#1 Raise taxes on the rich to balance the budget.
#2 Pull out all US troops from Iraq AFTER THE JOB IS DONE
#3 Create a Universal Health Care Plan, by expanding Medicare..... for those that need or want it.
#4 Ask for the JKF Assassination Files
#5 Jail Cheney and Rumsfield
You must be REALLY LUCKY to be a USAF VET!
I can't wait, i am dying of patience to go the Air Force.
2007-04-01 16:11:09
answer #1
None of the above.
Revoke all 800 of George Bush signings so he can ignore laws. Repeal all his presidential orders!
Repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Make a real court responsible for issuing warrants and assign a member of my staff to make sure that it is working smoothly. I would have the FBI Director in my office weekly!
While raising taxes on the rich is a good idea, and one I would entertain, since they are the ones who have benefited from all the tax cuts, and screw people daily by not paying them a decent wage, I would try and make it far fairer than it is.
Unfortunately the Rich won't get taxed though their average income is 26.5 MILLION a year. Those who are going to get stuck with the majority of the taxes are those who earn between $100,000 and $200,000. While they make a lot of money, they are not rich! The average salary in the US is $44,000 and dropping while 1/2 of America earns less than $30,000. All these people work for someone that I would bet is screwing them. I would create a Task Force to look into that by the Justice Dept.
I think I will start with business, whose tax burden has so steadily declined that some, like GM paid no Taxes and actually got a refund on taxes they did not pay! They did pay their stockholders and the top brass way too much money!
If the corporations are not going to stop taking advantage of those in the middle, with salaries ar the top that are unwarranted, you bet your bippy I will go after them, especially those who are incompetent.
I would charge every member of a corporations hierarchy with theft, if they go belly uo, taking all their employees retirement funds with them!
Oh I have a lot I would do,
And Iraq, I would negotiate a settlement to stop the fighting and withdraw our troops. I would involve any country and any leader of a warring group to settle this total disaster!
We know what the Republicans would do: Get more troops killed, give anther tax cut to the rich while you cut VA hospitals. Yes, you really care about the troops! America has NEVER cared about the troops, at least in my lifetime!
Let me give you a little clue, most doctor's do not accept Medicaid patients as they have to take what the government says they shall, sometimes as little as 1/4 of their charge, The paperwork is more than worth the hassle, and dentist are not covered unless you have an abscessed tooth. You try Medicaid!
PS: I have a problem with any bill that has the word FAIR in it as that is a red-flag that tells me it is anything but fair. Didn't you just love the term Patriot Act for something that was going to take away your rights? Americans will fall for anything!
2007-04-01 16:34:55
answer #2
answered by cantcu 7
1. Ratify the Kyoto Protocol
2. Rework the " No Child Left Behind Act".
3. Revoke the Patriot Act.
2007-04-01 16:16:30
answer #3
answered by Political Enigma 6
I don't agree with you. Here's my adjustment.
1. Raising taxes is a defeatest answer. You're surrendering to a notion that we can't make better use of the taxes already collected. How about we agree on a flat tax instead? And we get rid of the IRS. I bet we can find some common ground there.
2. Instead of pulling out of Iraq, I say we build a fortress there to launch strikes against all countries who sponsor, fund, support, harbor terrorists. Trying to establish an Arab country as an ally by helping her get rid of a tyrant isn't working. I say we stay and take a harder line. It isn't easy taking the war to the terrorists since they are in hiding. I don't like the way things are working in Iraq either, but rather than pull out, I want to see an entirely new strategy put in place which takes us out of the "security police" role, and into a forward base for putting pressure on all Arab countries to either give up their terrorists to us, or suffer the consequences.
3. Universal health care is the latest "feel good" campaign designed to distract us from real issues. The fact is, every person without insurance, or the ability to pay, in this country already has "free emergency" care that the rest of us with insurance are paying for. Don't ask me for anymore money, period. "Preventative" health care is what people don't have if they don't have insurance. If that's an issue to you, educate the youth so they study, get good grades, and qualify for higher paying jobs with health benefits. And anyone who grows up and chooses to work unskilled jobs, for less money and no health care knows what they deciding to do and what the consequences are. I pay $150 every two weeks for health insurance for my son and me. It's very expensive and I barely use it. And I have made the choices in my life to be in a position to afford it. How is it my responsibility to pay for someone else's choices?
So my three are:
1. Institute a flat tax. Cut federal spending on stupid s**t. I won't even bother mentioning examples.
2. Begin economic sanctions on all countries suspected of harboring terrorists. Offer economic incentives to cooperative nations.
3. Divert federal tax dollars into social security to stabilize it and then restructure the program to ensure its solvency.
2007-04-01 16:37:24
answer #4
answered by colorado_df 2
#1 Make a serious effort to balance the budget through taxation, and less spending. (more or less yours)
#2 Pull troops out of Iraq ASAP (more or less yours)
#3 Announce an Apollo-Energy project. 10 years we will be an energy independent nation. Nuclear/Wind/Solar/Coal... no oil imports 10 years from today.
2007-04-01 16:13:50
answer #5
answered by professional student 4
First... I would get the budget under control. Which would involve cutting military spending and downsizing government agencies. I would also offer for any military member who wishes to be discharged, recieve that discharge honorably and early.
Second... I would get American out of Iraq and out of the middle east. I would also close all unnessicary military installations and discontinue all un nessicary military aircraft.
Third... I would secure our borders. Walls, trenches, security and servaliance systems, and electric fences will be along the ENTIRE mexican border. Trespassers will be captured and all means nessicary to capture the fugatives will be taken. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO WORK PASSES and NO SCHOOL PASSES. Get in line like the rest of us.
I like ending the no child left behind... Good idea =)
How about... survival of the fittest
2007-04-02 04:43:11
answer #6
answered by dkwr14 3
1. Make illegal for any living relative of George W Bush to be allowed to run for any Federal Government Position.
2. Bring the troops home and create dialogue with the Middle East to reassure them that what has happened under the Bush Administration will never happen again.
3. Lay charges against the Bush Administration for Crimes against humanity with the illegally started war in Iraq. This means charging those in the PNAC as well as George Walker Bush, Dickless Cheney, Karl Rove and the rest of the cowards from the PNAC.
2007-04-01 16:21:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
#1 Pass the Fair Tax Bill.
#2 Export illegal immigrants.
#3 Do whatever it takes to balance our budget which is in the unimaginable TRILLIONS.
2007-04-01 16:18:53
answer #8
answered by Pandora 5
Stricter trust busting laws. Profit could be made here from those who dont comply. This includes investigating hospitals and drug companies in bed together for profit.
New policy in the "war on terror" that focuses on the actual terrorists
Drug testing for welfare--backed by expanded rehabilitation programs, and tightened border security. This way we'd be helping those who actually can change with our taxes.
2007-04-01 16:13:01
answer #9
answered by ☺☻☺☻☺☻ 6
#1 Have my sanity checked
#2 Hire all of the best minds I could find on every topic that I might have to deal with.
#3 All three of the things the questioner said!
2007-04-01 16:20:17
answer #10
answered by Joey's Back 6