I totally agree with you. We all accept what we are taught from an early age, because really, the people teaching us, we are supposed to TRUST them, but no one has any idea what they're talking about. If people knew how to read the Bible, they would understand everything so much clearer.
I think people should read it more and pay attention to all the parts on LOVE. Then they'd know the truth...
2007-04-05 15:20:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow! Some really intense and interesting answers here. I especially enjoyed the people who said "prove there isn't a god"....that's funny. Then another who said that Christianity was real because they found part of the Ark somewhere - also humorous.
A wise philosopher put it well a long time ago; "Religion is the opiate of the masses"...and I believe it is true.
Some people need some mysterious something to blame everything on, to beg forgiveness from and to make decisions for them. They have not the self esteem necessary to function as a stand-alone human being. They need god, satan, heaven, hell to define their morality.
I really have no problem with it until they start trying to convert others - or sway governments.. More wars have been fought in the name of a god than for any other reason in human history. "My god is better that your god" has always been a good war slogan.
As for Jesus? I think a man called Jesus did exist. He was born into intense repression of the Jews. He was a rebel, a war protester and obviously a brilliant, intelligent man. He fought the system. He was a philosopher and a teacher. He had a profound effect on his society and his stories have come down through history. Even the Muslims speak of the man Jesus in the Koran.
I just don't happen to believe he was the son of some god - or that he was god as son. I think he was like Alexander the Great in that he was such a powerful man that he changed history.
2007-04-05 16:57:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I do realize that Christianity is nothing but a brainwash and a mental illness. And don't be afraid to speak your mind on this matter. The reason more than half the nation is brainwashed is because historically it was socially unacceptable to criticize people's belief systems. Those belief systems have no problem perpetrating their hogwash onto their young. In fact, they think it's their duty. Yet, they would dictate legislation about what other women can do with their own bodies vis-a-vis freedom of choice versus right to life issues. I say, it's high time they got a taste of their own schism, that it is NOT okay to perpertrate myth as fact, to threaten people with uncertain pains of hell for not conforming to their (in my opinion) idiotic notions about the reality of the universe based on an utterly piss-poor lack of imagination and superstition.
I guess you can tell I'm a bit radical on the subject. I don't mean to come on too strong, and I am not bitter -- just concerned. Richard Dawkins is an eloquent speaker on the subject and perhaps less abrasive than me. But even he will point out that for the most part he's preaching to the choir, the ones that should take his thoughts to heart sorely lack the capacity. Same goes for Sam Harris. Mr. Harris most eloquently explains why even moderate Chrisitians are largely responsible for this ridiculous millenium-old paradigm the human race finds itself trapped in. The ancient Greeks (polytheists that they were) knew more about the workings of celestial mechanics than did the people of 17th Century Europe. Why? Because religious control kept people in the the Dark Ages. Who knows where the human race could be right now in its path towards enlightenment and understanding of the universe we find ourselves in if it wasn't for the propagation of the belief in some sky fairy that, at some point, will cause all the dead to rise up from the ground and those that believe in this holy crap will undergo a "rapture." Seventy percent of the U.S. poplace, according to Sam Harris, actually believe Jesus will return to earth someday. Of that 70%, fifty percent believe that it will be in their lifetime.
Jesus wept!
2007-04-05 15:30:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God cannot be proven or disproven, so therefore all debate on the topic is futile.
Actually, there are a few mathematical works that suggest that God could exist. One was done by Godel. It is not an absolute proof, but it does suggest that it is not an illogical notion.
There is also a "proof" done by a 17th century French mathematician. (I forget his name now). It sort of mirrors the intelligent design model. It is an indirect proof. The basic suggestion is that if there was no God, then the matter of the universe (assuming matter existed) would have some sort of random dispersal. Hydrogens wouldn't bond with oxygen. Things would collide with random consequences, etc, etc, etc. However, this does not happen because things in the universe have a certain order. If there is order, then some force imposed order upon it. Ergo, God. Again, it is not foolproof, but it is not an illogical position.
Lastly, probability favors God. Why do we play the lottery? Because even though there is a minute chance of winning, the payoff is in the millions of dollars. The potential return is worth the risk. Therefore, even if there is a miniscule chance that God exists, the "payoff" is infinity.
Just some food for thought. Do with it as you please.
2007-04-05 15:19:45
answer #4
answered by Pythagoras 7
your in the wrong section, go to religion and debate there.
let me guess your an environmentalist right? science is true and religion is false?
lol guess what smart guy religion was the foundation of science. the founding principals of science was to show how god made things work. so thanks to your "brainwashed" Christians you have the science you worship.
by the way science is a type of religion.
it has it's dogma, it has its "priests" and "prophets", it has its own bibles and it has it's own "brainwashed followers" who run around screaming "it's real it's real! and if you don't believe then your going to hell!".
Don't believe me? Please explain how a man like Al Gore is treated like he is preaching at a Sunday revival meeting. I practically hear people yelling "Amen brother!" every time he opens his mouth? And yet Al Gore does not even practice what he preaches, sounds like some one is lacking the faith of his own convictions.
Despite the fact there is the possibility that Global warming is a natural cycle the people who claim so are shouted down, branded as "Heretics" as it were. They are also told how by not believing in man made global warming they are condemning themselves and their children to destruction, sounds like hell to me.
People run around handing out pamphlets and documents "proving" global warming exists and is completely man made, they make speeches and produce films as well, never once showing any contradictory evidence, sound like some of the religions you seem to be bashing does it not?
Doesn't that sound like a religion to you? maybe the fact that I actually studied world religions and science makes me a little more aware of the similarities.
you know it is pretty sad when people are so close minded and intolerant of others. let me guess you consider your self a liberal as well?
Sad very sad, you laugh and mock people for having faith and yet you belong to the side that claims to promote tolerance more than people who are religious.
Personally I am not that religious, I have faith in both science and higher powers, and yet I would never mock people for their faith or their ideals.
Hell I won't even mock you. I pity you. you let your own personal hates and anger block logic, reason and common courtesy. that's just sad.
2007-04-05 15:45:22
answer #5
answered by Stone K 6
I think you are misinformed and slightly bitter. I am pretty sure experts have not labeled Religious beliefs as a mental illness. The brainwashing part I agree with in a very small aspect. You know, in a "Jonestown" sort of way. I think you should get over the fact that you can't make everyone see it your way and move on.
2007-04-05 15:40:57
answer #6
answered by howthehellshouldiknow 3
I feel so bad for the people who would believe you on a matter like this. If they want to know more about Christianity go see a preacher. I love the Lord and my family and I keep him in our lives daily. You can't call us brainwashed with mental illnesses! We are free to believe what we want and you can't offend the 80% Christians in America. Who do you think put you on earth? The apes? Evolution? That's brainwash! We are not apes we are humans made by our dear God! I am appalled by people who act like this is a small matter. This is after life. This is eternal life! Heaven is where I will go. But the unbelievers will not. I hope when you are reading this your mind changes or at least feels differently about this situation. God is real! Jesus died for us! And the only mental illness I see here is YOU!
2007-04-05 15:21:20
answer #7
answered by Niki B 3
Maybe you are brainwashed by your media. People that are TRUE Christians live devoted to their faith. So in your question are you saying that all religions are just a mental illness? Maybe your atheism is a mental illness.It doesnt feel good to be critized by the way you believe. Maybe you should stop downsizing people based on their beliefs.
2007-04-05 15:30:20
answer #8
answered by bluenavy90 1
You are correct in your thought .... I had the same feelings and still do , but after deeper thinking I came to realize that, this thought that we have of showing every body how wrong they are, of following their own faith , we will live them with nothing ,of only empty space and solitude . What will we be able to fill them with ? You .. I .. are intelligent enough to survive just fine , but really ,do you think that the average person with some sort of faith would be able to find some thing new? I don't' think so !! we take their believes and turned upside down for our own righteous believe and we are not better than all the Christians with their righteousness , so I tell you, be compassionate and let them believe in their own faith , what else do they have ??? If you are intelligent , let them be as you want them, to let you be !!!
2007-04-05 15:29:10
answer #9
answered by young old man 4
One of the things that athiest say about religion is "how can so many religions exist if there is a really a god? Why are there so many names, and ways to worship?" and the best answer I've ever seen is the following.
"God is like a light burning in a multi-coloured glass shade, and depending on where you stand, you see different colours, different patterns, but the light inside is constant and remains the same".
2007-04-05 15:23:34
answer #10
answered by Barb Outhere 7