If you think you are getting overlooked now, just wait till the baby is here. Your ob should be concerned with YOUR health first, the pediatrician is the one who takes care of baby. If you feel like you are being ignored it may be a good time to change your doctor. Take care of yourself now, before baby is here...go get a mommy massage, get your hair and nails done, pamper YOU. YOU WILL BE OKAY.
I blew up to 190 before birth and 30pounds was water weight (lost in the first week) make sure you do not have high blood pressure or preeclampsia, this is a very serious condition and can cause stroke or heart attack. Go to your neighborhood store with a blood pressure monitor just to be sure. Stay away from high sodium foods and keep your feet up.When the time comes to give birth, know your options, use an epidural if you need to, it makes so much difference and it DOES WORK!! Good luck to you.
2007-04-02 07:03:35
answer #1
answered by lululala 2
Unfortunatly your Doctor has all the power here, yeah they could induce, but its really only to their benefit. Talk with your doctor and let him know how uncomfortable you are. Discuss the way you have been feeling and ask if inducing is an option.
In the mean time try to get comfortable. I know it must be dificult for you. If you are having a lot of swelling prop your feet up and drink lots and lots of water. Babies are born everyday at 37 weeks and even earlier, but those are usually medically necessary because Mom or baby are in danger. If you and the baby are both fine they may not side with you and take the baby early. Good Luck and I hope you feel better!
2007-04-09 13:53:08
answer #2
answered by tink 1
I feel your pain I just had a baby a month ago and when I asked on here if any one knew any ways to get him to come faster that's the crap I heard. It might not be good on the baby. and yada yada yada. I was in a lot of pain. Had high blood pressure from the pregnancy and had to go to the hospital every week for non stress tests. Hips hurt so bad I couldn't walk back sore form laying and the doc wouldn't give me anything. They will let you deliver sometimes at 371/2 weeks so you shouldn't be too far from that. The reason being is the babies lungs usually aren't ready till then so that they can breathe on their own. Good luck and it shouldn't be too much longer.
2007-04-09 18:03:37
answer #3
answered by sstonedfrogg420 2
When they give medication late in pregnancy, they are looking at whether the med will cause you to bleed and whether it is a drug that is safe for a baby. It is likely they give this drug to infants in Pediatrics as well. Developing baby is less of an issue at this point--it's just the lungs and maybe the size you are waiting on.
The doc clearly believes you that you are in extraordinary pain. That happens, unfortunately, to some women. However, with swelling so substantial, I would also ask to be induced as soon as can be done. You may increase your chance of a c-section, but if you aren't getting any rest, you won't be in any shape to labor long anyway.
2007-04-02 14:11:58
answer #4
answered by CarbonDated 7
The doctors are focused on the baby because they probably think you are as well. And they have to be focused on the baby, because if the baby is in distress something can go terrible wrong. You may be in a lot of pain & uncomfortable, but you will live through it.... if your baby is in that situation & some action is not taken fast, he/she may not live through it. They are concerned about you, but they need to be more concerned about the baby because of everything that can go wrong - this is to ensure a healthy baby & a healthy delivery. Most doctors don't like to enduse labor before 38 wks (there's a 2 wk leeway - 2 wk before to up to 2 wk after due date) to make sure the baby is as close to full term as possible for the best chance at having the healthiest baby possible.
2007-04-02 14:05:13
answer #5
answered by tanner 7
This is such a hard time for you, it is not wonder you are feeling a little bit neglected.
You hormones are going crazy, there is this thing inside you that keeps your from eating, sleeping, sitting walking. You know you want the baby to be healthy and happy but it is hard to remember sometimes the reward you get for going through all this.
It is perfectly normal to feel this way. Do the best you can to treat yourself well. Buy yourself a treat! And it is ok to remind the people in your life that while you appreciate their love and concern for the baby, you need a little bit just for you.
Congratulations and Good luck
2007-04-10 13:07:28
answer #6
answered by betoandbran 2
The strongest thing I was allowed to take during my pregnancy wa Tylenol but that was all I ever needed. If in doubt talk to your Dr. about your concerns and if he is a good Dr. he will listen and explain things to you. Its hard when the baby gets all the attention but it is so worth it when you see them for the first time. Its best to stay pregnant as long as possible if there is no harm being done to you or the baby. I had my first 3 weeks early and he was flown from our hospital to a bigger one because his lungs were not developed when he was born. Now he is a healthy boy 6ft 9 and 200 pds. So if you can hold out it really is better for the baby to finish developing. Just keep thinking of the good it is doing for him or her and it will be wonderful when you can see them for the first time. Good Luck and hang in there you are almost done
2007-04-02 14:05:07
answer #7
answered by dgjda 2
The doctors want the baby to stay where she is at as long as they can. While the pain meds isn't the best thing for the baby, they certainly aren't the worse.
They obviously care about you or they would ignore your pain. Just think of the days gone by............women endured horrible conditions before, during and after childbirth. Your just a little anxious and when you hurt, things get on your nerves a little more.
Best of luck..
2007-04-02 14:01:52
answer #8
answered by Kbear 4
You are a mom now and you have to put the baby's health before your own comfort.
I understand you are in pain, but it is best for the baby that you stick it out for another couple weeks. Your doctors know best and are doing the right thing.
And forget the "what about me?" questions from here on out. Your childs needs will always come before your own from now on.
Responsiblilty comes with the title of "mom".
Wishing you a healthy baby!
2007-04-02 14:07:54
answer #9
answered by Jewels 2
If you're 37 weeks and in that much misery, somebody should be scheduling you a C-seciton, hon.
Yes, she'd likely be fine. She's on the verge of being considered full-term anyway (I believe that's 38 weeks).
2007-04-09 19:11:50
answer #10
answered by sdc_99 5