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What does it say about the Bush machine when they offer no plan, no compromise concerning the war and considering that a MAJORITY of Americans want this to be over soon?

2007-04-03 03:25:10 · 15 answers · asked by Middy S 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

15 answers

i served in the military, fought in a war, and got shot to protect this country, and all of its rights, so anyone that says the american people shouldnt criticize or question the governemt is full of crap. this country was FOUNDED on the idea that we can all say what we want, and the government serves the people, the people dont serve the government.

this war has been clouded in inaccurate facts and lies from the start. the reason for the war has been changed many times, and if i'm not mistaken, the men that attacked us on 9/11 WERE NOT FROM IRAQ. they had nothing to do with Saddam, nothing to do with Iraq, they were from Saudi Arabia. Bush said we needed to go to Iraq because of WMD's, and we all rallied behind it, about 80% of us. then we found out it was all crap. it was either a lie, or it was so amazingly inaccurate that the government should be punished for starting a war under such incompetence.

its very apparent that the government is concerned with their own agenda and not that of the american majority. if we'd have been presented with the proper facts from the start, we'd have never supported this war anyhow. there are good things being done overseas, but they're being done at the expense of our military, our people's budget, and with no end in sight. they wont even allow for a time to be set of when the operation should be completed. when you attempt any task, you set a goal, and i've never heard of a job thats begun without an idea of how long it should take. when this war started, Rumsfeld said it was doubtful that it would last 6 months. he said "it might take 6 days, might take 6 weeks, i doubt it'll take 6 months", but now we're measuring it in years.

i understand that the president is privy to information that the rest of us dont get, and that things need to be done that arent pretty... hell, i was there, i pulled the trigger for the government, and i took a bullet for my country. all i ask in return is that the men in power speak to the country honestly. tell us what we're in for, tell us that mistakes were made, and what it might take to fix them.

all i want from bush and his cronies is this:

walk up to the podium, stand in front of the microphone and say "ok, lets be straight here, this is whats going on, this is what we've done, and this is how things went down. now we're in deep, and this is what we need to do to dig ourselves out".

i honestly believe that people would be more receptive to an honest admission of mistakes and miscalculations. instead they offer up pure garbage over and over, as if we dont know that they're lying. its sickening how little they think of the american people, and i cant wait for a new president. republican or democrat, i dont care. i have no problems with either party, i've voted for both before based on what person is best for a job. what i cant stand is out of touch liars that grow rich and fat off the sacrifice of others.

2007-04-04 07:13:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

All Americans want it to be over soon. But not all, and not the majority want it to end now. Most Americans want a stable and secure Iraq before we leave. They want to see progress (the media won't show it)

America is largely ignorant as to all the aspects of this war. Most only get what is shown on TV. Believe me you are missing a lot of what goes on day to day.
Its like watching a football game and your only shown the big hits and touchdowns....you really can't judge as to the entire game....just the big plays. Yet America is judging the whole game from highlights.
Most Americans couldn;t tell you that we have vaccinated over 95% of the youth population against polio. Most couldn;t tell you how many water treatment plants we have helped build, or schools, or hospitals. They never see these things. All that is shown are IED explosions and death tolls. There is much more to this war than that. So why should President Bush follow and ignorance based public opinion?

2007-04-03 10:34:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Didn't know Bush had a machine. Bush has a "plan" and though it goes against the majority it DOESN'T in the eyes of God and I will tell you WHY. Ever heard of human rights? For over "5000" years the peoples of this area have been subjected to every kind of tyrant there is and though no WMD's were "found" it does not mean they were not there. Saddam inflicted his will upon his peoples for over 20 years and KILLED those who opposed him and if you didn't notice he was STARTING to "take" his miseries "outside" Iraq and inflicting his agonies upon others. Saddam was an ex HIT-MAN and got where he was by FORCE. Remember HITLER? What happened throughout Europe, while the US took no stance? Get my "point.............................."

2007-04-03 10:55:00 · answer #3 · answered by Theban 5 · 1 2

It means that even the ruse of democracy is virtually dead.

The interests of the super-rich are diametrically opposite to those of the working class. The harder and harder the latter works and for less and less, the richer and richer becomes the former.

War is also class war. The wealthy know why they want war even as they are lying to the public. The general public's money gets spent as do the lives of their children, but the spoils of war go to the super-rich. The Defense Industry Index has tripled since the beginning of the war. Perhaps Iraq isn't under control and maybe the oil contracts aren't yet in place, but in many aspects the war has been a tremendous success for the American wealthy elite.

2007-04-03 10:31:45 · answer #4 · answered by AZ123 4 · 3 5

It says he can't read or watch the news! Talk about helping the Democrats!

I feel sorry for the troops that are fighting in a war that can't be won militarily, even the commanding general says that!

I guess he wants another 2 years of body bags to keep his welfare corporations on the dole and churning out millionaires!

Condeleeza Rice is worthless! She couldn't settle a fight between 2 three year-olds!

2007-04-03 10:38:19 · answer #5 · answered by cantcu 7 · 2 4

The majority want this to end soon..but the majority wants it finished..not just walk away.

2007-04-03 10:33:22 · answer #6 · answered by wwpetcemetery 5 · 3 1

It says he got voted into office, and this government is not run by a polling system.

85% of Americans thought invading Iraq was a great idea in 2003.

It's not Bush's fault 60% turn tail when the going gets tough.

2007-04-03 10:28:41 · answer #7 · answered by Philip McCrevice 7 · 5 5

You know I never saw the fouding fathers say governement was done by daily polls of the population or anywhere in the Constitution that requires the President to stick his/her finger in the air every day to see where the wind blows and move the country that way. We are a representative democracy with a constitutional republic setup thus we are not a simple representative democracy. Our elected leaders at most levels of government (local, state, and federal) are to make their decisions yes based on their mandate from the people but also they are to take a stand a make decisions that are sometime not popular to the public but for the good of the nation and its future. THAT IS LEADERSHIP, sometimes we disagree with that leadership but it is the system we have had for over 200 years and unlike countless other countries with constitutions we have not had to dump our constituion numerous time or make major modifications to it - it works with the minor nudges we give it from time to time.
Do you realize former presidents who were unpopular over numerous issues but continued down the path because their view of the future of the country required the action they took at that time. And to me even though many of those presidents I would have disagreed with passionately on those issues, we still have the best country out there which is a beacon of freedom to millions or why else would be be having this imigration problem not just from Mexico but other countries whose citizens strive to take part in this country's future.
The dems have a small majority in congress now, many Republican who lost were not defeated because of the war but because of their not following the mandate that Republicans who put them in power in 1994 called for limited government and lower spending. Also major internal state issues doomed candidates in states like Ohio where a very Republican state for years swung Democrat due to a crisis with the past Republican Governor that impacted any Republican running even if they disagreed with the governor.
And being someone who has conducted numerous polls over the years - try looking at the data base, the way the question was phrased, the other choices before you say all polls show the majority never wanted this war.
I want this war over today and all our troops and contractors home, I have friends there. I want them home but I want this country of Iraq to be better, I want to rid it of the insurgents who not only kill our troops but innocent men,women and children of Iraq for no reason than hatred. I know the good we have done in Iraq because I have seen pictures of new schools for boy and GIRLS, sanitary sewers where previously Iraquis dumped their waste in the streets as their ancestors did 1000 years ago, libraries modern hospitals open to all not just Bath officials and friends, and more importantly no rape rooms where women were pulled into of the streets for the disgusting pleasure of major sex criminals like Saddam's sons and their friends. No it is not right yet, but I know from men who fought with my father in WWII that many times they just wanted to go home and forget about another ditch to take or battle to fight but they perservered and they made Europe the strength of that part of the world it was for years after the war till they got this cut and run disease in the late 60's that we have today.
So its is not a machine, they make mistakes but I will take my chance with GWB over what John Kerry who thinks that France is a country to look up to for guidance or lied about his fellow vets actions in Vietnam while he sat in DC busting their morale. No I learned a long time ago not to trust national dems on foreign policy especially and when your only plan is to pack up your clothes and take your ball home I will see no constructive plan from Dems on Iraq, NK, Somalia, Eastern Europe, Russia, or social security reform.

2007-04-03 11:01:14 · answer #8 · answered by ALASPADA 6 · 0 2

he was voted in as leader and thats what he should do, finally. the American people dont need to know everything because they just critisize, he believes that Americans respond to results rather than progress and he is right

2007-04-03 10:38:22 · answer #9 · answered by Jahpson 5 · 1 2

What does it say about the Democrat machine when they did the same from 1994 thru 2006?

2007-04-03 10:30:32 · answer #10 · answered by A Balrog of Morgoth 4 · 3 4

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