I've been married for almost six years and he's just now getting to where he'll put away clothes that I fold, now I'm not saying this happens right away - it could take a few days...(I refuse to put away towels or his underwear/socks...I put them either on his side of the bed (to where he can't get in unless he puts them away/moves them). We don't have and children yet and I'm not pregnant. He does cook most of the time - but I have to clean it up. Sit down and talk to him, let him know you're getting more and more tired as the pregnancy goes on, after all you are carrying his child - he could help p/u some slack. He needs to realize that he's going to have to help out more after the baby comes....best wishes!
2007-04-01 17:11:23
answer #1
answered by swampysgirl 2
do your best to not complain while morphing your attitute towards him and housework. praise the good things. and even if he does a job poorly, don't be insulting. this will really backfire. remember: "housework done incorrectly still blesses your family."
establish routines for yourself and him too. i got mine to help more by giving him clearly outlined duties. i wash dishes every evening. he has to put them away as part of his daily morning routine before he leaves work. also, he has to have the bathroom cleaned every sunday. clear expectations on who will do what on what day will make it much easier.
go to flylady.net to get help in establishing some routines and changing your attitude, which will do wonders to change his. my sweetie was just like yours, but he's a new man now. i was gone for 10 days, and he kept up with my routines while i was gone. i came home last night to a home that was cleaner then i left it including a well-made bed. the change has been amazing!
2007-04-01 17:15:04
answer #2
answered by dorkotron 3
Do not do any of his laundry, or cook for him or anything else until he helps out with the responsibilities, men think that because the work they DO NOT have to any household responsibilities NOT! The other solution would be to hired help and make him pay for the services. Getting to him in the wallet area would work it does on most men! Good luck and Best Wishes!
2007-04-01 17:00:04
answer #3
answered by Janice 10 7
hah i love the answer above. He will do what you allow him to do!!
You are NOT his mother! You shouldn't have to tell him - but it sounds like you will.
Just have a chat to him, tell him how you feel. How tired you are. If that doesnt work. Stop cooking him dinner until he does more. Dont do his washing, or wash his plates. He'll then realise how important you are, and help out.
2007-04-01 17:00:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
So sorry about the husband. I think the very best thing you can do (if you're having a boy) is to teach your new son to pick up after himself. My theory is that if they didn't learn to do it as a kid, training them as an adult is almost impossible. Good luck.
2007-04-01 17:42:19
answer #5
answered by Aimee N 1
I make him a list. That may seem to simple but it works for my husband. I leave him a list every day of things that I would like him to do.
2007-04-01 16:57:49
answer #6
answered by Lov'n IT! 7
Leave it all and go out to eat.....alone. Do that a few times and I'm sure he'll take the hint. If not continue with that rutine.
2007-04-01 17:00:50
answer #7
answered by reinformer 6
tell him to pull his finger out and give you a hand with ironing, vacuum, making beds before going to work or you will withhold all sexual contact for the next 12 months?
2007-04-01 17:04:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You're probably not going to like my answer but I married a man who loves me and cares about me and does whatever I ask him to do, as I for him. Just ask him and if he doesn't do it I'd be angry. He will do what you allow him to do, this includes not helping you. Don't put up with it.
2007-04-01 16:57:53
answer #9
answered by strawberry 4
you could try withholding sex. (after the baby comes...) 8 months! what a loser! just complain about being too preggers to do anything.
or you could just not do stuff and maybe he'll do it.
or you could take it on WifeSwap/Trading Spouses. That always seems to whip them into shape.
2007-04-01 16:58:48
answer #10
answered by arsenic sauce 6