i miss my old laptop...
i also miss my friends...
2007-04-02 23:51:01
answer #1
answered by nono 3
Yes. I don't have the structure and direction that I had until several months ago. It might sound a little goofy to miss something like that (as opposed to a person who died or something more emotional) but I operate best when I have structure and know where I want to go. When I don't have it I find that I sort of flail around like a person in the first stages of realizing she is out too far in the water and might not be able to get back to shore.
So while I have a few close friends, supportive sisters and a great husband, I am not feeling centered and I am struggling to recapture what motivated me to exercise, eat right, not smoke and be healthy. I really miss the reality of taking care of myself because nobody can do it for me.
2007-04-06 18:25:48
answer #2
answered by margot 5
I miss the times when all I had to worry about was playing and coloring books and getting a new box of crayons. Those days ROCKED!
2007-04-03 02:59:38
answer #3
answered by Hot Coco Puff 7
I'm missing my old job that I just got laid off from, the great new Mac computer that I had there, my friends that I made there, the money that they paid me and most especially the carefree, happy partying days of my youth.
2007-04-03 08:25:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes..my family in USA...this is why I'm leaving Mexico City after being there for 10 years...I have 2 young sons and its not a place for them, even though they're born there. I prefer them to be in the USA. It's a better way of life. It was for me and there just isn't any comparison. Also my family in NC is just the sweetest and my sons need to spend time with them in order to appreciate their bondness.
2007-04-03 03:01:05
answer #5
answered by Mu'min 2
I miss my friends and the things we do together like watching movies, going out of town.
2007-04-03 01:00:06
answer #6
answered by moohlan 2
I miss new zealand. I lived there for 6 months. It is so different from britain.
2007-04-03 00:10:52
answer #7
answered by Chelsea G 2
I miss myself who is still a child without any worries and havent been contaminated by this world^^"
2007-04-03 01:57:40
answer #8
answered by robinvanaugusta 4
sometimes like now I miss myself
2007-04-03 00:55:29
answer #9
answered by mehrana 2
Every human miss one or another, through out his life, and keep on searching till end. But he forgets, what he was searching was just behind him through out his journey.
2007-04-03 00:24:36
answer #10
answered by manjunath_empeetech 6
yes i do i'm missing $$ right now
2007-04-03 01:12:45
answer #11
answered by RED ROSE 5