No it's not the same..I love The United States and I think George Bush is an idiot and I don't support him
2007-04-02 04:21:28
answer #1
answered by GD-Fan 6
Yes and no. The President is apart of the country you love. Here's the tricky part though...the President wears different hats. He not only is a 1/3 of our gov't, but the Commander in Chief of the Military. You can strongly disagree and not support his role in gov't. That's the best part of being an American. It's called democracy. The problem is when you don't support the leader of our military, or you call him evil, especially during a time of war, the rest of the world sees this, and starts to think the same thing. This is the same thing our enemy thinks. Maybe at first they see what they are doing maybe wrong, or they might not be 100% behind the reason they are fighting. But if they are constantly being told that they are fighting evil, and voices from our country are saying the same thing, all they will think they are fighting is evil.
2007-04-02 11:36:20
answer #2
answered by mbush40 6
NO. A president is just a person, like us all. He puts his pants on the same way I do, one leg at a time. I don't have to agree with him, like him, or even respect him. I do have to respect the office he holds.
I love my country and all it stands for. Freedom, the right to choose, to be, to think, to speak, to live pretty much as I want to. The responsibility to be involved in the process of running the country by voting and being heard. I love the people of our land....they are wickedly smart, funny, kind, considerate, STRONG, hard-headed, stubborn and opinionated. The come from everywhere....and when you take the time you truly find out how fantastic the USA really is.
2007-04-02 11:29:14
answer #3
answered by Barbiq 6
This is, in my opinion, a touchy one.
I believe it can be both the same and different at once.
Let me explain.
Because a president is elected by majority of votes received, this implies that while you, for example, might love your country and be supporting of your president whom you are sure is only looking after the best interests of the country you love dearly; I may not be supporting of the same president, because in my opinion he is not working in the best interest of my country which I cherish very much.
2007-04-02 11:43:00
answer #4
answered by amor_tico 3
No they are not the same thing. The President is one person and only 1/3 of the government. We don't live in a dictatorship where the president is fearless leader and does no wrong. In this democracy it is the duty of all citizens to criticize the government. Criticizm may or may not be justified but it must be done to keep a democracy strong.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.
Theodore Roosevelt
If it is good enough for TR it ought to be good enough for the rest of us.
2007-04-02 11:24:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No> Loving your Country and supporting the President are two separate subjects....... One cannot support a President who is detrimental to the Country, but one can Love the Country without supporting the President who has failed miserably as the Leader of the Country.........
2007-04-02 11:26:42
answer #6
answered by 7
Yes ... and no.
If you love a person you always support them -- though you may strongly disagree with them. By the same token, if you love your country you will always support its leader, even when you completely disagree with that leader.
The crux of the matter is the confusion over the word "support". Many people think that to support a president means to be in lock-step agreement with him. Not so -- and, may I say, shallow. I want the best for my country, and I want the best for the leaders of my country insofar as they serve my country. On that measure, I support Bush -- though I do happen to agree with him politically. I supported Clinton -- though I disagreed with him politically until he lied to about having sex with Monica. (I didn't particularly care that he did it -- only that he lied about it, and yes, I thought Ken Starr went overboard). However, even then he was my president and deserved my respect as such.
2007-04-02 11:33:48
answer #7
answered by cornbread 4
Completely different.
First Love God and support your Country. As for President Pray for the president.
The Bible as a social reference tells us that the men that rule over us, are the basest of all men. We are instructed to not trust them.
I'm OK with not trusting politicians.
2007-04-02 11:36:27
answer #8
answered by ? 2
No, it is not. I did not like Clinton but I loved my country. I never wished harm on Clinton or his family.
I just want whatever President in charge to keep our country and interests safe. Isn't that what being an American is all about?
2007-04-02 11:21:50
answer #9
answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6
I love my Country, loathed Bill Clinton but still respected the Presidential Office.
2007-04-02 11:25:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Loving the coutry is the place we live with all the good history of the past.
Supporting the Boss must know the great history of the country
If the Boss made blunders and slip-ups with human errors.
Just hi-light the error and get it to be corrected in planet of apes.
Not in running him out all the way out of town in planet of apes.
He is only an "Simple Simon" like you and me doing the best with his work in planet of apes.
Remember some of the errors was not his but those close around him were making a mess in planet of apes.
Getting well paid for the mess too in planet of apes.
Since living human kind is not perfect we learn from trial and error in correcting the mess in planet of apes.
He may be a good oil marketing exexcutive but not a doctor in planet of apes.
So why must everyone try to run him out of town in planet of apes?
Must be something is wrong with those trying to run him out of town in planet of apes.
2007-04-02 11:34:09
answer #11
answered by Anonymous