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Can you debunk these facts about Global Warming?

We've all heard the stories, reported as indisputable fact: The last century or decade is just about the hottest the world has ever been. Carbon dioxide from burning gasoline and coal is blamed. Unless their solution is enacted right now, temperatures will rise terribly in the next century. Icecaps will start to melt, coasts will flood, storms will get worse, diseases will spread, animals will die, and more. And it's all because of us Americans.

The best lies contain a measure of truth. Yes, carbon dioxide in the air has increased in the last century due to the use of fossil fuels. Yes, global average temperature has increased 0.8 degrees F in the same century. Unfortunately, the temperature increase came first: most of the temperature increase was before 1940, and most of the new carbon dioxide was added after 1960. Would you trust a "scientist" who said the result came before the cause?

There are other problems, as well. Solar activity may be the cause of the world temperature changes. The global warmers can't explain why satellites show no temperature change in the past 20 years. The computer models that predict disaster in a century have been completely wrong for the past 20 years. And no one can agree on the side effects.

Scientific facts actually helped unravel the treaty last year. Carbon dioxide is removed from the air by various natural and manmade processes, and world leaders couldn't agree on how to credit for this. No one wanted the U.S. to get credit for removals of carbon dioxide, so negotiations faltered.

Most scientists use facts and logic to reach conclusions. It's no surprise that over 17,000 scientists and engineers have signed a petition calling for rejection of the Kyoto treaty. This overshadows any collection of scientists that have endorsed the treaty.

The global warmers have failed to prove that man has caused a problem. This hasn't stopped them from demanding we act, and act now.

2007-04-03 06:19:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

lib/con- So one season we have an unusual out break of tornado's and that justifies Global Warming?

2007-04-03 06:27:54 · update #1

19 answers

Most of these things were addressed and/or debunked in his movie, which I'm sure you haven't seen. That's short-sighted in my opinion because it means your mind is closed.

But moving along, let's get to the real point. What is the harm in making our planet healthier for our children and grandchildren? Whether you like Al Gore, whether you think there are alternative explanations, whether you believe one thing and I believe another--what is the harm in all of us doing what we can to reduce greenhouse emissions?

It's not that hard to recycle, get a better mileage car, change the type of light bulbs you use, get a programmable thermostat, etc.--and in the meantime, it will actually save you money!

So what's the harm? Is it just that people don't want to give up their gas-guzzling vehicles so they have to shoot down the idea of global warming? If so, that's really sad.

2007-04-03 06:24:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

If the global warming models are correct (and most legitimate scientists now believe that they are - and so does John McCain, btw), then we should do something about it, and immediately. If they are wrong, we have nothing to lose by trying to make sure that we fight it. If YOU are wrong, your grandkids are going to probably die from starvation, wars for food, horrific storms, etc. Better to err on the side of caution than to have your granddaughter die because of your lack of belief in a problem that the world's most advanced supercomputers have been used to figure out.

You claim that 17,000 scientists and engineers have signed a petition that the Kyoto protocols be rejected, but provide no link for evidence. Even if you did, this is kind of like saying that in 1939 fifty-million Germans can't be wrong. A million scientists could sign a petition, and they could all still be wrong.

All we really have to do to fight this is to do some things that make sense anyway - lower toxic emissions? Who needs clean air to breathe? You do. You've been listening to too much propaganda and disinformation put out by the coal and gas industries. The Earth isn't flat anymore either, in case you haven't been told.

2007-04-03 13:34:46 · answer #2 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 2 2

"Can you debunk these facts about Global Warming?"

Yeah, they're NOT facts.

Your whole premise is founded on a vaprous pile of crap.

I don't have the time or interest to address all of your claims. Similarly, I have no interest in debating the 9/11 deniers point by point either (BTW, you are just as deluded as they are, whether you know it or not).

But I'll address just one inaccuracy in the sea of babble you cut and pasted from some bogus website, with a cut/paste of my own.

The 17,000 signee "petition" you refer is a tedious old falsity. It has been discredited for years, yet (like the 9/11 deniers) you keep repeating it as fact.

Here is the genesis of it (from a Sierra Club article):

"Harris also refers to a petition signed by 17,000 scientists. It sounds impressive. But it is a crock and has been effectively dismissed. To qualify as scientist all that was required was a B.Sc. degree. How did it come about?

In the spring of 1998, mailboxes of U.S. university graduates were flooded with packets from the “Global Warming Petition Project.” The packets included a reprint of a Wall Street Journal op-ed with the headline “Science has spoken: Global Warming Is a Myth,” a copy of a faux scientific article claiming that “increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have no deleterious effects upon global climate,” a short letter signed by U.S. National Academy of Sciences, past-president Frederick Seitz, and a short petition calling for the rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on the grounds that a reduction in carbon dioxide “would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.”

The sponsor, the little-known Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, tried to beguile unsuspecting scientists into believing that this packet had originated from the National Academy of the Sciences (NAS), both by referencing Seitz’s past involvement with the NAS and with an article formatted to look as if it was a published article in the Academy’s Proceedings, which it was not. The NAS quickly distanced itself from the petition project, issuing a statement saying, “the petition does not reflect the conclusions of expert reports of the academy.” "

2007-04-03 13:35:38 · answer #3 · answered by celticexpress 4 · 1 2

Watch this movie (link below) and compare it to the Al Gore "inconvenient lies" movie.

It should be shown side by side so everyone can see how full of lies and half-truths Gore's movie is.

One example was the ice core samples. Gore deliberately misaligns them so we believe that as CO2 rises, the earth warms up. The deliberate misalignment is done to support his warped agenda. In reality, the graphs are out of phase by as much as 500 years, with CO2 production following warming trends.

That make sense because the earth thrives more when temperatures rise, so naturally more CO2 is emitted by everything from insects to the ocean itself.

The more you educate yourself, the more you see what's really behind all this "man-made global warming" hysteria, and who stands to profit the most from keeping the myth alive.

2007-04-03 14:26:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 2 0

It also fails to account for the fact that over the history of the Earth Temperatures have usually been much warmer (without man to blame it on). Through the majority of Earth's history there have been no ice caps at all. If the Earths average temperature is rising then why do you automatically assume that it is a bad thing anyway?? It could be part of the solution to world hunger since we would have a longer growing season and be able to grow crops in places we couldn't before.

The truth is there is always going to be a large percentage of people that will believe any prediction of doom and gloom. And they will follow people like Al Gore around as long as he keeps feeding their need to be afraid.

2007-04-03 13:36:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

First if we believe that Gore is correct why would you assume we are "followers"?
There is a wealth of empirical data that shows a scientific relationship to GW. You spew "facts" but can't list sources. I contend that you listen to those that mimic your desires and pose as truth.
We need to be proactive in stopping any threat to the world, be it from Bush, GW or terror.
I don't accept the line of BS from the Doper (Limbaugh) who seems to believe he is the leading edge of GW debunking theory and any other person who uses skewed science to support an agenda.
I'll stick with the EPA, NOAA and NASA.

2007-04-03 13:46:33 · answer #6 · answered by kenny J 6 · 2 0

When it comes to the religion of global warming it's followers are more inflexible than the Taliban. Science doesn't matter, facts don't matter. Give up on these people they are totally hopeless. Most if not all of them have been blaming every bad thing that happens on the US for as long as they have lived. The myth of man made global warming fits right in with this nonsense

2007-04-03 13:26:58 · answer #7 · answered by espreses@sbcglobal.net 6 · 3 2

Actually, you can see in ice core samples done in the poles the content and chemical make up of the carbon is traced directly to the beginning of the industrial age and the chemical make up of it can only come from industrial applications.

17000 scientists called for a rejection of Kyoto cause it doenst go far enough.

Nice try. Give me some facts next time, not partisan BS that has no basis in reality!


2007-04-03 13:26:27 · answer #8 · answered by you_cant_handle_the_truth 1 · 3 2

I'm not a Gore follower but have to say that you have said everything I've been trying to say for a long time. Studies even show that the hole in the ozone has always been there and it shrinks and opens as needed to provide an escape vent for greenhouse gasses. Thank you for bringing some of this info out in the open.

2007-04-03 13:38:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The weather channel reported that there have been 40 deaths due to tornadoes this year. 40 is the average death toll for any year. The season hasn't even started.

Honeybee, Nothing that anyone says to you is going to make any difference to you. You have made that abundantly clear.
While it can still be debated that global warming is man made. It cannot be disputed that global warming is happening. So, if there is something that we can do, why not do it? I don't even know why I waste my time answering these
questions anymore. You people have proven, on more than one issue, that you have no capacity for reason. It's your way or the highway.

2007-04-03 13:23:16 · answer #10 · answered by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5 · 1 4

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