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When answering, please provide a video link if you can. Otherwise, a text description will suffice. This question is open to any advertisement that includes NHL players or representatives (endorsement spots as well). However, Jeremy Roenick's and Kevin Weekes' soap opera cameos do not count (sorry, All My Children fans). Here are my all-time favorites:

6. Flyers' Goaltender vs. Fedorov:

5. NHL Roadtrip:

4. Sundin The Bad Apple:

3. The Woo of Kolzig:

2. Sowing Wild Oates:

1. (for HABITANT) The Constant Habs Gardener:


2007-04-02 08:40:03 · 14 answers · asked by sub rosa 2 in Sports Hockey

14 answers

As a west coaster I'd have to go with "Swedish Twins"

I love Crosby's acting in Roadtrip.

2007-04-02 09:06:54 · answer #1 · answered by JuanB 7 · 1 0

Ok, so the Buffalo Sabres used to be owned by the same person who owned Adelphia cable, so this was an adelphia commercial but it featured Dominic Hasek. I don't have a link; the ad was at least 6 years ago. Anyway, there's this internet chatroom on the screen that says something like "Sabres goalie Dominic Hasek answers your questions here!" and you see a really intelligent and thought-out hockey question pop up, then the answer is asdflkhaehnvjgewqtihaj3-fj and the asker is all "Oh! I see!" This goes on for a few seconds, then the camera pans out to Hasek sitting in front of a computer with his goalie gloves on, typing away. The thing that finished me was when he looked at the screen, pounded away, put his hand to his chin like he was thinking, then started pounding away again. My friend Chrisy and I just looked at each other and started roaring. I don't think I ever laughed so hard at a commercial before or since.

2007-04-02 09:00:47 · answer #2 · answered by Cat Loves Her Sabres 6 · 1 0

Stu Grimson Commercial

2016-10-31 21:46:10 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It was I think an ESPN commercial to promote the upcoming playoffs...sometime in the 90 s. They re interviewing Stu Grimson and asking about the bumps and bruises and Stu says, "In the NHL we don t like to refer to those as injuries....we call them boo boos" Only Stu could pull that one off

2015-06-06 06:47:34 · answer #4 · answered by Tim 1 · 0 0

My absolute favorite is the Habs Gardener. What a hoot!!

I also love all the old ESPN commercials.

Chris Chelios (with the Blackhawks) they tell him they want to interview him, he is on the ice and he asks them where they want him to stand, they say where ever you feel most comfortable, he skates over to the penalty box, sits down and says "Ok, you've got two minutes."

The one with Roy asking him if he is superstitious. he says no. They ask him some other things, I don't remember what, then they ask him if he has anything else to say, he turns to his goal posts and asks them if they have anything to say , he looks at each goal post then says "No, you can't say that on tv." then turns back to the camera and says no.

And the one with Dino Ciccarelli, he's sitting in the locker room and he is showing all of his scars and telling what game he got each one from and as he is showing one on his arm his hand falls off.

2007-04-02 12:27:24 · answer #5 · answered by lidstromnumber1fan 5 · 0 0

NHL Roadtrip

2007-04-05 07:38:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find the old Nike goalie ones amusing-


This one is not histerical, but worth a chuckle. I should babysit in my hockey equipment. Kids get a thrill out of beating people.

Sundin landscaping was pretty funny.

Edit: This is one is also worth a laugh:
Short and sweet.

2007-04-02 10:08:42 · answer #7 · answered by Deutscher Eishockey Bund 3 · 0 0

NHL Roadtrip

2007-04-02 08:49:31 · answer #8 · answered by smartass_yankee_tom 4 · 0 0

The ESPN commercial with Rob Ray playing security. He starts beating on a delivery man. If you do a youtube search you can find it.

2007-04-02 09:24:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ovechkin has some great ones:

2007-04-06 07:22:47 · answer #10 · answered by REDWINGS FAN 2 · 0 0

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