Greetings from Slandunk!
Good philisophical and spiritual question.
"Why do we question life?"
Maslow a famous osychologist came up with a pyramid of five of the most basic aspects to human life sarting with 1. Our physiological needs, food, warmth shelter through to No, 5 which is Self Acualisation!!
Effectively this means we have reached our purpose or goal in life.
Basically humans question life because we are all born lacking somthing that only we can workout, with the help of others and sometimes divibe intervention.
Have you ever noticed a black whole in your life? even though you may have every material possession, money etc...
Love is the true answer. Do you feel loved<
Do you love yourseld?
Hope this is food for thought
2007-04-02 22:49:42
answer #1
answered by Slamdunk 2
I used to question life.
But I've come to the conclusion that you cannot answer it.
I'm not religious, so if anything I'd follow scientific explanations, but even in that field, many things have not yet been cleared up for us.
So all I can say is, Live Life.
It definitely is a gift.
I can't think of any place or anything more gorgeous than our planet. Therefore we must protect it as well.
I mean countrysides, oceans, beaches, mountains, the sky, the light that the sun penetrates through the trees leaves. those are the 'orgasmic'(lol) aka: pleasurable and exhilirating moments in life.
Just watching the sun goes down gives me a soft high.
And the world could be heaven for everyone if we learned to respect each other and love one another.
And I believe that that is possible, but you need people to get over their egoism.
Anyway, just a thought there..
:) enjoy life guys.
2007-04-03 05:57:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
On a mental and spiritual level, satisfaction is a must.
But in a professional life, satisfaction is as good as stagnation. It is the opposite of ambition.
I am satisfied with my professional life because I have that constant itch to achieve higher things. I believe this is easier to achieve.
But on a mental level, I would say I am not satisfied. I am not thankful enough I guess.
2007-04-03 05:56:56
answer #3
answered by tanujsolanki2003 2
I think it is the way we are and the way our minds work.
Not being satisfied keep us searching and progressing in life, we keep growing. We get a bachelors degree and then we want the Masters degree and the the Phd. Also, financially, we are always striving for more.
When you are not satisfied is a sign that we have to fix something in our life, it doesn't have to be necessary something out there, like a relationship or a job, many times it is something we have to fix within ourselves, be it attitudes or preconceptions about our own life.
There are two ways to look at life as they say, you can see a glass half full or half empty. It always will depend in the situation you are facing.
If you can change something, better to see the glass half empty, if something is out of your control better to see it in the more positive side of half full.
2007-04-03 05:53:17
answer #4
answered by Flyinghorse 6
I've read of this in self-help books. I'm Christian. I think there is too much "carrot-on-a-stick" methodology and people are not told that there's anything better. Even children are told that it's good for them to "delay self-gratification", like not being sad if the parents put dessert in front of them and then take it away because they changed their mind. Personally, I think the bright side of that is that at least it gives you some idea where your parents are coming from so you've got something else to talk to God about.
The Bible says that we are but a mist and we do not even know what tomorrow will bring. The wicked are like a flower that blows away. The enemy of God's happiness is philosophy, myth and endless genealogies (relying on knowledge of family lineage to get you through) - 1 Timothy 1:4. Proverbs 26 says that somebody who deceives his neighbour and then says, "I was only joking" is like a madman shooting fiery arrows. The archaic meaning of the word "deceit" is 'to while away the time'. That's all you have to do to deceive somebody - waste their time. That's why criminals do that in movies while they're waiting for a deadline to go by. If you're smart, you'll bluff anybody who gives you a deadline by ignoring it. Give something to a poor person instead. You'll get it back when you need it. I don't know why anybody would try to enforce timelines absolutely, even in an emergency. That's what criminals take advantage of - people who don't deviate from their routine.
There are definitely things I would change about mine. I'm looking for a job so I can settle down with my new sort-of husband. We've exchanged vows privately, but we're waiting for a celebrant wedding and a job for me so I can help the new household!
2007-04-03 05:51:19
answer #5
answered by courage 2
one should never be satisfied for if we get satisfied we do not strive to achieve better. perfection is never absolute and there is always one step further to tread on this path.
i believe that the essence of being a human(not 'humanity') is to constantly look forward to life.
life is driven by a goal, by ambition and the day we achieve the goal(mental,psychological,professional etc), we have nothing to look forward to.
i say when you aim,aim so big that you don't achieve it in this lifetime and you'll die a happy person.
happiness and satisfaction are very different.always be happy never satisfied.
i hope i'll never be satisfied but yes i am happy.
2007-04-03 06:33:59
answer #6
answered by rara avis 4
humans never get satisfy with life, there always something's missing still, cuz there the way human's philosofy...
why? cuz human a dynamic and energyc creature so everything must be change following the situation and many things...
the key of satisfy is, when u can take the worst and a happiness with peace
2007-04-03 06:05:05
answer #7
answered by vio 2
we have to aim for something so we can shoot. But i wouldnt say we are never satisfied. I just think after we get satisfied with something we move on to something else. If there were no questions there would be no answers. If that makes any sense to you. Im gonna smoke some more weed now.
2007-04-03 05:44:40
answer #8
answered by sweetjeep94 2
The Rolling Stones used to sing: "I can't get no satisfaction...
though I try, try, try...See if such a person like Mick Jagger can't be satisfied entirely with his life, how can anyone be ?!
I guess when you're satisfied, it's time that you die ! While you're unsatisfied, you still have interest in trying something new...
2007-04-03 06:03:21
answer #9
answered by javornik1270 6
We question life because we are never satisfied. After we get one, we want more and thats the way it is.
2007-04-05 10:15:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous