When I get a big pile up of laundry, I just take a day where I don't have to work and do it all in one shot. I never get it done if I do it a couple loads a day because each day more gets added to it. I feel your pain!
2007-04-02 04:50:19
answer #1
answered by starlight_940 4
I do a load every day. It always sounded so tedious but when I actually tried it it was so simple. I start the load when I get home from work and after dinner I switch from the washer to the dryer then later on when I am watching TV I fold & put away. I have not fallen behind on my laundry since this started. I also make my 9yr old daughter do her own laundry once a week. This helps tremendously
2007-04-02 08:17:05
answer #2
answered by Cheyenne 4
It costs a little bit of maney but saves a lot of time. If we get behind and have a huge pile of Laundry - I like to take it to the Laundrymat - Use the high capacity washers and do all the loads at one time - take a book or my daughters Gameboy and take 2 hours and knock it all out, instead of taking all day at home.
2007-04-02 04:55:35
answer #3
answered by cvorse_04 3
I use to do mine during the weekend when I realized that everybody got to enjoy their weekend while i was concerned with finishing laundry. So now I take thursdays and fridays to COMPLETE all of the laundry while I watch t.v. and just folding the clothes as they come out of the dryer. I usually have 4 loads. it helps me to do it all thursday, that way on Friday I can be free as anybody else.
2007-04-02 06:53:35
answer #4
answered by ccb186 2
I always put my washing machine on at night like this the clothes are ready to hang up or put in the dryer the next morning. Then put another 1 on before I leave in the morning , ready when I come back, Do the ironing once a week . like this you have time to watch your TV but still work at the same time. It depends on how many a family you have. There are days my machine is on all day . then others only twice a day. But putting the machine on at night helps a lot
2007-04-02 04:55:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I do my wash in the morning 1 load in then I shower.then as I dress I hang them on the line.then go sweep the wooden floors second load in I let the dogs out the washer does the work I just find dead time inbetween loads to close up the time now if I got to iron that sucks
2007-04-02 04:53:33
answer #6
answered by MrMike 3
I agree, except I try to do it 2x a week. I can't bear to see all that stuff build up. One day is solely sheets, towels etc, oh and maybe a clothes load. Second day is clothes, ironing, etc. On the sheet day I can vacuum around the beds, mattress, etc while bed is naked.
2007-04-02 04:54:31
answer #7
answered by fluffernut 7