Credit cards are ever changing and now from just functioning as plastic money credit cards are offering several incentives. The very first incentive or reward was offered in 1980 by Discover who offered "cash back" on every purchase. Now most cards have different reward schemes in place and generally offer a penny for every dollar spent. The penny as reward on credit card use can be in the form of cash, goods, or services. It is basically a marketing ploy with rewards encouraging credit card owners to spend more and to remain loyal to the company.
With intense competition to get and retain customers, credit card companies are offering a great bouquet of rewards. Today over 58% of credit card companies are offering customer rewards that are in excess of a penny to a dollar.
A reward card is a credit card that offers all the conveniences of a credit card along with great frills like gas at a discount, cash back, discounts on select merchandise, flying miles and more. In fact, today many cards allow customers to opt for reward points or cash back and a customer can change easily from one option to the next. Get all information about it at:,Tips_on_Understanding_How_Different_Reward_Credit_Cards_Work
2007-04-04 22:05:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Are you kidding me? Give the wallet back and know that you've done the right thing. The satisfaction you'll get from that should be reward enough. Chances are the guy will give you something to thank you, but really.... doing the right thing should feel good enough in itself. If you are so bent out of shape about receiveing a reward, keep the damn cash and say there was none when you found the wallet. Chances are this person is far more worried about credit cards and ID than anything else.
2007-04-04 06:39:02
answer #2
answered by Sara A 1
Where's your decency! What kind of person are you! Your greedy and not a very nice person!
Give the wallet back, and ask nothing in return, and maybe you can start to be a better person!
If I ever lose my wallet, I hope your not the person that finds it! And Maybe someday you will lose your wallet! How you treat people, expect to be treated the same!
Maybe this question is a joke! It's hard to believe it would be serious, and someone would really think this way!
2007-04-04 06:42:18
answer #3
answered by Sunday 3
Whoa there bubba, by finding the wallet and not returning it to the rightful owner is as good as stealing it. WHY do you have to have a reward, apparently no Good SAMARTIAN you. What goes around comes around-you might want to think about your Karma a bit,
2007-04-04 06:37:34
answer #4
answered by sandi c 3
youre just a sick person... the reward should be knowing that you did something good... that reward stands for way more than any type of monetary compensation... dont let your greed get in the way of your good deeds.... i cant believe there is people like you out there... give it back the 'thank you' the person will give you will feel much better than a 20% reward... what if they need the money.. dont be such an inconsiderate
2007-04-04 06:37:59
answer #5
answered by nickname 4
How would you feel if it were you who lost the wallet. You have no idea. It could have been your rent money, all the money that you had in the world........ you never know the circumstances of the other person. And in today's society, why does someone automatically assume they deserve something in return for doing something nice? You are a jerk.
2007-04-04 06:36:20
answer #6
answered by it'sjustme79 3
Take out $100
Send the the wallet and the rest to the address on the ID in the wallet.
He asked how to guarantee a reward. Not whether it was ethical or not.
2007-04-04 06:37:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Just do the right thing and give it all back. If they don't reward you, you'll get rewarded in another way. That's what I believe.
2007-04-04 06:53:49
answer #8
answered by psst..its me 2
haven't you heard the saying " Goodness is it's own reward", how would you feel if someone did a good deed for you just to make you give them a cheesy reward.
2007-04-04 06:39:15
answer #9
answered by Maria b 6
You can't guarantee this. You have his property. If you keep it for yourself you are guilty of conversion.
My suggestion is that you do the right thing. $500 isn't worth MY self respect, although it might be worth yours.
2007-04-04 06:42:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous