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The mechanic just repaired some electrical problem with the car. He said their was some ground or something. So they fixed it.

But still the Panel Lights of A/C & Heater turns off when I hit the break. What's the problem? Help.

Could this still be electrical problem?

Thanks for your time.

2007-04-06 04:37:49 · 4 answers · asked by F2r 2 in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

Last week: (these are the problems I had, just got the car back yesterday)

96 Infiniti- battery drains fast + other problems?
I have a 96 Infiniti I-30, and in just 2 months we're already using the 3rd new battery. we only used the car at most 4 times a week and mostly just city driving.

The first battery lasted for 3 weeks, the second one lasted for 2 weeks.

we hardly use the radio, if we turn it on the radio panel and the radio itself turns ON and OFF, and the antenna too goes up and down. same thing with the A/C and heater Panel.

the dealer said they are 90% sure the alternator is the problem. are they right? or could it be some electrical problems? Help badly needed! Thanks for your time.

Additional Details

1 week ago
Autozone checked the alternator and they said the alternator is still good there is some short ciruit going on or something. How do we know which one is it? (radio, lighter, etc.,) thanks again.

2007-04-06 05:07:39 · update #1

4 answers

Does the car have the original radio in it or has it been replaced? The problem is with a ground for the lighting circuit. You've probably heard the phrase "the path of least resistance". It applies to electrical circuits in that any device needs a power source and ground (Earth) to work. When the ground becomes loose or corroded, there is excessive resistance on the ground side and the electricity will flow to another ground if there is a path of lesser resistance. In your case, the path of least resistance is through the brake lamp switch circuit.

There is something that is tied into the instrument panel lighting that is grounding through the brake lamp circuit until you step on the brakes. when you step on the brake, the brake lamp switch closes and power flows through that circuit and it can no longer supply the ground for the panel lights; thats why they go out when you step on the brakes.

i usually see this happen when an aftermarket radio is installed and they tie it into the dash lighting so that the radio lights up at night when you turn the headlights on. If the radio isn't grounded properly, stuff like this happens. Also, aftermarket alarms are usually tied into lighting systems to detect current flow when a door is opened. If the alarm ground is loose the same thing can happen.

If its the original radio then you need to have someone who knows something about automotive electricity check all of the grounds. Again, if it's all original equipment, there is probably corrosion on one of the instrument panel grounds that is causing the panel lights to seek another ground through the brake lamps.

2007-04-06 04:57:19 · answer #1 · answered by honda guy 7 · 0 0

I really have some very effective spot light fixtures, numerous million candle means that i'd be lighting fixtures up, we are having a block social gathering, anybody i know for miles will be turning on each and every mild, each and every equipment that we are able to, we are hoping to be able to make up for no less than 1 million/2 of the nuts who do turn off and sit down contained in the darkish. there replaced right into a cafe that replaced into promoting they the position going to furnish candle mild dinners to instruct help, yet they discovered out maximum concept they were mornings, and now they are in simple terms final for the nighttime. seem for us, you need to be sure the mild from area,

2016-11-26 22:48:12 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It's definitely an electrical problem, you need to either take it back to him or get another mechanic, he doesn't know what he is doing

2007-04-06 04:44:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If this problem didn't start until after the repair, be afraid... be very afraid.

2007-04-06 04:48:20 · answer #4 · answered by BFH 6 · 0 0

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