Some of us have hearts big enough and brains smart enought to be bothered by both.
What is moral?
Is it moral to pollute the environment causing more cancer, asthma, and birth defects?
Are we not stewards of Gods green earth?
Is it possible to love thy neighbor while not living with other people in peace and concord, but on the contrary, maintaining hatred, envy, and malice towards others, instigating quarrels, brawls, and distress among others?
What are we teaching our children with all our hatred?
We've had this discussion before but I don't think you got the point I was making.
Yes, I am bothered by people lying, cheating, devaluing family, and being promiscuous. I am also bothered by the slow destruction of our planet. Some of us can care about society AND the environment because both are necessary for our survival. I am not ready to jump on the "global warming" bandwagon yet but, in the Grand Scheme,it is a moot point. Most of the suspected culprits of global warming are the causes of the majority of our pollution.
A good reason to work toward being "green" is that by reducing our energy consumption we spend more quality time together as a family. Lack of quality family time is one of the reasons our society is stuck in this downward spiral. We plant gardens together, play games instead of watching TV, carpool, and go to the farmers market TOGETHER.
We "live simply so that other may simply live" not because it is "trendy", but because we think of ourselves as a part of something much larger than we are. Morality and decency are displayed by our concern for others, not by trying to force our views on them.
2007-04-02 12:42:13
answer #1
answered by john_stolworthy 6
It is sad we don't help young mothers more-that seems immoral. But teen pregnancy has been down since 1991.
In a study from McGill University's Institute for Health and Social Policy, the United States, Lesotho, Liberia, Swaziland, and Papua New Guinea were the only countries out of 173 studied that didn't guarantee any paid leave for mothers. Among the 168 countries that do, 98 offer 14 or more weeks of paid leave.
Overall, the study's other major findings indicate that workplace policies in the United States for families -- such as paid sick days and support for breast-feeding -- are weaker than those in all high-income countries as well as many middle and low-income countries.
Since 1991, U.S. teenage pregnancy, abortion, and birth rates have declined steadily in every age and racial/ethnic group.[Teenage birth rates declined in every state as well as in the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. Research indicates that sexually active teens are becoming more effective users of contraception and that more teens are choosing to remain abstinent during early and middle adolescence.
It is upsetting that America may be the world's superpower, but its survival rate for newborn babies ranks near the bottom among modern nations, better only than Latvia.
Among 33 industrialized nations, the United States is tied with Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia with a death rate of nearly 5 per 1,000 babies, according to a new report. Latvia's rate is 6 per 1,000.
Perhaps healthy air and water will help.
2007-04-02 16:09:57
answer #2
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
I am only somewhat of an environmentalist, and yes the immorality of society bothers me.
But from a political standpoint, we can craft policies to caretake the environment a lot easier than we can write a law to compell people to, say, not 'devalue the family.' A lot of the assault on morals is coming from the so-called social conservatives who would rather cast aspersions than live upright lives.
2007-04-02 16:05:49
answer #3
answered by hgherron2 4
Is there any evidence that people who believe as you do lie or cheat any less than "infidels?" To choose a well-known example, what about the Bush administration, where just about every important figure is under threat of indictment, and where just about every important figure is a (phony, but apparently real enough for you) "Christian?"
And what is your basis for painting every single environmentalist as an advocate of lying, cheating, and marital infidelity? That's not true, and you know it. So if lying, cheating and immorality are dragging our society to an early grave, you're helping it along. How does that make you feel?
2007-04-02 16:01:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am very much an "environmentalist," in the sense that I do what I can to minimize my impact on the planet - energy efficient furnace, windows, vehicle, participating in recycling, using recycled paper products, energy efficient lighting, etc.
That being said, your next statement is a hodge-podge of morality-based issues, which, while not being particularly "desirable," have been with us since the beginning of time. It is not as though "lying, cheating and promiscuity" are phenomena that developed during OUR lifetime.
Does it "concern me?" Well, yes, dearie, but how do you mean that?
Does lying concern me? I don't lie. My wife doesn't lie. We're sort of "hard-wired" in that way.
Does cheating concern me? Well, yes, but what exactly would you suggest that we do about that, dearie? Please don't say something fundie like "we need more Jesus in our lives." Infidelity may be generally a bad thing, but Christianity per se isn't going to solve all that.
"Devaluing family;" specifically what did you mean by that?
It sounds as if you're trying to prioritize morality over concern for the environment. I'm just trying to understand your reasoning.
You know, it IS possible to "multi-task" on a number of problems at the same time; it's not as though we need to ignore clean air and clean water because you have issues with the general morality of the populace.
This country has survived thus far in spite of the moral "state-of-the-union."
A concern for morality DOES NOT negate or countermand being environmentally conscious.
2007-04-02 16:26:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes it concerns me.
"People lying, cheating, devaluing family, and being promiscuous can have a devastating effect on a Nation."
Conservatives "do it too".
At least we are all aware of it.
-Jim "Cut the crap" W
2007-04-02 16:04:57
answer #6
answered by Da Man 3
While I respect your obvious faith, I humbly disagree.
There is nothing new in the world today in the arenas of lying, cheating, devaluing family or being promiscuous.
In fact, in societies where the current religion of favor has stong power it can be seen that the societies tend to be even more adept at hiding all those things you speak of, but is apparently incapable of refraining from them.
Unfortunately, these are very old hat realities of EVERY country or region irregardless of the prominance of christianity or other religions.
Morality is a concept that supercedes religion. I didn't say it supercede God, but it is far to big a concept for any one religion to claim that it has a corner on the market of what that term means.
You are obviously sincere in your beliefs and I commend you for that.
I suspect my answer may be offensive to you, but believe me when I say, it is not intended to be so.
It is how I view the world and the universe and the stakes, for me, are far to high for me to not say what I have said.
2007-04-02 16:00:08
answer #7
answered by cappi 3
Just because people care about the environment doesn't mean they ignore all of the moral problems of our world.
At least environmentalists try not to contribute to the cheating and lying that most conservatives take part in.
2007-04-02 16:05:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
hell yes it does! Im only twelve, so I see firsthand the effect of mass media, government, and corruption, l(ike christianity and political filed that their parents are in). Many children have off base beliefs, from the government and their parents, and courtesy of the mass media, they think that watching somebody dies on a tv set is okay. ITS NOT!!! If your willing to watch someone die there, then you probably are in the real world!
Too much corruption, do to the slavery of society, goverment, media, and religion that people have no say in, as their hard asss parents inflict it on them mercilessly.
what a shame.
2007-04-02 15:58:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Not in the least it is judgmental people who bother me .
I have read the application forms on line for Halliburton and to my understanding according to statistics over 60 million people are disqualified from applying .
I know of small companies that do not hire single people at all . Unless they are living at home and going to school .
So its not the immorality you speak of it is the prejudice people face from not following a Christian set of beliefs and enjoying the freedom to have sex with who ever they want whenever they want and to do drugs and drink and pick their nose in public and anything else they want with out offend you bunch of stuffed shirt perverts who molest children and secretly do drugs and visit prostitutes while preaching on Sunday .
There is not one ministry in this country that is not involved in some scandal or another involving church funds sexual abuse drug and alcoholism to some extent .
So much for you hypocritical Christians .
2007-04-02 16:10:31
answer #10
answered by trouble maker 3