Kenmore is considered very reliable. I believe Consumer Reports recommends them highly. My wife and I have had our set for almost 20 years now, although we have had a couple of minor repairs made. I have also heard some nice things about LG brand, but they are on the expensive side. You might want to do some research on-line before making your purchase. Whatever you do however, steer clear of Maytag. My wife and I bought a rather expensive refrigerator with an extended warranty from them about 8 years ago. When a rather expensive repair issue came up, we discovered the owner of the franchise which sold us the refrigerator neglected to send in the required paperwork, and Maytag refused to stand behind their warranty, despite the fact that we had a receipt showing we had purchased it. I guess that goes to show why their repairmen are so lonely. It's not that their products are so reliable, it's that no one buys them anymore, because Maytag won't stand behind their own products when problems arise.
2007-04-02 03:39:04
answer #1
answered by MathBioMajor 7
It is difficult to give you one brand and model and say it is the best. There are numerous brands and each has several models. Each model differs slightly in features offered and is priced accordingly.
Shop around but do not only shop for the lowest price. The lowest priced models regardless of Brand name may not have all the features you need. Determine your needs first then shop around. Most also have warranties included in the price.
Consumer Reports (January 2007) rated 30 different dryers. The best buy brand and models were; Kenmore elite 6697 $570.,
Kenmore Elite 6692 $500. and Maytag MDE4806A $400.
The prices I listed are AVERAGE and may not be the price at the stores.
GE Profile and LG DLE5977 were actually rated better but are much more costly.
Do some shopping and good luck.
2007-04-02 14:27:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I've always had good luck with Kenmore (Sears). They don't make their own stuff but they usually have good stuff. They should be good for service if you ever need it. Sears is just about everywhere.
The best feature I think they've come out with in a dryer is dampness sensors. The dryer drys until the clothes are damp (perfect for ironing, if you're into that) or will continue until the clothes are dry. No guessing with a timer and either pulling wet clothes or torched undies. Look for this feature whatever you end up buying.
2007-04-08 07:22:17
answer #3
answered by NoahTall 4
I bought a GE clothes dryer. It works well, the capacity is great and I love all the settings.
2007-04-05 21:53:06
answer #4
answered by Mya K 1
i recommend kenmore. My husband and I bought ours and have had no problems since and also my moth-in law- had her washer and dryer for about 25+ years until she finally bought new units. really good machines!
2007-04-02 13:56:10
answer #5
answered by ccb186 2
Kenmore sears bought out the maytag division and they are all made by the maytag people.
2007-04-09 19:37:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Maytag ----- westinghouse
2007-04-09 19:47:23
answer #7
answered by kbama 5