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I can only speak for myself, but that prospect scares the hell out of me. I kid you not.

2007-04-07 10:12:37 · 9 answers · asked by 123 2 in Politics & Government Politics

This question was primarily food for thought. I don't like any war, although some have been undoubtedly necessary. I believe that things are as God allows them to be until He intervenes. But, as an international citizen and as an American, I can't help but wonder and worry for our future. Not that it makes any difference, but I happen to be democratic on most all issues.

2007-04-07 10:22:32 · update #1

Trovalta, I agree that many of those issues would be addressed and dealt with by a Democratic White House; however, if this war is not handled properly then those issues become moot. The security of this nation is balancing vicariously on a hair thin wire that could spring at any moment, a wire that had polarized this country and turned us against ourselves. My fear is that the terrorists who remain in the Middle East will exploit a White House that would have our troops prematurely depart, without having realized a self-sustaining government in Iraq.

2007-04-07 10:48:07 · update #2

9 answers

I would assume we could then work to turn around the deficit, as Democrats have always done so well, and then finally solve some of our many domestic programs.
Only 653 days to go.

2007-04-07 10:18:47 · answer #1 · answered by cournfields 2 · 3 0

No need to get scared over what party wins the grand prize to the white house. The major trouble is with polarization of parties.

I would paint the building off white and declare it party-less.
Allow the people to vote, all US residents, including felons because they have experience just like politicians.
After the vote, let's hope a smart candidate with fine loyalty gets to the big building.

Congressmen and Senators are the ones we need to monitor better, too many appointees have sneaked by us with very poor judgment. we are smarter than that! watch your vote and hope.

2007-04-07 17:24:27 · answer #2 · answered by Nadine Sellers 2 · 0 0

Gee, I hope that doesn't happen. It was a Republican that got us into these wars and I want to see a Republican get us out of these wars. But then, I always said it would be easy to get into Iraq, the hard part would be getting out.

2007-04-07 18:53:23 · answer #3 · answered by Amphibolite 7 · 0 0

Most of the intelligent, adult Americans will breathe a collective sigh of relief and shed tears of happiness that the extreme right wing of neocon republicanism is no longer running our government and ignoring our Constitution and laws.

2007-04-07 17:19:03 · answer #4 · answered by realst1 7 · 2 0

The budget will run a surplus and Mr. Cheney will stop reading my email?

2007-04-07 17:18:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Buy a boat. Bye bye. Get out. Nothing but damage from republicans anyway, no use keeping you around. Take your bush & dick with you, too.

2007-04-07 17:18:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2


- Balanced budgets
- Tax cuts for the middle class
- Repeal of Bush's tax cuts to the rich
- An end to tax loopholes that lets corporations pay no taxes if they have headquarters overseas
- An end to tax cuts to the oil industry that obviously does not need them
- Better economic growth
- Better job growth
- An increase in the minimum wage
- An increase in real median household wages
- A reduction of the poverty rate
- Destroy the link between lobbyist and legislation
- Incentives to keep corporations from outsourcing
- An end to free trade pacts such as NAFTA and CAFTA
- A return to trade based on a country's personal self interest (not corporations)
- An increase in education spending
- An increase in job training
- An increase in poverty reduction programs
- An increase in scientific research
- A comprehensive solution to the healthcare problem in this country
- A plan to use medicare/medicaid mass purchasing power to negotiate for lower prices

- A push to keep government out of people's personal social decisions
- A push to give states more leeway as long as its not unconstitutional
--- Examples:
--- Oregon's right to die law
--- California medical marijuana law
--- Massachusetts gay marriage law
- Yes to morning after pill
- Yes to stem cell research
- Immigration reform not immigrant bashing
- Freedom of religion for all religions and freedom from it
- Separation of religion and the state. We don't want no taliban around here.
- No more censorship of scientists as seen under Bush
- A return to the Fairness Doctrine that gives opposing views equal time

- An end to the Cuban embargo
- Renewed relations with Cuba with Cuban concessions
- A carrot and stick approach with N.Korea as opposed to complete failure under Bush and GOP
- Implementation of all the 911 Commission recommendations
- A presumption of innocence before being proved guilty in a court of law
- Continued spying of terrorists, however, with warrants from the FISA court
- Reduce dependence on foreign oil through investment in reneweable energy resource technology
- Peace deals between Israel and its neigbhors as Carter and Clinton did with Egypt and Jordan
- Covert funding and support in the middle east for:
--- secular schooling
--- secular government
--- feminist groups
--- liberal reformers
--- anti-poverty programs
--- sabotage of religious schooling
--- sabotage of religious conservative leaders (think adultery scandals)
- Support for creation of liberal muslim media alternatives in the middle east
- Use of that media to create stories of the victims of terrorists
- Use of that media to paint religious righters in the middle east in a bad light
- Change in military tactics:
--- A recognition that mass troop movements are useless in guerilla warefare
--- Removal of U.S. troops from Iraqi urban centers where they are sitting ducks for snipers and bombers
--- Use of U.S. troops as quick strike forces, quick to pull out once the job is done.
--- Get european as well as middle eastern allies to help in war effort

2007-04-07 17:31:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They will have a mess on their hands.

2007-04-07 17:19:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

cant get any worse

2007-04-07 17:18:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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