I just wanted to point out for the benefit of certain types of men posting here that 100 years ago it would have been almost universally accepted than men are superior to women and that therefore they have a duty and a responsibility to protect and assist women. Men who insult women are cads and deserve no respect. It's a sign of weakness to be so easily angered by women.
Watch the Godfather sometime.
So you are a failure as a man even if you think that men are superior to women.
18 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Gender Studies
My question is...are you a gentleman!?
12:44:51 ·
update #1
Ah, Baba Yaga, we meet again. In point of fact gentlemanly conduct crossed class lines to a significant degree in the Victorian period. Nor do I think it's all that subjective a term. Moreover the main target of this question is men who continue to believe in the superiority of men while failing to live up to the obligations associated with that view. Abusers are by definition not gentlemen.
I personally do not think that men are superior to women, BTW.
02:44:51 ·
update #2
I'm nobody's poodleboy.
03:53:22 ·
update #3
You sure are not a Poodle Boy.
Your posts are kindly, well thought out and intelligent.
You are appreciated here on Women' Studies.
Teaching ones child to be what we commonly call a "Gentleman" has absolutely nothing to do with sexism.
I taught the same manners and consideration to my 2 lovely daughters as I did my 4 sons.
They can all use the correct fork at dinner, speak well, behave in the proper context for the environment they are in, open doors for others, etc.
I read a definition of manners as:
"The shaping of ones behavior so as to not create discomfort in another."
I think that's wonderful, no matter who is practicing it.
Good luck
2007-04-03 08:08:00
answer #1
answered by Croa 6
I try to be; my mother had input into it, and I took it from there.
Of course, *some* posters think I have no heart, no brain, am egocentric (super-egocentric, maybe?), and am a misogynist.
So if we're going by popular opinion, I would probably be voted a misogynistic heathen.
Derovius' answer, however, almost COMPLETELY mirrors my own stance on it. We must have similar genes or something.
EDIT: "Such concepts are useless - even counterproductive - because they tend to cause more confusion than they clear up."
Now now, Baba Yaga, I respectfully disagree. I'm almost certain that every single person I have talked to in my life has a pretty good idea of what a gentleman is. Perhaps it is those who hold "certain" ideologies that cannot grasp such a simple group of concepts as respect, kindness, and class.
2007-04-03 13:57:51
answer #2
answered by Robinson0120 4
Incase you haven't noticed, Geoffrey, we're not living in a patriarchy any more where that would be the case.
Nowadays males that think they have a duty and responsibility to protect and assist wholly ungrateful strong independent wimmin who intend to use that sort of sentiment to gain as many advantages as possible then laugh at captain save a ho's subservience while he's wearing a jacket muddied from her walking on it are not "gentlemen", they're manginas and deserve no respect.
It's a sign of weakess to submit to being someone's poodleboy you know.
And you're a failure as a man if you'd sacrifice your own self-respect just to hoist a woman onto a pedestal.
EDIT: Just thought I'd come back to tell you you're a poodleboy for this post again. Thought it was funny though all these feminists saying your poor wikkle fweelings shouldn't be hurt and here's a treat and a pat on the head though.
2007-04-02 23:39:17
answer #3
answered by Happy Bullet 3
My husband is a gentleman. He lovingly got up every two hours with me after my hip surgery to help me go to the bathroom and put my leg back into bed. He did this for over two weeks straight without complaining and with a smile and a kiss.
He is my Rock of Gibraltar and best friend.
2007-04-02 19:27:15
answer #4
answered by redunicorn 7
Strong and dominate masculinity is definitely what is needed in most relationships! I do not think men are superior necessarily intellectually, but obviously most are physically stronger and that should be recognized as some sort of sign that you are meant to protect your woman from harm, do not be quick to get angry, and to lead by example!
2007-04-02 19:24:37
answer #5
answered by naturalphase 3
I'm the nicest guy in the world until someone gives me a reason not to be. I hold doors open for everyone, allow people space to change lanes safely when driving, assist fellow students work on problems I've already solved (correctly). All of which without expecting the same in return. Am I a gentleman, I would have to say yes. But I'm biased of course.
2007-04-02 21:24:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Ignore Happy...he is bitter and hateful, and will lash out at anyone that makes him look like the small, insignificant person he is. He hates women, so his only interest is degrading them and NOT being a gentleman. Apparently he thinks that any man who doesn't hate women as much as he does is a "poddleboy."
I think it just makes you a sane, rational human being.
2007-04-04 03:21:05
answer #7
answered by wendy g 7
whats your question? i dont feel superior to women if thats what you're asking. i agree that they should be treated as equals. Women are perfectly capable of performing the same jobs as us and have proven that they can hold their own in the workplace.
2007-04-02 19:21:43
answer #8
answered by Orion 2
i am DEFINITELY a gentleman. but women are not attracted to gentlemen. that is the truth. aside from good looks, women are attracted to alpha males. one sign of being an alpha male is that you don't feel the need to respect everyone. if you are too nice to women, they get the idea, they have power over you, and that is a turn off for them. of course, i don't intend on changing who i am. i'm a gentleman for life. women can keep giving it to jerks if they want.
2007-04-02 19:58:10
answer #9
answered by ? 2
Spoken as usual, like a true gentleman. I think that title does come with qualities, such as integrity, honesty, sense of justice, accountability, courage, patience, empathy, humour. I am not a gentleman but I like to think that perhaps I do possess some of those qualities like you so obviously do.
2007-04-02 19:44:46
answer #10
answered by Deirdre O 7