks, but how many blacks held top jobs in their administration? and after their 8 years in office, why wern't the problems of the poor solved?
Watch her eyes and her body language. Her inter-actions with Bill---- coriagraphed hugs and pats on the back. No warmth.
Remember Janet Reno? She was put into the Attorney Generals office because she was a 'friend' of Hill's. Remember Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Eilian Gonazales fiasco? She thinks that only military and police should have guns, which leaves private citizens where? Without our second ammendment rights, which is exactally why we have the second ammendment! And think about this. The leaders of the Arab nations value their camels more than women. How effective would ANY woman be in foreign affairs where their gender alone would keep them from being taken seriously. Palosi covered her head to go to a Masc (their belief--not hers) Can you see Hill in a berka with a veil over her face being taken seriously by ANYONE? Scottyur---you did see her actions as Pres for 8 loooooooong years!!! We don't need another 'Clinton Soap Opera'. We need to learn that if we don't expect higher standards in our leaders, we won't get higher standards.
2007-04-07 21:50:26
answer #5
answered by DixeVil 5
I would. As I suggested about Obama, she's educated. She didn't get where she is just on favors and backroom deals. Face it, the woman has strength.
Personally, I believe that a lot of the opposition you see around this forum is camouflaged chauvinism and racism. They wouldn't admit it, tho. I think that some of the loudest males in this forum wouldn't know what to do with a wife as strong as Hillary. They prefer them handcuffed to the stove, making pancakes I think.
2007-04-08 01:02:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
She is the final nail in the US coffin!and the Bushs want her next !why you say?its the new world order!The globalists hide in both parties but promote the same overal agenda they only make up 10% of the Gov. but they are of a privliged powerful 10%!
2007-04-07 20:10:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
First to answer your question...no, absolutely not...no way.
I do however appreciate your view that Queen Bee HC will lead this country into chaos and despair....depression and dismay. Her health plan designed in secret during he Co-President Bill Clinton is a perfect example way.
And it's not All hail, Hillary. It's actually...aw he** miss Hillary.
And you need to say it in the truly authentic and honest southern accent she tried so miserably to affect in the south recently. I really want to heard her authentic and honest New England accent...especially in Vermont.
I don't think she's going to be tagged with the moniker...Honest Hillary...do you?
2007-04-07 20:08:14
answer #8
answered by iraq51 7
If anyone thinks Hillary has cornered the market on b*tchdom, they've never met me.
2007-04-07 22:27:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I wouldnt vote for the woman. And since when did we elect candidates based on educational merits? Aren't their policies the focal point of a voter's concern.
2007-04-07 20:08:56
answer #10
answered by Sean B 2
I totally support Hillary, but not because I want to see the country in chaos like yourself - btw how damn patriotic of you, you should be SO proud. I support her because she's going to be the best thing that ever happened to this country. I won't go into the reasons why because it's clear you really don't care or want to know. I'm sorry for you. I suggest if seeing this country in chaos is your fond hope, you should go somewhere where they appreciate that sort of thing. Iraq should do quite nicely right now.
2007-04-07 20:04:45
answer #11
answered by Anonymous