Bush is a proponent of the Big Lie, a tactic used so successfully by the Nazis. The key to it is that it must be big, and then repeated so often people naturally assume it to be true. Or as Hitler himself put it:
"All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. ... "
2007-04-07 14:01:27
answer #1
answered by michaelsan 6
"We the people" want to beleive our public servants. That is why so many do turn a deaf ear to anything that may show the politician to be lying.
Bush is not the only liar in politics. He just happens to be the "Commander in Chief" of our armed forces and has taken an oath to "Defend and protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foriegn or domestic".
The problem is that he (Bush) is eemy number one of the bill of rights (a Part of the contitution of te United States). He showed his colors early on by using fear tactics to push through te passage of the U.S. Patriot Act (read it!).
Further more, Bush and almost te entire Republican party seem to feel tat diminishing the rights of most U.S. citizens is a good idea.
So, I suggest that every citezen of the U.S. read a bit of history about the war of independence (why it happened) and then read the "Bill of rights".
After that perhaps you too will understand why the "Second ammendment" was placed into the Constitution.
2007-04-07 14:06:30
answer #2
answered by afreshpath_admin 6
All politicians are liers. From the city councilman to the president. Repubs, dems, indy, all of them lie to get their power.
Even lowly politicians, school board, county commish, even somebody who you think is your best friend, is probably a lier at one point or another. Heck, we all lie. Its human nature. Get a grip. Even Clinton lied, under oath too!!!
How the hell did Bush take peace from the earth?
There has never been total peace on this earth. NEVER!!!!!!
From the days when cavemen figured out that two cavemen can beat up one caveman and take his food or woman caveman, armies have been formed and blood has spilled.
Blame Bush for everything you stupid morons!!!!!!!!
2007-04-07 14:02:16
answer #3
answered by ? 2
No its because if you disagree with Bush, you are called a traitor, and unpatriotic, but the true patriot sees through his own leaders lies and betrayals, of his own people.Bush has destroyed us as a country, and soon the cracks will start popping, and America will finish dying out. Bush has done two things and that is he has taken peace from the earth, and destroyed Americans trust in our leadership.
2007-04-07 13:57:26
answer #4
answered by masterplumber75 4
Lol well, all politicians lie, but to this guy saying Bush has took away peace from this earth, I guess Bush took away peace, so to keep it, we should just let the jihadist run all over us eh?
2007-04-07 13:59:59
answer #5
answered by cliffburtongodofthebass 2
Forget liars...give the libertarian a swing at running things for a while. We can't do any worse.
2007-04-07 13:56:21
answer #6
answered by Laughing Man Copycat 5
Bush is not a good liar he is a total knob every one laughs at him and he does not realize it
2007-04-07 14:01:11
answer #7
answered by Robert B 2
he sucks at lying,but his supporters some how convince themselves everyday that bush is right. How could they live with themselves.
2007-04-07 13:58:41
answer #8
answered by Mr. Wolf 3
they all lie. that's how they get elected, and stay in office. NONE OF THEM REPRESENT THE AVERAGE working person in this country. NONE OF THEM. They work for the corporations and the lobbyist's. not us, and they never will.
2007-04-07 13:59:38
answer #9
answered by out for justice. 5
It always amazes me that the seditious and socialists of our country always think that our country should reveal all its secrets, tell the press and public everything regardless of the cost to our nation, and should even volunteer everything without being asked.
Then they simplify complex events down to one cause or one effect and yell, "FOUL!"
You've chosen your side in WWIII. We see you.
2007-04-07 13:55:29
answer #10
answered by mckenziecalhoun 7