Chainsaw wrote this...
These thugs always lie and break their deals.
That is what they are.
Guess we all know he's talking about
Republicans are spoiled rotten thugs...
They spent the least amount of time IN congress
They spent RECORD amounts for their pork add ons
(Remember their billions to fund the
"Alaska Bridge To NOWHERE" among other wasteful spending)
And now they cry because Democrats are making them
explain WHERE the billions is going and god do they hate
helping the American farmer or worker!
That my a true Republican Thug!
2007-04-04 10:37:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Anything is better than continuous sabre rattling. They only do it in Iran for the same reasons Bush does it here... to distract from the economy!!! They know for a fact that the middle class is a disappearing entity, the rich are getting richer and they focus on that as a gain. More minimum wage jobs is all they add, more Wal Marts and McDonalds. Summarily just more consumption while the manufacturing sector gets a severe clobbering and calling all the homes built on ARM and interest only loans to a 20% default rate production (?)!! They have milked the lower class to the maximum extent possible!! They cannot go farther into debt its basically impossible. America is maxed out credit. And Bush gets up in front of the NYSE and says we are the strongest economy in the world?? Why do you even have to say something like that. Everyone knows who the big kid on the block is!!
Meanwhile building more military for more fiscally unsound wars and imperialistic expansions.
2007-04-04 20:32:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
So, Pelosi has negotiated Peace in the Middle East.
you just keep on believing that. I bet you think that Diane Feinstein did not commit any ethical lapses on the Senate Committee she abruptly resigned from when it was discovered that Mr. Feinstein got a bunch of government money.
I bet you think it was only about sex.
And you probably think Al Gore won Florida.
2007-04-04 17:41:34
answer #3
answered by Christmas Light Guy 7
You are a screwed up mess. Please go to Iran and live there. We don't want you here. Pelosi talked Iran into giving up the 15 captives? Gads, what a feeble brain you have.
2007-04-05 02:56:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Dude you are sooooooooooo heading in direction of Michael Jackson La La Land.
Syria is renowned for crushing human rights and assasinating leaders. They traffic in weapons for the Hammas and gave aid and comfort to the Ba'ath Party Criminals and cash of Saddam Hussein.
Nancy didn't free the Brit Hostages you dork it was multilateral diplomacy. If you can't see the staged press and media event coincidental to Pelosi's visit then stop watching the news.
Finally you surmise volumes of information without having any supporting documents. The only thing she accomplished was to violate State Department mandates against support for Syria. Syria talks peace with Israel? And I suppose you believe the used car sales man when he says the car was onyl driven by a little old lady on her way to church.
HELLO??? Can you hear me? The truth is so obvious you can't see it because of your agenda induced blindness
2007-04-04 17:32:44
answer #5
answered by Jim from the Midwest 3
Again, Nancy had nothing to do with those occurrences. Where, on earth, do you get your facts. Yeah, Syria will talk peace with Israel...each of them wants peace on their own terms. They're been talking the talk for years and their still fighting. Anyway, I thought Jimmy and Bill solved the Middle East problems.
2007-04-04 17:29:37
answer #6
answered by amazin'g 7
Who said republicans are mad? We love laughing at her inadequacies. Peace and allies won't solve the war in Iraq. It doesn't mean I'm war crazy, some people only know violence. She's not making progress, she's making a fool of herself and wasting our money for bills she knows will get vetoed.
2007-04-04 17:26:57
answer #7
answered by arwenlotr2 3
Even Pelosi doesn't claim any credit for getting the hostages released. Go make up some more wacko claims.
2007-04-04 17:28:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You are dillusional. Syria has been a terrorist breeding ground from the beginning, you probably believed Sean Penn when he talked abou t what a nice guy Saddam was!
2007-04-04 17:26:06
answer #9
answered by bdough15 6
She is NOT the President. She is NOT the Secretary of State. Furthermore she has done more damage to this country internationally in 24 hours than Bush has done in six years.
2007-04-04 17:28:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous