If you want to forbid other people from doing something you simply pass a law and force them to obey it .
So majority rule is what we end up with .
This is no way for any society to co-exist with its other members without becoming judgmental .
This is my point about many of the issues we face today is that so many of them are no one else's business .
We can work to enlighten people and provide them with the truth and hope they make the best choice possible .
To accept that the majority is in any way correct is to deny individual freedom to nearly half the people .
Should I be forced to accept that Ghosts exist because so many people believe this .
Should I be forced to accept that my only salvation and hope for a life beyond this one comes through Jesus .
Should I accept that while I feel that abortion is wrong to force my views on others .
Yes it is wrong and so are so many other things in my mind .
To ignore a child or adult who needs comfort and acceptances is as great a crime as murder .
To drive past the homeless of whom so many have mental problems and have found that the freedom of the streets while dangerous allows them the freedom to live as they choose with no conditions or regiment placed on them is equally grotesque in my opinion and never come to try and offer them what they need and want . Save the people on the street by having them find Jesus by being forced to endure a sermon before a free meal or bed is offered .
Seems people over help with strings attached and law makers pass laws with attachments when all people really need is their freedom .
If we worked to make this world a better place with fewer expectations placed on others we might find people would find a niche or plug in better with the values of the community and by accepting that some things while wrong are not meant to become a law .
As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and laws are meant to protect our freedoms .
Well beauty and laws have a lot in common , they are only skin deep .
They do not consider the human factor or take into consideration the potential harm they have when everything becomes about the law and seeking some external perfection to match the human spirit which is under assault from every angle it seems these days .
We are to fat to thin to tall to short wrong color wrong religion wrong political affiliation wrong house, car ,shop in the wrong store , got the wrong degree got the wrong job .
Its seems we can never measure up to the expectations society has .
The pressure to raise a child in a good home when no option is available that leaves the person faced with the choice on abortion is cruel .
Oh you gave a child up for adoption , what kind of person would do that .
This tags you as a tramp , uneducated , poor ,irresponsible , selfish and so many others that no wonder people want it to be private .
No matter what someone's choice it never satisfies the majority of people .
So until we become a better society and people and begin caring for everyone as a human being and not some kind of Robot meant to learn the right things get the right job marry the right man live in the right house drive the right car attend the correct church and college and get off our collective high horse and accept people and help them we will languish in a society we have built that rewards the so called correct choices and punishes the rest .
Trust me behind your back when you walk away they are all talking about you . No matter how good looking or ugly or rich or poor or skinny or fat to often you are what they talk about .
Its so sad we can not be open and honest and caring and chose to be spineless gossips to the detriment of everyone .
We must become honest before we can even address the issue of abortion .
Honest enough to accept that we are all in the same boat and that to get along we must all share what is available with everyone .
2007-04-07 05:09:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Roe vs Wade is greatly overpublicized. It is just one decision among many. There have been abortions since the beginning of time and there will be them until the end of it. You cannot legislate morality or you cannot make a mother love and care for a child if she does not have maternal feelings for that child. Personally, I would never consider abortion but I don't have the right to tell others what to do with their own body. It amazes me that all the Christian neocons find only that issue and gay marriage to be the fulfillment of Christianity. They don't worry about innocents killed by their war, or homeless or old people that cannot afford medicine. They don't care about the number of soldiers dying for a lie. Just sexualtiy, gay marriage and abortion. I did not know there were only 3 commandments. I guess they rewrote that too. The other 7 well....
2007-04-07 04:43:24
answer #2
answered by kolacat17 5
I absolutely feel abortion should not be a political issue in an election. The president and congress can't overturn Roe vs Wade. Only a new law suit with a different slant on the issue at the Supreme Court level can overturn it or even modify it. As far as I'm concerned, "don't ask don't tell", fits this situation quite well. Vote on issues that can be altered by our vote.
2007-04-07 04:43:17
answer #3
answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7
Yeah its a pretty significant case. It's pretty much the reason why even though I make a good argument against abortion in practice I would never think to try to repeal the laws allowing for abortion.
2007-04-07 04:36:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
man i have posted about this over and over. Why do people bring it up. Bush had basic omnipotence for 6 yrs and nothing changed!!! He encroached on all civil rights but somehow nothing happened with abortion?? How can this issue divide the vote anymore.
2007-04-07 04:35:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Add homosexual marriage to the platform and it gets worse.
It seems like it doesnt matter what the issues are these days, but rather what a politican has done wrong in their personal life. It's controversy after controversy.
2007-04-07 04:37:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Good point - and more proof that the majority of the governments bickering and "platforms" are all for show and truly have no solution. Busy work.
2007-04-07 04:34:32
answer #7
answered by smellyfoot ™ 7
I was going to say something...but I think I'll just give a standing ovation to the response by kolacat17.
Nicely said!
2007-04-07 05:18:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
sure has caused a lit of hard feelings
jOne way to keep peop-le from knowing what is real.
2007-04-07 04:39:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No, it was a civil rights windfall.
2007-04-07 04:35:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous