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Here is a friend, a girl, who after a few days of our summer vacation never sent me messages anymore nor replied to mine. We'll we used to keep in touch through our cellphones. And I don't know any reason for her not to continue w/ that.

Then after a few days more, she invited me and some of our friends at their house for the celebration of her sister's graduation. I asked her then if she has any hard feelings or if she is angry w/ me and she answered no but she was not answering when I asked why was she not replying.

Then after that, she still continued that way. I was trying to call her but she won't answer the phone. She was refusing my call. Then when we met again, I asked her if she just don't like me(for that was the only reason that I, one my friends, & my brother knows besides her being angry w/ me) & told me no.

What do you think is her reason for that?

2007-04-03 22:59:28 · 3 answers · asked by Rhine 3 in Family & Relationships Friends

3 answers

Who knows. It's a messed up affair!

2007-04-03 23:15:18 · answer #1 · answered by luckford2004 7 · 0 0

Some people are really strange and not considerate when it comes to friendships.Maybe ask her friends if something has happened to her?.

2007-04-04 00:05:28 · answer #2 · answered by Nijuu 2 · 0 0

a longer PMS LOL

2007-04-04 00:17:56 · answer #3 · answered by Pearl 5 · 0 0

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