Assuming you've cleaned all of the visible surfaces.
- There is a condensation drain, normally at the lowest point. Pour some hot soapy detergent solution down it and make sure it can go through to the drip tray underneath.
- Freezers often have a cavity underneath the floor for the cooling coils. Food can sometimes get in there and will warm up when your unit goes through its defrost cycle. This may require some minor dis-assembly to investigate for this problem.
- You can also defrost your system, and then clean it. Probably should do this to perform the teardown described above.
Formula 409 or similar spray cleaners should work well. After this, replace that box of baking soda with a fresh one for good measure.
2007-04-02 05:48:25
answer #1
answered by KirksWorld 5
Try defrosting your fridge/freezer. Do this when the fridge gets fairly empty before grocery shopping day. Some condiments can stay on the counter others should be kept somewhere cold.
But ya let it defrost for a whole day and night. Then clean it again if needed. THis should help the problem. Somtimes things get spilt and then frozen in areas we cant reach etc.. defrosting it should help.
Oh ya dont forget to leave all doors on the fridge/freezer open while defrosting or it will stink even more.
Good luck to you and have a good day!
2007-04-02 05:46:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's the drip pan under the fridge!! I had the same thing happen to me too. I cleaned inside and out. I cleaned under the fridge and I could still smell it. There is a small drip pan under the fridge. You either have to pull the little vent off that's under the fridge door and pull the tray out from there or it's in the back. It's sounds like a pain,but it really isn't. The worse part is cleaning the pan. YUCK! That's gotta be the problem if you had done all of the above mentioned.
2007-04-02 05:48:30
answer #3
answered by Bear 3
Charoal - I found a product that I've used for years for same problem. Dozens of friends also. It is called FRIDGE-IT odor absorbers. It is a little purple cube with an activated carbon filter inside that frankly, just works incredibly for eliminating all odors from fridge and freezer. Just put one or two in your fridge and also freezer (same air circulation). These really really do work so much better than baking soda and other ideas. Only costs a couple of dollars and you can find them in kitchen gadget sections of stores like walmart and linens and things. Also I've seen in camping world and on the internet. You'll love these little things and they can be use for all around the house, etc.
2007-04-02 08:50:43
answer #4
answered by Cleaning Gal 2
Most fridges have a drip pan underneath them. Some bad smelling stuff must have drained down to the pan. most of these pans are accessible by removing the grille, located on the bottom. Take the grille off and get down on hands and knees with a flashlight. Look and see if you see a plastic pan.
It should slide out. It will smell horrific so hold you're nose. I would suggest dumping it outside or your sink will stink too. Clean with some soap or bleach solution. If the pan has spilled over you might have to move the fridge out to clean the floor underneath too.
2007-04-02 05:53:43
answer #5
answered by burdawg 3
Get a hot damp rag and baking soda and wipe the inside and outside of the fridge. Also check under and behind it for any particles of food that may have been missed.
2007-04-02 08:21:42
answer #6
answered by WOOOOO Whooo 3
Try to use more arm and hammer and use that brand new arm and hammer that hangs on the side of the fridge I heard it works. Plus it might be from something that was rotten a while back. You can also use the Febreeze that you can squirt on foods.
2007-04-02 06:46:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Clean it out with Soap and Water and Wipe down with Vinegar It is a deodorizer and put a box of Baking Soda to keep your food Fresh.
2007-04-02 06:39:28
answer #8
answered by Cre8tivemom 2
You said your cleaned it, however, did you remove all the shelves and drawers when you did? Sometimes, water, liquid or other gross stuff accumulates underneath the drawers and gets REALLY REALLY gross when it's sat for a while. If you did this already , then I would recommend a solution of 10 parts water, 1 part bleach and get scrubbing. Just make sure to clean again with just plain water to rinse any remaining bleach. IF this doesn't get the "funk" out, I don't know what will. Good luck!
2007-04-02 05:46:11
answer #9
answered by kristi 3
placed a bowl of charcoal briquets contained in the refrigerator at the same time as it really is empty. The charcoal will take up odors. espresso grounds will do a similar. I merely websearched clean up pungent refrigerator and placed those 2 links. wish it enables. i imagine a tender bleach answer will also handle mold. If the mold is in places the position you are able to't attain, the refrigerator would prefer to get replaced. mold is risky so be careful at the same time as it includes your food.
2016-12-03 03:49:50
answer #10
answered by ? 4