What about Barkeeper's Friend or Lysol?
Good luck!
2007-04-01 15:02:46
answer #1
answered by Tigger 7
This Site Might Help You.
Please Help!!! what takes Grease off walls from sticky toys.?
We bought those Sticky Toys from the Bubble Gum Machine. Where if you throw it on the wall it sticks. What else sticks is a Grease stain as well. Does anyone know how to take it off. I am moving in a week from a apartment and Painting isn't a option. I tried Mr Clean Sponge, Baking Soda, WD40,...
2015-08-07 08:11:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately, you've gotten oil stains in your latex paint. The best you can do is wash your walls with hot water and ammonia. It's the best you can do to clean latex paint without damaging it more. Mix about a cup or cup and a half in a normal sized bucket of hot water. Don't scrub so hard that you remove the paint from the wall, especially if it's a flat wall paint.
The WD40 may have actually done a little harm of its own. Pay a little extra attention to those areas. It's a silicone-based product and will stain paint as much as the oil in the sticky hands. For that you might have to try a product from Home Depot, Lowes or a good hardware store called KrudKutter.
2007-04-01 16:18:00
answer #3
answered by GenevievesMom 7
Sticky Toys
2016-10-29 21:09:47
answer #4
answered by ? 4
First of all it depends on the color of your walls and type of grease.
If you have white painted walls I would suggest one of the two products: Clorox clean-up or Magic Eraser. Magic Eraser should work on colored walls as well as white painted walls. Clorox clean-up has bleach in it so I wouldn't recommend it for colored walls, but it's fantastic for getting grease out.
If it's those heavy black marks that are sometimes left from the tires on toy cars and those other products don't work then try Goo Gone, it's pretty powerful stuff and it gets an amazing amount of junk off of various types of surfaces.
2007-04-01 15:29:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Off The Wall Toys
2016-12-14 04:13:22
answer #6
answered by ? 4
When I get any type of grease on my clothes good old fashioned baby powder works every time. Pat it onto the grease spots and let it sit a while. You may have to do it more than once and it may not work but it's worth a try!
2007-04-01 15:19:02
answer #7
answered by Maria 3
Toothpaste is supposed to work like a charm on crayons on a wall, it's worth a try. It doesn't cost much, but it has to be a paste type, not gel.
2007-04-01 15:05:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Goo-b-gone. or a strong cleaner, like 409, amonia,
2007-04-01 15:08:41
answer #9
answered by Steve C 3
When my kids were young, I did not allow these thing in my home.
They are impossible and just stop them from bringing them home in the future.
Good luck.
2007-04-02 04:24:33
answer #10
answered by Cammie 7